Ye Li, Ye Li, Ye Li, a DA, a DA, Bai WA, Bai WA, Hong Ye, Yu Tong, Yu Tong, Qi, and long Yu Yu, respectively.

The body of 18 bronze armour with sharp claws and Xiaohei swallow Tiangou.

Ye Li, the last legion, and the black Shura led the team, followed by tens of thousands of dark night races, mighty toward the sky blue base city.


Outside the sky blue base, there is a real stream of blood.

There are planes in the sky and tanks on the ground.

Naturally, the dark race is not willing to be weak. There are birds in the sky and animals on the ground.

Zombie army crazy toward the wall of the pile, the soldiers on the wall, crazy with laser guns and laser guns, rolling stones.

"Brother Xiao, if you go on like this..."

Tang Xiao looks at Xiao Cang, his face appears dignified incomparably.

"No way, we can only stop, otherwise sky blue base city will be dead!" Xiao Cang said.


A loud noise appeared, the sky blue base city wall actually broke a hole.

In the middle of the sky, there is a dark race with shawls and black robes. Behind this dark race, there is a dark phantom, which looks shocking.

At this time, the dark race and Zombies suddenly stop attacking.

There is no doubt that the dark race in the air is a hundred dollar, ten level dark race.

"Human beings, hand over the people I want, or you will know the consequences."

Hundred yuan's voice is very cold, as if the devil of Inferno, listen to people can't help but scalp numb.

"We don't have the person you want here. How do you want us to pay it?" Tang Xiao said coldly.

"A hundred yuan grinned," since you don't pay, then I have to butcher the city. "

"Attack me!"

With the order of 100 yuan, countless dark races and Zombies began to attack the city.

The war has been going on for several days and nights. The army in Tianlan base city is ordinary people. The high-intensity fighting for several days and nights has already made them unable to bear it.

I believe it will not be long before the outer city of sky blue base city will be broken.

As long as the outer city of Tianlan base city is broken, only gene warriors will remain. It is impossible for gene warriors to resist such huge forces.

How to see, sky blue base city can not avoid the fate of life.

Xiao Cang looked at the tragedy in front of him, his hands were shaking, sky blue base city Is it really over?

But at this time, countless fire blades suddenly dried up the corpses piled up on the wall.

When they think of the big curtain on the wall, they will open their eyes.

Suddenly, a dozen people appeared in mid air.

No, it's a man and seven zombies of rank nine and eighteen zombies of eighth order.

Plus a dog!!!

Seeing here, Xiao Cang couldn't help tears in his eyes. He thought Ye Li would come to help Tianlan base city, but he knew it was just a fantasy.

But now, the fantasy has come true!

One hundred yuan stares at Ye Li, and he sneers, "when steel bone and thunder monster tell me, I don't believe it. It turns out that there is such existence as you. It seems that you are the human I am looking for."

Next, it's your turn to die with steel leaf

Bai Yuan's face was not too shocked. He knew that Ye Li could control such a high-level zombie. It was too simple to kill steel bone and thunder monster.

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