
Hundred yuan staring at Ye Li, he felt the breath of Ye Li.

"You must have used some secret method to cover up the human breath." One hundred Yuan said with a cold smile.

At this time, the dark races on the ground and the gene warriors on the wall all look up at the sky.

"You really seem to understand." Ye Li said with a slow smile.

One hundred yuan smell speech looks cold, he stares at Ye Li, "hand in the artifact, or you will die miserably."

Ye Li smiles to himself. Why does someone always ask him to hand in the artifact?

"If you want, you can take it."

Yinluo, Ye Li takes the Dragon butcher knife out of the system space.

All of a sudden, a five claw blood dragon phantom soared to the sky, bursts of dragon sound issued, the cold light is fully displayed.

One hundred yuan looks at the knife in Ye Li's hand, and can't help but see a light in front of him.

"This is the Dragon butcher's knife, one of the ten ancient artifacts?"

"That's right."

Ye Li nodded. If it had been before, he would have been a bit afraid of 100 yuan. After all, 100 yuan is the 10th level dark race, but now, he is a 10th level evolutor.

"Since you asked me to come and get it, I will come here!"

The voice falls, a hundred yuan suddenly incarnates a black shadow, toward the leaf from suddenly attack.


Leaves from the light cut out a knife, but this knife seems to split the sky in two.

The dark incarnation of a hundred yuan is split in two instantly!

One hundred yuan was startled, and he quickly withdrew hundreds of meters.

"Human beings, I can't believe that you are so powerful depending on the Dragon butcher's knife!"

Leaf leaves faint smile, "your nonsense has always been so much, come here, let me leave leaf to kill you."

Bai Yuan was furious when he heard the speech. He spread out his right hand and a dark ancient spear appeared in his hand.

"Thorn of darkness!"

On the dark ancient spear, a terrible evil light came towards Ye Li.

This evil light seems to pierce the space.

Ye Li slowly shakes his head. He really doesn't understand what the hundred yuan is worth resisting. In the end, he can't avoid becoming the ghost under the Dragon butcher's knife.

"Tai Gu Mo Wang chop!"

The ghost of three thousand gods and Demons was cut out in an instant, which was much stronger than the evil light from the dark ancient spear.


Three thousand gods and Demons and the terrible evil light collided with each other.

After the great noise, the world seemed to be silent.

Dark race, gene warrior, their eyes are wide open, such a world war, is poor, they have no chance to see.

After the three thousand gods and Demons and the terror evil light collided together, they were not offset by the terror evil light, but continued to go towards the hundred yuan.

When he saw this, he was shocked.

He jumped to avoid the attack of three thousand gods and demons.

"Man, I can't believe you can make such a slash!"

Bai yuan only felt that things were beyond his control. He thought Ye Li was no more than a nine level evolutor, but now it seems that he is wrong.

Leaves from leisurely a smile, "so far, you still have what is worth nonsense, suffer to die!"

Sound down, the fifth layer of archaic heaven and magic code!

In an instant, the heaven and earth were enveloped by evil spirit.

In the fifth layer of Taigu Tianmo code, Ye Li is invincible in the same realm in the area covered by evil Qi.

He is the absolute law!

As soon as the archaic code of heavenly demons urged, countless zombies and soldiers fell.

Such a sense of oppression is too terrible!!!

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