Wind bell has not yet responded, she and leaves from then to the hospital for the aged.

"How could that be possible?"

Windbell's eyes were wide open. She couldn't believe it was true.

She looked at Ye Li with astonishment, but found that ye left the face crown like jade without any fluctuation.

She only remembers that ye Ligang took her hand, and then went to the nursing home for the aged.

Ye Li ignored the wind chime, he looked at the scene in front of him, his eyes is a playground, the playground has many students in practice.

"Ye Li, this is laoshengyuan." The wind bell says to Ye Li.

One of the reasons why she brought Ye Li to Laosheng college is to let Ye Li see the real genius of Yunding Academy. But just after that, the idea disappeared.

Ye Li explores Xiaohui's figure with Tianling pupil, but fails to detect it.

"Ye Li, that is the real Wuta." The wind bell says to Ye Li.

Ye Lishun looks at the wind chime and finds that the Wuta here is the same as the Wuta in the new college.

"Fengling teacher, how did you come to the old students' home?"

A magnetic sound was introduced into Ye Li's ear.

Immediately, a man of the same age as Fengling came over.

The man looks very handsome. He is actually an eight step evolutor and seems to be the tutor of Annan college.

"Ren Dong." A white frown appeared on her face.

"This is..."

Ren Dong goes to the wind bell, looking at Ye Li said.

"I said Fengling, he can't be your boyfriend. He doesn't look older than you." Ren Dong's face showed a touch of ignorance.

Fengling is surprised. He didn't expect Ren Dong to say this. When he was ready to speak, Ye Li was the first to open his mouth.

"Do you think I'll be her boyfriend?" Ye Li said faintly.

"Well?" Ren Dong stares at Ye Li and intuitively tells him that Ye Li has something to say.

"What do you mean?" Ren Dong continued.

Ye Li smiles, "do you think a person like this will find someone like her to be a girlfriend? In other words, do you think she is qualified to be my girlfriend? "

As soon as this word comes out, Ren Dong and Fengling are surprised at the same time.

Fengling knows Ye Li's arrogance, and she also knows that Ye Li has arrogant capital. To say such a thing is really to make her

Ren Dong was a bit stunned. He didn't expect that the boy who looked a few years younger than him would say such a thing.

Fengling and he are from a base city. They are both teachers in Yunding school. In his opinion, Fengling is too beautiful. He has coveted Fengling for a long time. Unfortunately, Fengling has always hated him.

"You You

Ren Dong stares at Ye Li. He doesn't know how to speak.

Leaves leave faint smile, face Ren Dong slowly open a mouth: "give you a second time to disappear, otherwise the consequence is very serious."

Ren Dong is surprised again when he hears the speech How arrogant?

He has seen arrogant people, but such arrogant people, let alone have seen them, have never even heard of them.

"Who is he, Fengling?" Ren Dong bit his teeth to death.

He can't see Ye Li's realm, but the first-order evolutors can hide the realm, which is nothing to say. He thinks that Ye Li can be so arrogant. Maybe there is something shocking about Ye Li's background. He has to ask clearly.

"He He is a freshman at the Yunding Academy. " A few seconds later, the wind chime said.

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