"New life?"

Ren Dong is surprised. In his opinion, Ye Li should be the young master of a super master, otherwise he can't be so arrogant.

Is it possible that Did he come to Yunding school to experience life?

"Who are you from?"

To be on the safe side, Ren Dong decided to ask clearly.

Ye Li secretly smiles, why is he willing to give others opportunities, but others always refuse to cherish it?

"I don't have any family." Leaves from the mouth slowly.

"I let you disappear in front of me in a second. Why don't you cherish this opportunity?" Ye Li continued to say to Ren Dong.

Ren Dong is angry at the smell of speech. He doesn't know how long he hasn't been so angry.

"Boy, are you looking for death?"

However, Fengling didn't mean to stop him. Just now Ye Li said that he was not qualified to be his girlfriend. She also wanted to let Ren Dong give Ye Li some color to have a look.

No matter where you are, there is no shortage of people to watch.

Ren Dong's voice roared so loud that many students in Yunding academy heard it, and they quickly came over.

"Who is this man who dares to treat tutor Ren Dong?"

"I don't know. I'm not afraid of calves. Wait. Tutor Ren Dong will make him regret."

"Maybe the moment Ren Dong shows his strength, this person will be scared out of his wits."

The students all looked at Ye Li pitifully, and they were able to figure out what would happen to Ye Li with their toes.

They looked at Ye Li, but found that Ye Li's face was as calm as water, even too calm.

"How can people like you change?" Leaves from the light looking at Ren Dong.

When Ren Dong heard this, he was more furious. He put up a heavy fist and hit ye limeng.

If the low-level evolutors suffer from this blow, there is absolutely no possibility of survival.

Fengling opened her eyes. She thought Ren Dong just wanted to give Ye Li a little color to see. She never dreamed that Ren Dong actually sent out such a terrible blow.

She wants to stop, but Ren Dong's fist has reached Ye Li's close.

What all the students didn't expect was that Ye Li didn't mean to dodge at all, and his face was still calm as water, as if he didn't see the punch hitting him at all.

Some students even closed their eyes, they really can't bear to see the next bloody scene.

At the moment, Ren Dong's fist is no more than a line away from ye.

It's too late. It's fast then!

At this critical moment, Ye Li suddenly disappeared in place, leaving only a shadow in place.


Ren Dong, Fengling and all the students were shocked. They would not even think that Ye Li would disappear suddenly even with the strength of suckling.

They quickly look for Ye Li's figure. When they find Ye Li's figure, Ye Li is already behind Ren Dong.

Ren Dong back to the body, found that Ye Li Zheng, a face indifferent to look at him.


Ren Dong just wanted to talk, he felt the body intense pain up, then he flew out, heavily fell on the ground.

More and more students gather on the playground, enough for thousands of people!

They all looked at each other in awe. What they saw today really shocked them to the point beyond the limit.

Ren Dong gets up from the ground and stares at Ye Li.

From birth to now, no one dares to beat him!

"Dare you enter the challenge of life and death!" Ren Dong stares at Ye Li and says.

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