Life and death?

It was the first time he had heard the name, but he could figure out what it meant with his toes.

Hearing Ren Dong's words, all the students were stunned.

The challenge of life and death, this is the arena of life and death, and wealth is in heaven. Both sides need to agree and then sign an agreement.

All the students look at Ye Li and want to know if ye Li dare to agree.

Now, they are looking forward to it.

They had thought that Ye Li could not block the blow of tutor Ren Dong in any case, but now they found that they were not only wrong, but also so thoroughly wrong.

"Ren Dong, what do you want?" Fengling stares at Ren Dong and says.

Ren Dong did not pay attention to the wind chime, he is still staring at Ye Li.

Leaf leaves a faint smile, "life and death challenge?"

"Since you want to fight the challenge of life and death with me Ye Li, if ye Li doesn't agree with me, isn't it too shameless?"

As soon as the news of the challenge of life and death came out, the whole Yunding Academy was boiling.

The Dean, the Dean, all came to hear.

At this time, an old man about 60 years old came over. The old man was an eight step evolutor. He looked at Ren Dong and Ye Li.

"Do you really want to fight for life and death?" The old man said in a deep voice.

"Seriously!" Ren Dong is still talking.

"Well." Ye Li nodded.

The old man sighed, "your name."

"Ren Dong."

"Ye Li."

Immediately, the old man printed two documents with their names.

"Put your fingerprints on it and the agreement will come into effect."

After Ye Li and Ren Dong pressed their fingerprints, the old man put away the documents and said to them, "you two can go on the challenge of life and death."

Ren Dong walked on the big challenge arena not far away, he looked at Ye Li coldly.

"Come up!" Ren Dong hooked his finger to the leaf.

Ye Li smiles indifferently, and then he jumps up and flies to the challenge of life and death. The whole process is flowing, even less than a second.

All the students were stunned. The speed was too fast. Before they could see clearly, Ye Li had already reached the arena of life and death.

"Dean, who do you think Ye Li is?" The vice president looked at the president and said.

Vice president and Dean are both ten step evolutors, both in their 70s.

"I don't know." Said the Dean, shaking his head.

"Do you think Ye Li will win?" The vice president went on.

"No way." The Dean looks at Ye Li.

He always feels that Ye Li's body has an indescribable sense of mystery.

"Ye Li, on the challenge of life and death, do you know what it means?" Ren Dong stares at Ye Li and says with a cold smile.

Leaf from a smile, "does not mean that you are about to die?"

"You What do you say

Ren Dong, a word for a meal, dead mouth.

Ye Li is a smile again, he is aimed at Ren Dong to hook a finger, "come here, let me kill you."

Ren Dong can't stand it any more when he sees this. His head is filled with anger!

"Tiger diamond fist!"

Ren Dong has a big drink and a fist, just like a fierce tiger descending the mountain. The fierce tiger formed by aura attacks Ye Li fiercely.

Ye Li lightly shook his head, Ren Dong's strike, to tell the truth, there are some points of power, but in front of him, it is no power.


With the sound of a broken wind, a terrified golden aura attack towards the tiger illusion.

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