"How many eyes does Lord ma have?"

Ye Li asked the same thing again.

Wang Tian listened to Ye Li's words, a chill rushed from his tail vertebrae to tianlinggai.

He is like falling into an ice cave, and he has even forgotten the pain.

Wang Tian's heart is incomparable regret, he hated why he wanted to provoke such a demon.

But he knew that he had to answer, and if he did not, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Three Three. "

Wang tianqiang endure pain, answer Ye Li's words.

But what Wang Tian didn't expect was that another golden aura came.


With the sound of the broken wind, Wang Tian's right leg has a blood hole.

"Ah! Boo Hoo Hoo

As the saying goes, a man has tears, but not to the sad place.

Wang Tian, this is, just not to the pain!

Wang Tian wailed and cried. It was the first time that he had such pain since he was born.

"Hurt you three times, can you be convinced?" Leaves from the light mouth, his face calm like water, as if just doing a trivial thing in general.

Quiet, dead silence.

The restaurant was so appalled that it was beyond measure.

If Wang Tiangang just regretted, then he would regret hundreds of times at this time.

Leaf from see Wang Tian did not answer his words, he could not help shaking his head.

He slowly raised his fingers, and a golden aura attack burst out of his fingers.


There was another scream like killing a pig. The sound of the scream was so terrible that it really made the scalp numb.

"Answer me, hurt you three times..."

"No, I hurt you four times. Can you accept it?"

Leaves from the face crown such as jade face calm like water, as if to say another trivial matter.

At the moment, Wang Tian's soul is shaking, and a warm current can't help but flow out.

"Wuwuwu Take it, I will

Wang Tian, he had to be convinced, and he didn't dare not!

Directly now, the restaurant people know the horror of the demon leaf.

At this time, a group of gene warriors with white clothes burst in. Behind the group of gene warriors, there are four big words - Martial Arts Alliance.

"Tianshao, what's the matter with you?"

An eighth order evolutor looked at Wang Tian and said.

They are gene warriors of the Martial Arts Alliance in Cloud City. The grandson of the great elder suffered such a heavy injury in Cloud City. If the elder blames him, they can not bear it.

"It's Ye Li, it must be the devil Ye Li!" Cried the beauty who had just run out of the inn.

The eighth order and a group of seventh order evolutors quickly scanned the restaurant.

The beauty fixed the corner of the wall with her finger. "That's him. He's the demon king Ye Li!"

The gene warrior of the alliance of warriors quickly followed the direction of beauty's finger.

Suddenly, a golden aura attacks.

Beautiful woman's finger, has already broken.


The beauty screamed in an instant.

The gene warrior of the alliance of all warriors saw this and was shocked.

"Never point at my head. Don't take chances. Don't try." Leaves from the mouth slowly.

The restaurant people swallow saliva, this devil Ye Li! Is there really such a terrible human being in this world?

But the devil leaves leaves in front of us, how can they not believe?

"You are the demon king Ye Li?" The leader of the eighth order evolution staring at Ye Li lenglengleng said.

At this time, Wang Tian has been carried out for treatment.

Ye Li nodded, "well, I am the devil Ye Li."

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