The eighth level evolutor stares at Ye Li, "if you are the devil Ye Li, hand in the Dragon slaughtering sword, and I will make you die more beautiful."

"Ha ha."

Ye Li shook his head. He didn't know how many times he had heard such words. It's a pity that all the people who said such words to him died.

"Do you really want a dragon butcher's knife?" Leaves from the light mouth.

Yinluo, Ye Li takes the Dragon butcher knife out of the system space.

In the restaurant, the eyes of all the people were blinking.

"This is the Dragon butcher's knife!" The eyes of the eighth order evolution are hot.

"Do you like it?" Ye Li looks at the eighth order evolutor.

"Yes, of course." The eighth order evolutor spoke quickly.

Ye Li was silent for a few seconds, and immediately said, "since you like dragon slaughtering knife, then I will use it to send you on the road. What do you think?"

As soon as this word came out, people in the restaurant were shocked to the point that they could not add more.

The gene warriors of the alliance of warriors are more like clay sculpture and wood carving. In any case, they would never have thought that Ye Li would say such a thing.

"Everybody, get out of here."

Ye Li has never been a good man. Of course, he is not a bad man.

When the restaurant heard this, they didn't dare to stay. They rushed out at the fastest speed in history.

"Ye Li, the demon king, I'm an eight level evolutor. Do you really think you can do anything to me with dragon slaying sword?"

"Weapons, after all, are only auxiliary. The most important thing is to have our own strength." The eighth order evolutor opened his mouth to the cold leaves.

In the eyes of the eighth order evolutors, Ye Li is really too young. At this age, what kind of high level can ye be.

"It's a pity that you missed a little, which is enough to make you lose your life."

"What point!"

"I am not a human being, but A devil. "

Hearing this, the eighth order evolutor's pupil shrinks rapidly. He has already thought of something, but when he reacts, it is too late.

"God demon cross ghost knife cut!"

When the Dragon butcher's knife falls, a scarlet red cross cuts at all the gene warriors.

On the cross cutting attack, there are countless gods and demons. It seems that the power is extremely powerful.


The restaurant collapsed!

And all the gene warriors of the warrior alliance all fell to the ground with their eyes closed.

On the street of Yuncheng, countless people look at the teenagers in front of them. The teenagers in front of them are carrying big knives. They can feel a burst of panic when they just look at them.

"Is this the devil Ye Li?"

A man who just came out of the restaurant, looking at Ye Li in horror, said.

"Who is the boss?" Leaves from the mouth slowly.

Where the owner of the restaurant dares to hide, he comes out of the crowd trembling.

"Back to I'm the boss if I'm an adult. "

Ye Li exchanged many eschatological coins in the integral mall and threw them to the boss.

"It's compensation for you." Ye Li said to the boss.

The boss was surprised and opened the bag.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it. He's surprised.

"This, this, so much money?"

So much money, enough for his life.

When the boss looked at Ye Li, he thought that Ye Li, the demon king, was a thoroughly bad man. But now it seems that he is not only wrong, but also so thorough.

Ye Li hook with the eschatological legion, he found that the last legion is bringing a large number of zombies to the Cloud City.

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