Yunding academy, Dean's office!

President Gu Feng, vice president Xiao He, a group of nine level tutors are talking about something.

Suddenly, a panicked eighth order evolutor rushed in.

"Dean, the matter is not good!"

President Gu Feng, vice president Xiao He and a group of tutors were shocked at the same time.

"What's the matter?" President Gu Feng asked in a hurry.

"Outside Cloud City, there are a large number of zombies, led by the Last Legion!" The eighth order evolvers were alarmed.


Everyone in the dean's room was in a daze.

The last legion, of course, they had seen it in Yunding school on that day.

Now, the last legion appears outside cloud city with a large number of zombies. What does it mean?

The last legion is under the command of Ye Li, the demon king!


Cloud City, division of the warrior alliance.

A ninth order evolutor listened to something in horror.

"You said that Ye Li, the demon king, appeared in Cloud City, wounded young master Tian, and killed an eight level evolutor and a group of seven level evolutors of our Martial Arts Alliance with a sword of dragon slaughtering?"

"Yes, my Lord!" A seventh order evolutor replied.

"No, my Lord, no, my Lord!"

At this time, another seventh order evolutor came in.

"Panic what!" The ninth order evolutionists have a cold drink.

The seventh order evolutor swallowed his saliva and wiped the sweat on his forehead.

"My Lord, there are tens of thousands of zombies in Cloud City, as well as two zombies of clan level, five of ten level Lord level zombies and eighteen of nine level zombies!"

How could it be!

The ninth order evolutor was so shocked that he thought he had heard it wrong.

"Come on! Report to the headquarters! " The ninth order evolvers roared.


The Yunding Academy's gene warrior and cloud city warrior alliance branch are all on the outer wall of Yuncheng.

Looking at the number of zombies in front of them, they couldn't help swallowing their saliva. It had not happened for many years.

And there are zombies of clan level and Lord level!

If the master of the wuzhe alliance is not available, then Cloud City will undoubtedly be broken.

At this time, two figures appeared on the outer wall of Cloud City.

Gene warrior of Yunding academy, gene warrior of Cloud City Martial Arts Alliance branch, looking at two people in front of me


To be exact, it should be a demon and a zombie!

This demon is undoubtedly Ye Li.

And this zombie is the queen of zombies!

They watched Ye Li and the sudden appearance of the zombie queen, all scared out of their wits.

"Ye Li! The queen of zombies

Gu Feng, the dean of Yunding academy, yelled.

Ye Li didn't pay attention to people's panic. He yelled at the last legion:

"do it!"

In a moment, the last legion began to fight.

He jumped up into the air, opened the synthesis grid in his mind and began to synthesize zombies.

"White baby upgrade to zombie level!"

"Yutong is upgraded to a zombie of clan level!"

"Ah Qi is upgraded to a zombie of clan level!"


"The zombie queen is 100% loyal to her host."

At this time, the zombie queen looked at Ye Li's eyes and became extremely loyal.


"Detected that the host power is too strong, the next host will break through."

In an instant, Ye Li felt as if he was in the magma, as well as in the polar ice. He had never felt so miserable.

Today, he is a ten step evolutor, and he can become a transcendent just by going one step further.

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