All of them were startled. They followed the sound and found a young man walking slowly.

Their eyes were wide open, and they never thought there would be such a beautiful person in the world.

Yumeng'er's eyes are also wide open, just because ye Li is too handsome.

Ye Li once promised Yueling to cover her, but she has no chance. Now the opportunity comes. He has always been a man who keeps his promise.

"Ye Ye Li

Yueling's white face was full of consternation. She didn't know how many times Ye Li's name had been heard these days. Moreover, she knew that the devil's leaf was the one in the northern boundary, because the northern one was also called the devil's leaf.

However, she knew that Ye Li was already the top figure standing in the wasteland. Anyone who mentioned his name could not help but feel frightened. Even Tiandao gate was destroyed. Who is not afraid.

Now Ye Li appears in front of her, how can she not be shocked.

"Who are you?" Yu meng'er stares at Ye Li.

Although Ye Li is incomparably beautiful, she knows that Ye Li is here to help the moon spirit.

"It doesn't matter what my name is. It's important that you apologize to Yueling immediately." Leaves from the mouth slowly.

Hearing this, Yueling couldn't help being shocked. She was staring at Ye Li's cheek. She was extremely moved.

All the reporters listened to Ye Li's words, and their faces were even more wonderful. This is just amazing news.

"What do you say?" Yumeng'er only felt that she had heard something wrong.

Leaf from a smile, "I said let you apologize to the moon spirit, don't let me say the third time."

Yu meng'er looks cold and looks at Ye Li.

"Do you know who I am?" Yumeng'er bit her silver teeth and opened her mouth coldly.

"I'm not interested in knowing who you are." Ye Li said slowly.

Yumeng'er sneered. In her opinion, Ye Li is a cold headed youth with a pair of good leather bags. She doesn't even know that she dares to rescue the beauty in this hero. It's ridiculous.

At this time, the crowd has gathered a lot, they are all to see the excitement, can hear Ye Li say this, all can't help but a little stunned.

"Who is this man who dares to say such a thing to Miss Yu? Is it too long for him

"He may have come to the hero to save the beauty, but unfortunately, he chose the wrong object and offended Miss Yu. You don't have to think about it."

"Watch it. The man will soon pee."

The crowd all looked at Ye Li with pity.

Listening to the words of passers-by, Yu meng'er's white face showed a touch of contentment, she looked at the leaves with pride.

"Now, you should know who I am?" Yu meng'er is very proud to say to Ye Li.

Leaf from the face of calm water, and then he slowly shook his head, he really did not understand, why always someone would not listen to his words?

"Yueling, since she won't apologize, give her a slap in the face." Ye Li looked at the moon and said.


As soon as this was said, all the people present took a breath of cold air. They would not even dream that this man was so arrogant.

The moon spirit nature also did not think of, she astonished looking at leaf leave.

"Fight." Ye Li said again.

Yumeng'er was shocked. The man in front of her thought she was a lamb to be slaughtered. Then, she became angry.

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