Onlookers stare at Ye Li with astonishment. They have seen arrogant people, but they are still the only ones in their life.

The moon spirit smell speech looked at leaf leave, then looked at rain dream son again, she slowly stretched out a hand.

She knows, leaf from this is to give her a head, since leaf from all let her hit, she certainly want to fight, just right, she hate rain dream son is not one day two days.

Yumeng'er saw that the moon spirit raised her hand, and her whole body could not help being shocked. She would not even think of it with the strength of suckling. Was Yueling really ready to slap her in the face?

All the people present looked at such a scene, and they were not the same.


Yumeng'er is the No.1 girl in H city. She is a ten step surpasser.

Yueling is an eighth order evolutor. Even if she wants to fight, she can't beat yumenger.

"I'm looking for death!"

Rain dream son sneer, she is ready to take the lead to Ye Yueling.

"Why can't my body move?"

Yumenger, who was preparing to make a move, found her body couldn't move, and her white face couldn't help but be shocked.


A clear and loud slap in the ears of the people, they were stunned.

Yumeng'er felt her face was a burst of hot, she was angry to the extreme, from birth to now, no one dared to beat her, but now she was beaten by the moon spirit.

"Moon spirit, I want you to die!"

Rain dream son regardless of the image of the scream up, live off like a shrew in general.

It's a pity that her body still can't move. Of course, it's Ye Li's hands and feet.

The moon spirit is also very did not expect, she did not expect this rain dream son distance cannot resist also does not dodge, let a slap in her face.

"Slap you in the face, can you be convinced?"

Leaves walk slowly to rain dream son near, light looking at rain dream son said.

All the people at the scene swallowed their mouths and thought, what's the reason? If you slap someone, you have to be convinced?

They thought that Ye Li's fate would be very miserable, but now it seems that they have not thought of many things.

"I can't move. You did it?" Rain dream son cold looking at the leaves.

"What do you say?" Leaves from a smile, face crown such as jade's face showed a touch of play ignorance.

Just now, he bought a small fixed body skill in the points mall, but he can only use it once for half an hour.

"Although I don't know why you can't let me move, I'm from the rain family. If you don't let me recover, I promise you'll die miserably!" Rain dream son says fiercely.

As the saying goes, the sting after the wasp's tail is the most poisonous woman's heart.


Leaves from the cloud light breeze light looking at rain dream son, "see your appearance should be unconvinced, month spirit, start."

Yueling's white face was filled with joy. She didn't slap her hard just now, because she knew that yumenger would resist or dodge, but now


This slap was a lot louder than just now, and played out the anger of the moon spirit these days.

Yumenger's face instantly seems to be filled with blood in general, looks a little miserable up.

"You You

Yumeng'er was so angry that she couldn't help it.

All the onlookers looked at each other. They had just heard the words of yumenger and Ye Li. Yumeng'er said that his body could not move, but was the hands and feet of the man in front of him.

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