Ye Li slightly shook his head, he really did not know why these people would be afraid.

"Are you afraid?" Leaves from the mouth slowly.

Everyone in the hall was shocked. There were 100000 zombies, the King Kong demon ape race and the troll dark race. Who was not afraid?

"That's right. What are you afraid of? If you have an elder, then all the dark races and zombies are rubbish." Xia he said with a smile.

After some analysis, everyone in the hall has already known Ye Li's conclusion, which is nothing more than soldiers to block the water.


Three days later, the dark race and Zombies began to attack the outer city of west base.

Ye Li stands on the wall of the outer city, looking at the zombies like ants. His face is covered with jade and some of them are wonderful. So many zombies are enough for him to synthesize.

The army of west base city began to attack with laser guns and laser guns, airplanes in the sky and tanks on the ground.

But King Kong devil ape and Troll are not jealous, tanks in front of them, do not play a role at all.

Of course, the gene combination on the outer city wall is impossible to go down. If we go down first, there will undoubtedly be only one end, that is, death, and there is no possibility of survival.

Ye Li released the eschatological army from the system space, "go, eschatological army."


With Ye Li's command, a DA, Hongye, Yutong, Baiwa and Longyu begin to move.

What is called nine days of cloud droop, what is called the four seas of water are standing, the next is.


The last legion began to knock down countless zombies to the ground. They would not kill them. The dead zombies could not be synthesized.

Ye Li opens the synthetic lattice in his mind, but synthesizes these zombies.

The horror of the super synthesis system is that Ye Li synthesizes zombies, and can command these zombies to attack other zombies, so that his zombies will be more and more, and the number of zombies that do not belong to him will be less and less.

All the gene warriors on the outer city wall all gaped at the scene in front of them. They swore that this time was a hundred times more shocked than the last time. They really did not think why there would be such a terrible person in this world.

"Don't think about it. They're not human beings, they're zombies." Leaves from the mouth slowly.


Hearing this, all the gene warriors on the outer city wall took a breath.

All zombies?

This, this, this

At this time, no words can describe the shock in their hearts.

"Master, if they are zombies, then you..."

Xiahe, the master of Xia family, looks at Ye Li in shock.

Ye Li gave a faint smile, and his face was covered with jade without any fluctuation. His eyes looked straight ahead and slowly opened his mouth:

"I am a human being, and I have a little nickname, the devil Ye Li."

This word a, many gene warrior can't help but more shocked up, demon leaf from?

What a domineering reputation it is.

There are more and more zombies synthesized by Ye Li. There are fewer and fewer zombies on the opposite side. However, the number of zombies is too large to kill.

If it is possible to kill, the last legion will use their own sky level skills. You don't need to think about that kind of scene.


There was a terrifying explosion.

Ye Li's zombies were destroyed by the troll ape clan and the troll dark race.

Leaves from some heartache, these mole ants suddenly dare to destroy his zombie?

In that case, he'll only have to do it once.

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