Many gene warriors on the outer wall heard that Ye Li was human. They all gave a breath. As long as it was human, they were relieved.

They heard that in some places there was a profession called corpse warder, who could control zombies. They thought Ye Li should be a corpse warder.

Just as many gene warriors look at the battlefield below, Ye Li suddenly jumps up and appears in mid air.

In addition, he had a terrible sword in his hand, which was the supreme artifact -- Taigu Longyuan sword.

At the moment Ye Li took the Taigu Longyuan sword out of the system, the sound of the dragon and the sound of the sword kept appearing.

Such a sword, as if only a glance, can let people into a reincarnation.

Leaves from the corner of the mouth slightly up, face crown such as jade's face appeared a smile of thanks.

He urged the fifth layer of Taigu Longyuan sword body.

All of a sudden, the world was quiet.

The fifth layer of Taigu Longyuan sword body is really terrible, just like the domineering power of overlord.

The troll ape and the troll dark race look at Ye Li at the same time. They are both behind the zombie, only a small part in front.

Their eyes were wide open as if they had seen the most terrible thing in the world.

However, Ye Li held up the Taigu Longyuan sword in his hand. He spoke slowly:

"Jue Tian Yi Jian!"

The divine level skill Jue Tian Yi Jian is sent out. This power is beyond the description of words.

Ye Li still hasn't used Jue Tian Yi Jian for a long time. Later, he acquired two skills, but they were all integrated into Jue Tian Yi Jian.

He thought that in the future, he could not combine juechian sword with acquired skills. He had to have several more skills.

The supreme sword flies to the King Kong demon ape race and the troll dark race, and the speed is incomparable.


There was an earth shaking sound, and the area where the troll ape and Troll dark races were located was surrounded by intense white light.

When the white light disappears, a 100 meter pit appears in the area where the troll ape and Troll dark races are located.

And the troll ape and the troll dark race were all melted into nothingness, leaving no dead body.

It's terrible, it's terrible!!!

All the gene warriors and soldiers on the outer city walls are frozen like clay statues and wood carvings. They can't recover for a long time. They dare to swear that they will never forget what they see and hear today.

Ye Li's face is very calm. He puts the Taigu Longyuan sword into the system space, thinking that after the extinction of the Vajra demon ape race and the troll dark race, he can compose a zombie at ease.

He urged God to walk a hundred steps and appear on the outer wall.

Many gene warriors know that no matter what they see now, they will not be shocked because they have seen the most frightening scene in the world.

"Let your men stop." Leaves from the mouth slowly.

Xia he was surprised when he heard the speech. He didn't understand why Ye Li wanted to do this, but he did not dare to ask one more question. He knew that as long as he angered Ye Li, their entire west base city would be gone.

He had to order the army to stop!

After the army stops, Ye Li opens the synthetic lattice in his mind and begins to synthesize zombies.

Start batch synthesis!!!

"White doll upgraded to second level zombie."

Zombie dragon Level 2


When ye Li synthesized all the zombies, all the last legions, except ADA, became the third-class zombies.


"Congratulations to the host for a super treasure chest."

At this time, the sound of the system appears in Ye Li's mind.

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