Bai Yue hears Ye Li's words. She just wants to go down the mountain. It's a pity that she doesn't have a chance to go down the mountain because the electric insect dark race has already poured out.

All over the world, the dark race of electric insects appears in front of Ye Li and Bai Yue.

"Who is so bold as to break into the territory of my electric worm dark race?" A human like electric insect said coldly.

This human shaped electric insect is very big, which is a five level realm.

These five levels of exalted electricity bug is the leader of the dark race.

The leader of the electric insect dark race stares at Ye Li, and he smiles coldly, "are you the devil Ye Li?"

As soon as this was said, all the dark races behind the leader of the electric insect dark race all froze. It was obvious that he did not expect that the man in front of him was the legendary demon Ye Li.

"Not bad." Ye Li nodded,

the electric insect dark race gave a cold smile, "I don't believe you are the devil Yeli, the devil Yeli can't come to our place!"

"Say it! Are you from Shuiyun base city, you dare to ask for Nuwa stone remnant stone The leader of the dark race of the electric insect opens his mouth to the cold leaves.

Ye Li is stunned, thinking that no one believes the truth these days? That's kind of interesting.

"I don't want to talk nonsense with you. Give me the Nuwa stone remnant." Ye Li slowly opens his mouth to the electric insect dark race.

On hearing this, the leader of the dark race of the electric insect gets angry. He will never believe that Ye Li is the demon. He only thinks that Ye Li is a gene warrior of Shuiyun base city. The purpose of dianlishan is nothing more than the Nuwa stone remnant.

"Man, what if I don't?" The leader of the electric insect dark race disdains to stare at Ye Li.

At this time, Bai Yue has been frightened. She hides behind Ye Li and pokes out her head to look at the scene in front of her.

Countless dark races of electric insects are also angry because they have never seen such arrogant human beings as Ye Li.

"If you don't, you'll be exterminating the race." Ye Li said lightly.


The electric insect dark race was shocked, even if he wanted to break his head, he couldn't believe Ye Li would say this.

If you don't hand over the Nuwa stone remnant stone, they will be exterminated by the electric insect dark race?

And so understatement?

"Ha ha ha, ha!"

However, the leader of the dark race of the electric insect burst into laughter, as if he had never heard such a funny joke before.

"Human, don't you think your jokes are funny?" Electric insect dark race leader light looking at Ye Li said.

Ye Li can't help sighing when he hears the speech. He really doesn't understand why he gave the electric insect the dark race the chance to live, and why they don't cherish it?

Is Is it really bad to live?

Since it is not good to live, he has to help them.


In an instant, there was a terrible cold light in the space. The sound of the dragon and the sound of the sword kept ringing. A heartbreaking five claw blood dragon was perched on the top of Ye Li's head.

I saw a sword that could not afford any hope of life appeared in Ye Li's hand. Of course, this sword has a name, which is Taigu Longyuan sword.

Looking at the Taigu Longyuan sword in Ye Li's hand, the electric insect dark race can't help but be shocked, because ye Li's Taigu Longyuan sword is really too terrible.


Ye Li didn't say much. He held up Taigu Longyuan sword and cut out a sword heavily.

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