As Ye Li's sword is cut out, a supreme sword is flying towards the dark race of electric insects. The speed is so fast that it is astonishing.


The leader of the dark race of the electric insect was shocked. He never thought that Ye Li could think of such a terrible attack. He had heard many legends about Ye Li.

Legend has it that Ye Li, the demon king, is not only the last legion, but also has a long sword that makes people heartbroken.

At this time, the leader of the electric worm dark race could not help regretting it.

Only because he has some belief that Ye Li is the legendary demon.


In an instant, a huge bang was heard, and countless electric insect dark races were melted into nothingness.

Ye Li showed a side face and looked at the petrified white moon. He spoke slowly:

"should this sword not be the best in the world?"

White moon smell speech back to God, where can also say a complete word to ah, white face to be more panic will have more panic.

The dark race of electric insects has been all scared out of their wits. The sword that Ye Li cut just now is too terrible. They have never seen such a terrible sword since they were born.

Ye Li is not interested in cutting another sword. He puts the Taigu Longyuan sword back into the system space, and then releases the last legion from the system space.


The nine Supreme zombies of the last legion instantly appear behind Ye Li.

"This, is this the last legion of evil king Ye Li?" The electric insect dark race said in horror, his whole body strength seemed to be drained by something in general, some powerless retrogression.

Bai Yue looked at the sudden appearance of the eschatological Legion. Naturally, she was shocked to the point that she could not believe that Ye Li was the legendary demon Ye Li, just because he had the eschatological Legion.

But now Bai Yuecai found that her idea just now was too funny.

"Are you really the devil Ye Li?" The trembling voice of the dark race leader has risen.

However, Ye Li did not answer the words of the leader of the dark race of the electric insect. He looked at the eschatological Legion and said faintly:

"go, my last army."

With the fall of the voice, nine zombies of the last legion flew out.

The nine zombies of the last legion are all in the third level heaven level realm. The electric worm dark race can't resist the attack of the Eschatology Legion. Before long, the electric insect dark race was killed by the last army.

At this time, there is still one electricity worm dark race, which is the leader of the electric insect dark race.

"This, this, this..."

The leader of the dark race of the electric worm has lost two souls, seven spirits have disappeared and six spirits have risen. This is the fear he has never had since he was born.

"Lord demon, I'll give Nuwa stone, I'll give it to you." The leader of the dark race of the electric insect said quickly that although the Nuwa stone contains a lot of energy, it is nothing compared with life.

Immediately, the leader of the electric insect dark race gave the Nuwa stone remnant to Ye Li. He had to do this. He really didn't want to die.

"Lord demon, I have given you the Nuwa stone remnant. Can I go now?" The electric insect dark race said to Ye Li carefully.

When ye Li heard the speech, he gave a frank smile and slowly opened his mouth to the leader of the dark race of the electric insect:

"it seems that you don't understand the truth of cutting off the roots?"

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