The leader of the dark race of the green Python was terrified. He looked at Ye Li in horror.

"Devil Ye Li, what do you want?"

Leaves from a faint smile, "Nuwa stone residual stone to hand it out."

Green Python dark race smell speech swallow saliva, "good, I give you."

Immediately, the green Python dark race gave the Nuwa stone remnant stone to Ye Li, who took over the Nuwa stone remnant stone.

"I have handed over the Nuwa stone remnant. Can you let me go?" Green Python dark race carefully looking at Ye Li said.

Let green Python dark race leader in any case did not expect is, Ye Li is shaking his head.

"In this world, good people don't die, and bad people don't die. There is only one kind of people who will die, that is stupid people." Leaves from the mouth slowly.

Yinluo, with a terrible magic light flying out, the life of the dark race leader of green Python will disappear from the world forever.

Ye Li's face did not fluctuate at all. He opened the synthetic lattice in his mind and put the three Nuwa stone debris into the synthetic lattice, and began to synthesize the Nuwa stone remnant stone.

A few seconds later, the complete version of Nuwa stone appeared in the hands of Ye Li.

Ye Li looked at the Nu Wa stone in his hand, the corner of his mouth rose slightly, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

"Now only Kongtong seal is needed." Ye Li murmured to herself.

With that, he put the Nuwa stone debris into the system space.

Only when you find the Kongtong seal, you can find all the ten ancient artifacts, and then you can open the tomb of Wushuang emperor.

"Gather the zombies." Ye Li said to the last legion.

The last legion nodded, and then went to all places.

Ye Li urged God to walk a hundred steps and disappeared in place. When he appeared again, he had reached the foot of sanyuanzong's mountain.

"Master, you are back."

Bai Yue was a little stunned. She saw that Ye Li suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, and her white face was a little stunned.

Several disciples of sanyuanzong saw Ye Li appear. They were startled to take a few steps backward, and then ran into the sect.

Before long, the patriarch of Sanyuan sect and a group of elders appeared in front of Ye Li.

"Lord devil." Yang Ming, the patriarch of Sanyuan sect, said respectfully to Ye Li.

After Yang Ming finished, his old face hesitated. After a few seconds, he went on to say, "master demon, I don't know what you want to do with my sanyuanzong?"

"Nothing, just come and see." Ye Li said faintly.

Hearing this, Yang Ming and a group of elders all gave a breath, and their heart fell in their throat.

"By the way, master, you go to qingmangshan How's it going? " Bai Yue looks at Ye Li tentatively and asks.

As soon as this is said, Yang Ming and the elders all look at Ye Li. They all know that Ye Li went to Qingmang mountain with the dark race of green Python for the sake of Nuwa stone debris.

"The dark race of green Python has been destroyed." Leaves from the mouth slowly.


Hearing this, they all took a breath of cold air and were shocked.

In this way, Ye Li stayed in sanyuanzong for three days.

On that day, the clouds did not move and the wind did not blow.

Ye Li is sitting under a tree with a lazy look on his face.

"Master devil."

The voice of the white moon came into his ears.

The sound falls, the white month arrived the leaf leaves from the body, is very embarrassed looking at the leaf from.

"What's up, go ahead." Ye Li looked at the white moon and asked.

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