Bai Yue hesitated for a few seconds after hearing the speech, and then she finally summoned up her courage and said to Ye Li:

"master demon, the base city where my family is located is about to be attacked by zombies. Can you..."

Bai Yue's words are not finished, but the meaning is very clear.

Leaf from a smile, think of this white month's courage is really big, actually dare to say such words with him, a bit interesting.

White moon see leaves from did not answer, white face began to panic up.

"Master devil, I just ask casually. If you don't want to, that's fine." Bai Yue said in a hurry, saying that she was ready to leave.

"Wait a minute." Ye Li stopped the white moon.

The white month hears speech to stop a step, she returns to the mind.

"I agreed." Leaves from the mouth slowly.

Ye Li thinks that now there is Kongtong seal left. It's good to walk around in case you get a super treasure map?

"Thank you, master devil!"

White moon see leaves from agreed, white face instant is very happy up.

Ye Li's face did not fluctuate, he said slowly, "let's go."

Bai Yue nodded and prepared to take ye to her family's base city.

"Where is the base city of your family?" Ye Li asked suddenly.

"Huangan base city." Bai Yue quickly replied.

Ye Li naturally has not heard of any Huang'an base city. He looks at Bai Yue, "where is Huang'an base city?"

"It's thousands of miles from here." Bai Yue replied.

Thousands of miles?

Thousands of miles of nature is far away, but in the eyes of leaves, it is nothing.

Today, he goes from high to high, flying on the land, walking tall buildings and buildings like walking on the ground, jumping across rivers and vertical jumping into the sea, and stepping on the feet of thousands of tall buildings.

Later, he asked Bai Yue the direction of Huang'an base city. After grasping Bai Yue's hand, he urged God to walk a hundred steps and disappeared in place.


Ye Li and Bai Yue arrive at Huang'an base city. Along the way, they find many zombies gathering in Huang'an base city. It is believed that they will attack Huang'an base city soon.

After they arrived in the inner city of Huang'an base city, they found that the residents on the street had already begun to panic. Everyone's face was more or less frightened. I believe they already knew the news that the zombie was going to attack the base city.

"Master, let's go to the family." Bai Yue said to Ye Li.

Ye Li nodded, and then followed the white moon toward the White House.

The Bai family is the master of Huang'an base city. If zombies want to attack Huang'an base city, the Bai family is naturally the first to bear the brunt.

Before long, Ye Li and Bai Yue came to Bai's home.

At this time, there are several Bai's children outside the Bai family. After seeing the white moon, they are all a little bit in a daze.

"Sister Yue, how did you come back?" A child of the Bai family asked in dismay.

"What about my dad and them?" Bai Yue asked.

"They are in the house A Bai's son said to Bai Yue.

Immediately, Ye Li and Bai Yue entered the Bai family.

Before entering the hall, Bai Zhan, the head of the white family, and a group of elders came out.

"Yue'er, I told you not to come back. How could you..."

Bai Zhan was puzzled and looked at Bai Yue.

"Dad, as a member of Huang'an base city, now Huang'an base city is in trouble. How can I not come back?" Bai Yue said.

White war smell speech heavy sigh tone, "forget it, come back even if."

"By the way, this is..." Bai Zhan looks at Ye Li and asks.

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