Leaves from a calm smile, light looking at the rain.

"What do you think you are worth?"

Piaoyu a Zheng, she looked at Ye Li with consternation, thinking that she did not speak clearly enough.

"Master, as long as you save our city, I, I..." Piaoyu gritted her teeth and said, "I am your woman."

Piaoyu is not only the strongest in that small city, but also the most beautiful person.

However, Ye Li shook her head and said faintly:

"no interest."

This word a, three women are in a daze, they do not know what to say to let Ye Li save their base city.


Yunzhu suddenly snorted.

"I don't think you have the strength!" Cloud bamboo disdain to look at the leaves.

How to motivate?

Ye Li secretly happy, but he naturally did not want to talk nonsense with these poor ants.

"Whatever you say, I'm going." Leaves from the mouth slowly.

With that, Ye Li is ready to leave.

At this time, only a puff was heard.

Ye Li's whole body is one shock, he has some helplessness, what he dislikes most is that others kneel down to him, but there are always people kneeling down to him.

He regained consciousness and watched the rain falling on his knees.

"I really want to know one thing." Ye Li looks at the rain.

Piaoyu was stunned and asked, "please tell me, master."

Ye Li thought, "why do you want to protect your small city?"

Piaoyu was a little surprised, "I don't know, I think I want to protect it."

Everyone has something to value as a treasure, which can be understood by Ye Li.

"Let's go." Ye Li said slowly to the rain.

"To where?" Piaoyu puzzled at the leaves.

"Erlong mountain." After leaving a word, Ye Li walked slowly toward the cave.

Piaoyu smell speech from the ground to stand up, three women you look at me, I see you all some look at each other.

Erlong mountain?

Went to Erlong mountain directly?

Although they guessed that Ye Li might be very strong, if they went directly to Erlong mountain, would they not seek death?

Immediately, the three girls also quickly followed up.


Three women catch up with Ye Li.

"You don't want to go, just ask her to go with me." Ye Li said slowly.

Ye Li refers to her naturally is Piaoyu.

"Master, Erlong mountain is very strong. I'm afraid of the place where we two go."

Piaoyu didn't finish speaking, but the next meaning was self-evident. She looked at Ye Li tentatively and wanted to see how Ye Li would answer.

"Don't worry, a small Erlong mountain, I don't pay attention to it." Ye Li said frankly.

Ye Li?

Piaoyu has never heard the name of Ye Li.

"But master..."

Piaoyu also wanted to say something, but was interrupted by leaves.

"There's only one chance. You can go or not." Ye Li looks at the rain.

Floating moon and cloud bamboo are looking at Piaoyu, they know that at this time only Piaoyu makes a choice.

"Well, I'll go!" Piaoyu's eyes suddenly became firm.

Leaves from the face crown like jade's face is very boring, he said slowly: "lead the way."

Immediately, leaves leave and Piaoyu then toward Erlongshan.


Erlong mountain, the strongest dark race gathering place in a hundred Li radius.

The largest group here is the wind wolf dark race, and there are some other dark races.

Among them, the leader of the dark race of the wind wolf is a level one heaven level realm with amazing strength.

Ye Li and Piaoyu have already arrived at the foot of Erlong mountain!

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