"Master, this is Erlong mountain." Piaoyu said to the leaves.

Ye Li looks at the mountain in front of him, and the evil breath comes from the wind. If he were an ordinary person, he would have been scared to death by the evil smell.

"Well, let's go up the mountain." Ye Li said faintly.

Piaoyu secretly frightened, she looked at the face of leaves away from the crown of jade face, found that Ye Li's face did not have any fear of fluctuations.

It's like the next step is not to go to Longtan tiger den, but to gentle village.

"Master, don't you really think about it?" Said Piaoyu.


Leaves from a smile, his demon leaf leaves from a small two dragon mountain need to consider? It's just a great way to smooth the world.

Instead of answering, he walked slowly up the hill.

Piaoyu also had to follow up.

As soon as they were halfway up the mountain, a dozen dark races suddenly appeared and surrounded them.

"Hey, two humans."

The faces of a dozen dark races were all beaming with joy.

"I say human beings, don't you know this is Erlong mountain?"


More than a dozen of dark race smell speech a Zheng, "since know, then you still dare to come to die?"

In the eyes of more than a dozen dark races, Ye Li and Piaoyu are the human Road, but they have to go through hell.

Ye Li smiles calmly and glances at the dozen dark races and says, "go ahead, how do you want to die?"


More than a dozen dark races were stunned. They didn't expect that Ye Li was not only not afraid, but also so horizontal.

It's worth saying that these two dragon mountains have a reputation of hundreds of meters around. It's a thunder storm.

"Human, I think you are too long for life!" A fifth level clan level dark race was drinking, and it was attacking Ye Li.

Ye Li sighs, man!

Cangyun boxing!

Ye Li tried this newly acquired anti heaven level skill and found that it was quite easy to use.

As soon as cangyun was beaten out, his magic power turned into countless fists to hit the dozen dark races. All of them were small clan level dark races, and they were smashed in an instant.

The whole process is flowing, even less than a second.

Before Piaoyu responded, the dozens of dark races surrounding them disappeared.

She looked at this leaf from, previously she guessed that leaf is very strong, but how to think it is so terrible.

But this look, Piaoyu can't help but feel shocked. She found that Ye Li's face still has no fluctuation, as if nothing had happened at all.

"Never be shocked." Leaves from the light looking at the rain, "because everything I do will shock you for three days and three nights."

The words, Piaoyu more shocked.

"Give me your hand." Ye Li said suddenly.

"Ah?" Piaoyu was stunned, even if he wanted to break his head, he couldn't think that Ye Li would say such words.

But Piaoyu still gave her hand to Ye Li, although she didn't know what ye Li wanted to do.

Ye Li grabs Piaoyu's hand and urges God to walk a hundred steps.

In an instant, he and Piaoyu arrived at the top of Erlong mountain.

There is a big village on the top of Erlong mountain. There are many dark races in it.

Now Ye Li and Piaoyu are outside Erlong village.

"Well, what's going on?"

Piaoyu was shocked. She remembered that she was still halfway up the mountain. How could she reach the top of the mountain in an instant?

Just put your hands on your predecessors' hands, and then you'll be at the top of the mountain?

Piaoyu at this time in the heart of some endless shock!

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