Piaoyu found that he just wanted to break his head and didn't understand it.

"Let's go in." Ye Li said frankly.

Ye Li's voice just fell, then a group of dark race rushed out.

"What do you do?"

There are dozens of these dark races, but none of them are wind wolf dark races.

These dark races don't understand how Ye Li and Piaoyu got to the top of Erlong mountain.

"Kill you." Ye Li said faintly.

The dozens of dark races were all stunned.

"Ha ha ha, ha!"

Suddenly, the dozens of dark races all looked up and laughed, as if they had never heard such a funny joke.

"Human beings, I think you are crazy. Come to my Erlongshan and say you want to kill us?"

Ye Li secretly shook his head and sighed. He didn't understand why these dark races could still laugh. Didn't they know that they were going to die soon?

"Come on, catch these two men!" Cried a dark race.

With the command of the dark race, dozens of dark race rushed towards the leaves and the rain.

"Cangyun fist."

Ye Li lightly waved a fist.

Magic turned into countless fists and flew towards these dark races.


In an instant, the scream of killing a pig sounded one after another, which made people's scalp numb.

In less than a second, dozens of dark races were all defeated into nothingness.


Piaoyu's shock at the moment is absolutely no words can describe, she finally understand why Ye Li can be so fearless.

Immediately, Ye Li and Piaoyu walked into Erlong village.

As soon as they stepped into Erlong village, they were surrounded by hundreds of wind wolf dark races and some other dark races. They would rush forward at any time.

"Who is so short-sighted that he dares to break into my Erlong mountain and eat the gall of a bear heart leopard?"

A sound like thunder came into the ears of Ye Li and Piaoyu.

Leaves from a faint smile, face crown such as jade face does not have the slightest fluctuation.

Suddenly, the leader of the dark race of the wind Wolf appears in front of Ye Li and Piaoyu.

"Floating rain?"

The leader of the dark race of the wind wolf was shocked and looked at Piaoyu. He beat her seriously yesterday. How can she be in good condition today.

"Piaoyu, it's lucky that you didn't be killed by me yesterday. I didn't expect that you would dare to come to Erlong mountain!" The leader of the dark race of the wind wolf watched the rain.

"Oh, and help?"

The leader of the dark race of the wind wolf looks at Ye Li.

"Do you know, man, that you are going to die soon?"

"I don't know."

Ye Li shook his head.

The realm of the leader of the dark race of the wind wolf is a level of heavenly dignity. He is really weak in front of Ye Li.

"Human beings, in fact, I really admire you. You dare to come to Erlong mountain."

There was a look of irony on the face of the dark race leader of the wind wolf.

Leaf leaves a faint smile, slowly said: "you two dragon mountain is very strong?"

As soon as this was said, all the dark races present were startled. Of course, Erlong mountain is very strong. Why don't human beings know?

At this time, these dark races finally understood why Ye Li dared to come to Erlong mountain. It turned out that they had no idea how strong Erlong mountain was.

Piaoyu is biting his silver teeth and looking at the leader of the dark race of the wind wolf.

"Human beings, do not you know the fame of Erlong mountain?"

The leader of the dark race of the wind wolf looks at Ye Li very vaguely. In his opinion, Ye Li is already a dead man.

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