But how can Piaoyu not be shocked? With the power of one person, it will destroy the entire Erlong mountain. In other words, everyone will be shocked.

"Let's go." Ye Li said slowly to the rain.

Immediately, they began to walk back from the foot of Erlong mountain.

Originally thought that the matter ended like this, but let the leaf leave did not think of is, a wave is not flat, a wave rises again!

He and Piaoyu to the outside of the town, found a group of zombies are storming the town, the town can not hold fast to see.

"How could there be a zombie?"

Piaoyu was shocked. There were tens of thousands of zombies and hundreds of dark races.

"Master, I..."

Ye Li has some helplessness, thinking that good people will do it in the end and send the Buddha to the West.

Later, he took out Taigu Longyuan sword from the system space.

The cold light on the Taigu Longyuan sword is full of expression, which makes people feel shocked.


Piaoyu looked again, in situ only left a shadow, leaves from has reached the mid air.


I saw Ye Li holding up the Taigu Longyuan sword and chopped out a sword, and the top sword ran down the zombies towards the bottom.


A startling explosion came. After the explosion, I don't know how many zombies died.

Ye Li and even split out a few swords, suddenly the sky and the earth are dark.

Hundreds of dark races just feel that the sky is falling, but they don't understand what's going on.

"What's going on?"

"Is the end of the world?"

Hundreds of dark races were all shocked, as frightened as they could be on their faces.

"Tianjian Jue!"

Ye Li cut out the s God level skill Tianjian Jue.

With the fall of this sword, the zombies are all reduced to nothingness.

The city's gene warriors are all stunned, thinking that there are gods to save them?

At this time, there are hundreds of dark races in the small town. These hundreds of dark races usually dominate everywhere, but now they seem weak and helpless.

At this time, the dark race finally saw a man in the air.

When they looked at the sword in his hand, they were scared to death.

"Well, who is this?"

"I don't know. We didn't mess with him."

"How do I feel like we're going to die soon?"

The dark race is right. They are going to die soon.

Suddenly, I saw the leaves disappear in the air.

Hundreds of dark races are busy looking for Ye Li's figure, but where can they catch it? When they find out, it's too late.

With the fall of Ye Li's sword, the lives of these dark races disappear from the world forever.

All the gene warriors on the wall of the small city were all stunned, as shocked as they were.

Leaf from what kind of scene has not seen, such a small scene naturally will not let his face produce the slightest fluctuation.

Then, leaves left to Piaoyu's side.

Piaoyu is also shocked to the point that can't be added. She stares at Ye Li.

"Go to the city." Leaves from the mouth slowly.

Sound falls, leaves from slowly walk toward the town.

He and Piaoyu returned to Piaoyu's home.


Ye Li's door suddenly knocked up.

"Elder, are you there?"

The sound outside the door was raining.

"Come in." Ye Li said.

Piaoyu opened the door and came in.

"Master, I'm here to..."

Ye Li looks at Piaoyu, he really doesn't understand Piaoyu Weihai City. Do you want to do this.

Omit an hour here

It was a wonderful night.

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