the second day.

Ye Li Gang wakes up, ah seven suddenly reads attentively to tell him that he met the threat.

He was a little surprised. You know, ah Qi is a zombie of the sixth level of heaven, and he is in danger?

Immediately, he quickly let the other zombies of the last legion go to the position where ah Qi is.

After saying goodbye to Piaoyu, Ye Li also urged God to walk a hundred steps toward the place of ah Qi.

A day later.

Ye left to where ah Qi was.

This place is a wild place with countless beasts and zombies.

"Master, I..."

Ah Qi was lying in his place with blood all over his body.

"Ah Qi, don't talk."

Ye Li raised his palm, and a gentle magic light went to ah Qi. After a few seconds, ah Qi's injury was completely recovered.

At this time, the last legion also came.

"Master, what's going on?"

The last legion all look at Ye Li.

Ye Li didn't know what was going on. He looked at ah Qi and said:

"ah Qi, what's going on here?"

"Master, I used to gather zombies here, but I met a powerful dark race. I fought with him. The dark race was so strong that I almost died." Ah Qi said to Ye Li.

When ye Li hears the speech, he understands that it must be at least the seventh level heaven level state to make ah Qi a seriously injured dark race.

He thought he had met his opponent this time.


Beating ah Qi is like hurting him. If this revenge is not revenge, is he still Ye Li?

Leaves from a cold smile, "ah seven, do you know where the dark race is?"

"Master, I don't know." Ah Qi shook his head.

Ye Li Wen Yan pondered for a few seconds. He didn't know where it was. He had to ask.

He used the Tianling pupil to detect, and found that there was a base city not far from the front, which made him very surprised.

Then, he put the last legion into the system space and urged God to walk a hundred steps toward the base city.

Before long, Ye Li went to the base city.

"Who knows where the strongest dark race is here?" Ye Li preached with magic.

Ye Li's voice filled every corner of the base city.

Base city is called crazy cloud base city. The citizens of crazy cloud base city are all shocked and don't understand how this is going on.

Some distance leaves near the road people actually know, this sound is in front of this looks rich God like jade person sends out.

They were stunned. They were really shocked.

Thinking about what happened to this man, could it be a madman?

Leaf from found many people looking at him, he then a catch, 10 meters away from him, a man flew over.

The man was caught in his hands, his eyes full of fear.

"You, what do you want to do?"

Leaf from a smile, light looking at the man who was caught in his hand, "I ask you, who is the most powerful dark race in this area."

Where did the man dare to hide a little bit from Ye Li, he said quickly:

"it's the thunder monster dark race of Leishan!"

Thunder monster dark race?

Ye Li once met many thunder monster dark race. He didn't expect the thunder monster dark race here to be so terrible.

"Thunder monster dark race in..."

Ye Li's words had not finished, his words were interrupted by a voice.

"Let go of him!"

What ye Li dislikes most is that he is interrupted when he is talking. He looks at the past along the voice.

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