Falling in love with Youkanshu.com, Shenlu: I mutated multiple golden fingers!

Ling Yi actually knew what Lin Shurou said.

He said the same thing again: "Wait until the first day of activities is over and then make plans according to the situation."

But one thing is certain.

That is, in the next night for a long time, he has to go out to fight.

The situation is much more complicated than in the way of God!

Because there are players who are more advanced than him in this world, and there are dark players with bad intentions.

The event currency of Night Stone can be snatched again.

At that time, not only do you have to deal with monsters, but you also have to be careful about other people.


Sighing lightly, Ling Yi shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

He turned his head and saw Lin Shurou beside him wearing only a thin translucent crimson gauze skirt, he couldn't help asking: "Are you tempting me?"

Lin Shurou was thinking about something with her head lowered, when she heard this, she raised her head to look at him.

Those blue and moist eyes blinked, and a bright smile suddenly appeared on the snow-white jade face with a hint of maturity.

She smiled lightly, revealing her white teeth, and said, "Yes."

As soon as she finished speaking, she stretched out her crystal white and tender hands around Ling Yi's neck, and continued, "Actually, I don't want to do this... But if I can, I really want to fascinate you for the rest of my life~"

"Let you be obsessed with my body and stay by my side forever."

Saying that, she pushed him down on the sofa.

Seeing the stunned expression on the latter's face, she smiled sweetly and then slowly bent down.


Noon on the 10th.

The upper capital of Shenxia and the back garden of Luo's family.

In the pavilion, two young and beautiful women sat facing each other.

"Why did you come to see me suddenly?"

Luo Yao asked curiously while holding a teapot and pouring tea for the woman opposite.

The woman sitting across from her is her friend Xia Wanqing!

This woman has a beautiful face and delicate and elegant features. His long, straight black hair fell to his waist, and those dark eyes as deep as an endless starry sky seemed to contain infinite spirituality.

She looked at the slightly immature girl across from her, and the corners of her mouth lifted slightly: "I came here specifically to thank you."

"Huh? Thank you?" Luo Yao blinked, a trace of doubt appeared in her pale golden eyes.


Xia Wanqing showed a bright smile and said, "I have heard that you went to find him for me. For this, I also gave him a rare item."

She stretched out her hand, and beads with soft green light appeared on the palm of her hand, and handed them to Luo Yao.

"This is a natural jewel that can prolong life and restore vitality. It is my reward for you."

"No, no, this..."

Luo Yao subconsciously wanted to refuse, but when she saw Xia Wanqing's smiling face, she stopped the words in her throat.

"Okay, I'll take it."

She knew it was useless to refuse.

The other party is full of personality, what to do, other people can't pull ten horses.

Seeing that Luo Yao accepted her reward, the smile on Xia Wanqing's face became more intense.

"This time, I'm still saying goodbye to you."


Luo Yao was playing with the cool beads in her hand, and she couldn't help being surprised when she heard the words: "Farewell!? Where are you going!?"

Xia Wanqing did not hide her role as a riddleman, but said directly: "I want to leave Shangdu and go to other places with Yun Ji. Let's relax and enjoy life."

"And Yun Ji? Oh, yes, you two are indeed sympathetic to each other."

Both of them are women who are restricted by gambling contracts, so it is not surprising that they know each other and make friends with each other.

When the words fell, Luo Yao suddenly rolled her eyes and smiled: "I'm afraid it's fake to relax, but it's real to go to Zero One?"

Xia Wanqing didn't answer, she just looked at the teacup in front of her calmly, wondering what she was thinking.

"Then where are you going first?"

"Well... Before the official departure, Sister Yun said that there is still a place I want to go back and see. Therefore, the first stop is still unclear."

"Oh, when are you leaving?"



The headquarters of the Shenxia Players Alliance is located in the southeast corner of Shangdu, on a floating island named "Tianyuanzu".

At this moment, in an office on the second floor of the headquarters building, a middle-aged man with half white hair was frowning, looking at the information in front of him and thinking deeply.

"Strange, illogical..."

The middle-aged man named Tong Wei is the leader of the combat operations team at the Shenmeng headquarters.

While he was frowning and contemplating, the office door was knocked.

Klang Keng!

"Please come in."

Kaki, the door was opened, and a man with gold-frame glasses hurried in.

"Boss! Tang Yuan, the guardian of Qianjiang City, sent a message saying that he had discovered the trace of the dark organization 'Holy Gate'!"


Tong Wei frowned, his half-white brows furrowed, and his pupils with a black circle and a white edge were quietly sharpened.

Three years ago, they found and annihilated the branch of this organization in Shenxia in a certain deep mountain and forest. Now that it has made a comeback, he has every reason to think that the other party has sent a stronger combat force this time.

He was condensed for a moment, then raised his head and asked, "Is there any strong combat power in Qianjiang City now?"

He knew that the young man in front of him must have done enough research.

Sure enough, the man with eyes replied calmly and calmly: "There is only one level 80 player in Tang Yuan who is registered in the city, and the rest are five ministers of each town branch, all of whom are around level 70."

"Only 6 over 70?"


The golden-eyed man saw the boss frowning tightly and fell into contemplation, as if he was considering a candidate for battle. Thinking of the threat of the elder sister just now, he could not help but twitch his mouth and said, "Boss, we have Suzaku and a team of powerful combat powers that are currently free. Members."

Hear the words.

Tong Wei looked up at the depressed subordinate for many years in front of him, and said with a smile, "Why did you specifically mention her~www.readwn.com~ Did she ask you to fight me again?"

"No, no." That's what he said, but the man with glasses nodded frantically.

If he guessed correctly, that woman should be lying outside the door eavesdropping now.

Tong Wei smiled lightly and didn't care.

He pondered seriously in his heart, and found that in this situation, sending her out was indeed a good choice, and immediately nodded, "Alright."

"But it's not safe for her alone... Go and call me all the free members."

"it is good!"


The special event "Dark Night" has already announced the event process.

But in other specific situations, people around the world are still confused.

Can only use the night stones in their respective regions? How do these areas count?

How many monsters appear every day, and what are their levels?

Questions like this were not posted on the forum by Shenlu until 5:50 in the evening, ten minutes before the event was about to start.

Players from all over the world flocked to check it out.

[1: Each area is divided into town-level units.

2: During the period from 18 to 24:00, 10 monsters of random level and random type will be dropped at random locations throughout the town every minute.

3: From 18 to 24:00, 10 treasure chests will randomly appear in the town every hour.

4: After 23:00, 1~5 monster leaders will appear randomly in all towns around the world at the same time, with random levels and types.

5: After 24 hours, all monsters, monster leaders, and treasure chests will disappear. ]

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