God’s Path: I Can Create A Lot Of Cheats Through Mutation

Chapter 126: Killing a monster for the first time in the world!

Falling in love with Youkanshu.com, Shenlu: I mutated multiple golden fingers!

"Take the town level as a unit?"

outside the yard.

Ling Yi and Lin Shurou were sitting on the long wooden chairs to rest.

Upon seeing the news, the former frowned, "It means that we in Firefly Town can only use the Night Stone from our Firefly Town monster."

"That's right." Lin Shurou nodded.

"Then what about those who live temporarily and pass by? Are they counted in our town or where they are registered?"

"Where is the household registration, it should be."

The sun was still on the western horizon at the moment, and had not yet set completely.

The afterglow of the setting sun shone on their backs, and two vague shadows appeared on the ground in front of them.

Seeing that there were only a few minutes left, Ling Yi couldn't help but feel a little nervous.


His competitors are the players in the whole town!


At more than five o'clock, almost all ordinary people returned to their homes, closed the doors and drew the curtains.

Only a few people stayed outside for various reasons.

But now, they are also desperately rushing back.

Time moves by second by second.

At 17:57, the sun officially set, leaving a sunset glow in the sky.

At 17:59, the sunset all disappeared.


The sky suddenly became dark!

However, after a few seconds, the surroundings were still silent, as if nothing had happened.

Just when Lin Shurou looked around and wondered, Ling Yi suddenly opened his eyes and said, "I feel it!"

"They appear outside silently!"

"Okay! Then be careful!"


Ling Yi jumped into the air and flew towards the nearest monster within the sensing range.

The monster was only two blocks away from his house, so in less than two seconds, he arrived on the roof of a three-story private house near his destination.

Looking down, you can see that on the empty street, a large blood-red snake with a thickness of half a meter and a length of fifteen meters with a red horn on its head is crawling slowly.

Look at the eyes of truth.

[Unicorn snake

Type: Normal monster

Attributes: Strength 150, Mana 50, Agility 100, Stamina 50, Constitution 150

Skills: Fiery Burning Body, Scorching Pillar, Tail Slap, High-Speed ​​Impact...

Current Status: Healthy]

[Hint: Event monsters, there will be no experience, skills and other rewards for killing monsters, only the event currency will be dropped]

To Ling Yi's surprise, this monster actually has a total of 10 skills!

"I've heard that the higher the level of monsters, the more skills, oh... Now it seems to be true."

He stretched out his hand to call out the battle flag and attached it with a dual elemental blade of light and fire.

Immediately, he teleported to the top of the Unicorn Serpent's head, and the flame flag held high in his hand slammed down!

Although the Unicorn Flame Snake barely reacted, it was still a step slower, and the flag was slashed to the left half of the snake's head.

At the same time, a raging flame suddenly erupted from the wound, rushing towards all parts of the Unicorn Serpent's body.

After landing, Ling Yi was about to pursue him, but the Unicorn Flame Snake, regardless of the flames on his body, suddenly used his skills to charge at him!

Extremely fast!

When the flaming snake head was about to hit him, Ling Yi finally reacted and teleported in time to evade the attack!

The one-horned flame snake that rushed out couldn't stop its charge, "bang bang bang" hit three telephone poles 50 meters apart one after another, rushing all the way to more than 100 meters away.

The sound spread all over a radius of 100 meters!


Sensing that someone around him was speeding towards this place, Ling Yi couldn't help frowning.

"so troublesome."

With the aura of intelligence, he is not afraid of being secretly plotted, and the Ice King, who has entered the second form, has the combat power of a demon king.

So before he came out, he thought about it, and this time he wanted to show his true face.

After all, the world doesn't revolve around him.

It is impossible for anyone to think of the world-famous "Zero One" for no reason when they see a young strong man.

Seeing the one-horned flame snake in the distance turning its head and looking back, Ling Yi immediately raised the flaming battle flag and waved the power of the light element with gravity!

In an instant!

A bright and dazzling flame wave was launched from the battle flag, and it grew rapidly during the flight!

The speed of the light wave is extremely fast, even faster than it was used just now!

Before the unicorn snake could react, the light wave slashed on its snake body.

Although it couldn't be divided into two, it made it roar in pain!


At this moment, the fifteen-meter-long snake body froze for a while.

Seeing this, Ling Yi hurriedly raised the flaming battle flag and slashed the flame wave again!

The flame light wave not only hurts the feet, but also is fast enough to bluff people.

Wherever the light wave passed, a straight deep ditch was split into the ground, and the heat in the ditch was billowing, and the soil was hot red.

It looks dangerous at first sight.

When Ling Yi sent out the flame wave, the nearby players also came here one after another.

Some are standing on the side of the road, some are standing on the roof, some are sitting on the summoned beast, and some are directly suspended in the air.

"Hiss - Elemental Spirit Blade!!?"

"It's still a dual element! Damn it!"

"Double elements of light and fire! Cow! Cow! I only know now that there is such a cool guy in our town. Who knows his name?"

"I don't know, a face I've never seen before."

When this group of people was amazed, the information on the "Super Mutation System" in front of Ling Yi was also beating rapidly.

They tacitly did not approach, but watched slightly.

"The unicorn snake is a monster of more than fifty levels. If you can press it and fight, this guy is at least fifty levels."

"Tsk tsk tsk, slipped away, went to find other monsters."

The flaming light wave is very aggressive and very bluffing~www.readwn.com~ Many players shook their heads when they saw it, and turned to go to other places to find monsters.

Some people also came close and waved at Ling Yi: "Hey! Hey! Brother! Do you want to help?"

"no need!"

Ling Yi decisively refused.

Helping is false, robbing monsters is true.

Seeing his rejection, those people didn't ask any more questions, but quickly turned around and left here.

10 monsters will be spawned in the whole town every minute, and they don't have time to watch people fight here.

After a while, the surrounding players were few and far away.

Nearly half a minute later, the one-horned flame snake finally died under the flames of Ling Yi.

And when the monster turned into a light spot and dispersed, he saw a dark circle like a shadow appearing in the place where the monster died.

"Huh? What is that?"

He subconsciously activated the eye of truth.

: Create a dark shadow ring at the designated location, which can **** the items on the shadow ring into the shadow space.

As soon as he saw this effect, Ling Yi immediately realized that someone was trying to steal his spoils!

It's just that because he has it, the dropped objects automatically enter the backpack, causing the other party to feel lonely.

However, Ling Yi still opened his backpack and took a look.

It was not until he saw that there was indeed a Night Stone in his backpack, he was completely relieved.

He turned his head and glanced around, and at a glance, he saw a figure in a black robe on the roof of a two-story residential building dozens of meters away.

The guy is now turning around to leave.

"Want to go?"

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