Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 116 Raid

The hydralisks that followed the mutant zerglings, after entering the range, rained down countless fireballs on the skeleton knights that were blocked by the mutant zerglings.

The explosion of fire, the roar of the swarm, the broken bones, and the flying flesh and blood turned this battlefield into a complete bone and flesh grinding wheel.

In the higher area in the sky, more than 200,000 thunder dragons, each with 20 self-destructing zerglings attached to it.

They directly passed the melee area of ​​​​skeleton bats and flying zerglings.

The target was directly aimed at the corpse wizard array behind the spirit army, and after approaching to a certain distance.

The 4 million self-destructing zerglings attached to the thunder dragon flapped their wings, gently detached from the surface of the thunder dragon's body, and scattered.

The thunder dragon was no longer attached to its body, and blue arcs immediately flashed on its body.

Use Thunder Raid to accelerate, adopt a loose formation, and dive from high altitude.

In an instant, the Corpse Wizard Array was included in the range of the lightning flash.

The lightning wrapped around their bodies suddenly gathered towards the blade-shaped horns on their heads.

A large amount of lightning elements gathered, causing the tip of the horn to quickly light up with a bright blue light.

A ball of violent energy composed of lightning elements quickly gathered.

Then the energy ball reached its limit and turned into a lightning element ray wrapped with electric light.

From the sky, the trajectory formed by blue energy beams poured down, shooting straight at the Corpse Wizard Array.

Instantly facing the concentrated fire of a large number of lightning flashes, the magic defense barrier lit up by the Corpse Wizard Array was completely shattered after a flash.

The Thunder Dragon, which had never exposed the lightning flash since the start of the game, made this wave of attacks directly sweep more than 60 Corpse Wizard magic arrays.

The sudden lightning energy beam startled Li Yingji. He raised his head and looked at the cluster of thunder dragons in the sky with a sinister look.

His face looked very ugly. For Li Yingji, whether it was the Skeleton Sea, the Skeleton Knight or the Skeleton Bat, they were all consumables.

These corpse witches were the ones he really valued the most.

Because they were not only the providers of long-range firepower strikes, but also took into account the awakening of low-level spirits and the use of rituals to awaken high-quality spirits.

They were the foundation of the spirit sea tactics and the most important core unit.

So the corpse witches always stayed in the safest rear of the spirit army to avoid losses.

Now, they were attacked by the Thunder Dragon from high altitude and used lightning to concentrate fire. In an instant, nearly one-tenth of them were lost, which made him furious.

"So these sub-dragons are your followers. Since you dare to come, then hand them over here."

As Li Yingji's angry voice fell, more than 200 corpse wizard arrays immediately splashed psionic rays into the sky.

The pale green psionic rays and blue energy beams crisscrossed in the sky.

The pale green explosion flames and blue explosion flames were constantly staged in the sky like fireworks.

As the firepower of the front-line suppressing the swarm weakened, the swarm with more fierce firepower suddenly accelerated its forward advance.

The suppressed Skeleton Legion front line could only retreat in the dense fireball explosion.

The fireballs of the hydralisk also extended into the interior of the Skeleton Legion along with the front line.

At this time, a large number of Skeleton Mages mixed in the Skeleton Sea also emerged.

These lower-level mage units that have not yet been promoted to corpse wizards waved the bone staffs in their hands, and pieces of green light were sprinkled on the front line.

The iconic spell of the spirit, the spirit summon, spread across the front line.

Unfortunately, the spell that was always effective could only pull up a few cannon fodder skeletons on the front line.

There was no situation of resurrecting low-level spirits in groups as in the past.

Since he knew that the other party was a spirit follower, how could Han Fei not be on guard against this.

In the area covered by the explosion, there were very few complete corpses and skeletons.

Then it was flooded by the insect tide, and all the corpses that could not be lifted up, whether they were spirits or insects.

Their skulls would be chewed up and swallowed by the insect swarm, so the area that was crushed by the insect swarm.

There was no complete skull, and it was impossible to form a complete skeleton or corpse.

Without the head, the place to protect the soul fire, the fragile soul flame that had just been ignited was crushed and extinguished in an instant.

As these skeleton mages appeared, Han Fei's mouth curled up slightly, revealing a cold smile.

"Finally you are willing to show up. I have been waiting for you to show up for a long time."

He directly activated the line of faith, and the self-destructing worms who had been watching received Han Fei's order at the same time.

The first to move were the 4 million self-destructing worms that took the Thunder Dragon and entered the rear of the Spirit Legion. They flapped their wings at high speed.

With an ultra-low-altitude flying posture, from a height of several meters above, they quickly closed towards the corpse witch arrays floating in the air.

Li Yingji, who discovered this situation, looked at these strange Zergs that were rapidly approaching his corpse witch array.

The fluctuations of fire elements emanating from their bodies made Li Yingji feel something was wrong.

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