Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 117 Explosion

Li Yingji hesitated for a moment and pulled out half of the corpse wizards again to provide fire suppression for the front line.

To intercept these self-destructing springtails that wanted to approach.

Unfortunately, the original 500 magic arrays formed by corpse wizards were in the crossfire with the Thunder Dragon.

The Thunder Dragon adopted a concentrated fire strategy to sweep them away, and they were pulled out one by one, and more than ten of them had been lost.

These corpse wizards had to clear the Thunder Dragons in the sky and suppress the crazy advancement of the front-line insect swarms. Now they had to intercept the high-speed surprise attack of 4 million self-destructing springtails.

The firepower density was already stretched to the limit, and when the self-destructing springtails were noticed by Li Yingji, the distance was already quite close.

The firepower density provided by more than 100 corpse wizard fire strike groups.

Facing the self-destructing springtail swarms that were fearless, maintained high-speed disguise, and pulled the firepower network, it was completely impossible to intercept them 100%.

Nearly half of the self-destructing springtails broke through the fire interception network of the corpse wizard from various tricky angles.

As the first self-destructing springtail rushed out of the fire interception area, he frantically flapped his wings and burst out at the fastest speed in his life.

With the horn on his forehead, he slammed into the protective barrier protecting the magic circle of the corpse wizard.

"Boom!" A huge ball of flames exploded outside the barrier, and the bombarded defense barrier trembled slightly.

Then the second, the third... a large number of self-destructing springtails followed closely.

The bursting flames and shock waves, accompanied by the high temperature of the distorted air, continued to destroy the magic protective barrier protecting the corpse wizard.

After only a few short breaths, the fragile magic barrier was shattered and dissipated under the violent bombardment of the self-destructing springtails.

Everything happened too fast, and the explosions kept ringing in Li Yingji's unbelievable look.

Nearly two million giant fireballs continued to explode in the corpse wizard array, forming an endless sea of ​​high-temperature fire in almost the area where the corpse wizards were located.

In the continuous high temperature, the air was distorted, and the corpse wizards, who were not protected by magic barriers, were burned and carbonized in just a few blinks of an eye in this terrifying high temperature.

The entire corpse wizard array suffered heavy losses in this round of intensive bombing by self-destructing springtails.

More than 300 corpse wizard magic arrays floating in the sky were completely destroyed in this explosion.

The remaining corpse wizard arrays were also severely damaged or seriously affected by this explosion, and the psionic rays that originally supported various places were extinguished on the spot.

With the emergence of the firepower vacuum, the Thunder Dragon, which had been in a suppressed state.

Immediately seized this firepower control, collectively exploded, and lightning flashes covered the remaining corpse wizard arrays.

Facing the blue energy beams from all sides, these survived the explosion.

The corpse wizard array, which was in a very bad state, was hit by the dense lightning and the protective barrier exploded on the spot.

They not only had to face the concentrated fire of the lightning, but also had to face the high temperature that had dissipated.

Li Yingji's corpse wizard array was wiped out on the spot in Han Fei's sudden surprise attack.

At the same time, other self-destructing springtails that had been eyeing the battlefield for a long time had also moved at the same time.

The self-destructing springtails wandering over the skeleton knights had already folded their wings when they received Han Fei's order.

They launched a self-destruct bombing towards the skeleton knights that had consumed all their impact force and were crowded together.

Over the Skeleton Sea, which was the largest in number, the self-destructing springtail swarm had also entered a dive state when they received Han Fei's order.

Their goal was clear, and the large number of skeleton mages hidden in the Skeleton Sea had been locked by them when they used the Undead Summoning.

"Boom... Boom... Boom..."

The continuous and dense explosions, like firecrackers, continued to sound in this battlefield.

Balls of high-temperature fireballs rose from the ground and exploded in an instant. The flames, the noise, and the smoke painted a picture of the end of the world on the battlefield.

Countless undead souls were swallowed up by the explosions and turned into ashes by the high temperature. Countless casualties.

Outside the competition area, the eliminated players stood in the void and looked at the competition area. This cruel scene like the end of the world had stunned them and they stood there.

Wang Meng had a wooden expression. As a player who had voluntarily given up the game and was eliminated, his eyes were flashing with fear and he muttered to himself.

"Is this the true strength of the players who can be called monsters in the global competition?"

"This is not the case at all. Ordinary students can compete with them. The gap has reached such a level. What is the point of us participating in the competition?"

The teacher who brought him to the competition heard Wang Meng's mumbling and shook his head helplessly.

He reached out and patted his shoulder, and whispered to comfort him: "The appearance of such monster-level players in the global competition is only an individual accident."

"Although there will be some players with strength far exceeding their peers in every global competition, they will not reach this level."

"I can only say that you students are unlucky. If you develop well after returning, you can grow to this level in the future."

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