Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 159 Quantitative Change

The mechanical troops of the Monocular Clan, who had been ready for battle, immediately poured all their firepower into the direction where the Zerg swarm was coming from.

There was no need to aim at all. Facing such a large number that filled the entire field of vision, they only needed to do one thing.

That was to frantically pull the trigger towards the front and fire all the firepower in the shortest time.

On the Zerg side, with the complete change of the combat unit configuration.

Facing the overwhelming barrage of bullets, this time the Thunder Dragon cluster had an absolute advantage in number.

It was no longer a pure Hydralisk Corps, which could only be beaten but not fight back.

These Thunder Dragons flew high in the sky, far away from other Zerg units.

At the same time as the other side opened fire, they also entered the effective range of Thunder Flash, with a number of more than 80 million Thunder Dragons.

Coordinated through Han Fei's line of faith, they launched the attack at the same time.

Han Fei controlled the Thunder Dragon Cluster and focused half of his firepower on the huge spherical war machine.

The remaining half of the attack spread to cover the entire one-eyed army.

The dense blue energy beam illuminated the entire sky in an instant.

Thousands of lightning flashes concentrated on this heroic mechanical creation, and even submerged it in the energy beam formed by the lightning flash.

When the light dissipated, this mechanical army suffered heavy losses in this wave of lightning flashes.

The most affected were undoubtedly the extraordinary soldiers wearing mechanical exoskeletons.

Facing the penetrating attack of the lightning element of the lightning flash, the thin divine power barrier was useless and did not form any effective defense at all.

The simple armor on the mechanical exoskeleton was also easily penetrated in the face of such a powerful energy beam.

In addition, the elite one-eyed pilots who operated the heavy divine power mecha and the aerial gunboat.

Those who were lucky enough to be hit by only one lightning bolt were so scared that they broke out in cold sweats when they saw the load of the divine power barrier generator was instantly fully loaded.

The elite mechas and air gunboats that were hit by multiple lightning bolts at the same time had their divine power barriers directly shattered.

They could only rely on thicker armor to withstand the penetration damage brought by the blue energy beam.

Some were hit by lightning and a big hole was melted in their armor, but they did not hurt their vital parts, so they saved their lives.

Others were directly penetrated through the cockpit or important parts and were written off on the spot.

As for the heroic war weapons that received the most attacks, the divine power barriers that were originally strong on the surface could not withstand the concentrated fire of so many lightning bolts.

This kind of attack method that caused qualitative changes due to quantitative changes was completely beyond Han Fei's expectations.

After the energy beam covering the entire heavy armed V3 dissipated, when it appeared in front of everyone again, its miserable appearance scared Han Fei.

The surface of the entire spherical body covered by the energy beam, and the densely arranged turrets.

All have melted down, like patches of mottled scars attached to them.

Although the heavy armor withstood the penetration of the lightning, it was not without damage.

Under the high temperature of the energy beam, these alloy armors showed a tendency to melt on the entire side covered by the attack.

The anti-gravity system also began to gradually fail completely, indicating that its interior was also severely damaged.

This one-eyed hero-level creation that withstood the concentrated fire of the lightning, under Han Fei's gaze, was accompanied by the high temperature of the distorted air.

Slowly falling, smashing on the ground, raising a cloud of dust that obscured the vision.

The scene of the fall of the heavy-armed V3 was witnessed by all the surviving one-eyed soldiers.

The morale of this army completely collapsed in just a moment.

In desperation, some soldiers frantically pulled the trigger in the direction of the swarm of insects, venting their fear.

More soldiers chose to flee from this battlefield where there was no hope of victory.

The chaos caused by the collapse and escape directly disintegrated the army's remaining resistance.

Looking at these one-eyed soldiers who survived the attack of the Thunder Dragon Group and completely collapsed.

Han Fei directly released the control of the Thunder Dragon Group and gave them a chance to attack on their own.

In an instant, countless blue energy beams once again sprinkled from the sky to the earth.

Until this time, the other Zerg units with slower flying speeds behind had just entered the battlefield and joined the harvesting of the collapsed army.

The whole battle started suddenly and ended quickly.

This one-sided crushing battle caused almost negligible losses to the Zerg swarm that Han Fei put into the arena this time.

Han Fei was too lazy to even count the number of Thunder Dragons that were lost, which was in the tens of thousands.

In front of the 80 million Thunder Dragons, this loss was nothing.

There are more important things to deal with now.

Since we have won, and wars are breaking out everywhere in the entire competition area.

It is estimated that the other armies of the Single-Eyed Clan are temporarily too busy to take care of the situation here.

The next step is to clear out the hostile targets in this area that still have the ability to resist.

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