Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 160 Cleaning

At the same time, the battlefield was cleaned up, and everything was done according to the old rules.

Eat what can be eaten, move away what is valuable, and throw them all to the transmission coordinate point for stacking, waiting for Han Fei to transmit them all back to his own divine domain at one time.

In addition, a large number of flying springtails and alienated flying dragons were also scattered by Han Fei.

Conduct diffuse reconnaissance of other areas except this city.

After all, from outside the divine domain through the blurred divine domain barrier, overlooking this competition field, you can get a general idea.

If you want to understand the population distribution, soldier distribution, industrial production capacity distribution, etc. of the single-eyed tribe in this arena in detail, you still have to rely on sending dependents to investigate.

Looking at the battlefield, there is already an orderly and busy swarm of insects.

Han Fei is still very satisfied with the actual combat of the main army now.

"As the current high-end fighter of the Zerg, the Thunder Dragon can face a single heroic combat unit when there are enough of them."

"It should be able to form an effective suppression. Now it has finally passed the stage of being terrified and unable to start when facing a heroic combat unit."

"But if the number cannot reach an overwhelming scale, the combat ability of the Thunder Dragon is actually average in terms of single unit strength."

"So the future action mode of this Zerg unit is mainly to act in groups on a large scale............."

After analyzing and summarizing this battle, Han Fei looked up and scanned the situation on the battlefield.

He saw the stinging dragonfly that he possessed, right below him.

A springtail was lying on the chest of a relatively intact mecha, attacking the cockpit area frantically.

The back sickle slashed, the sharp blade bit, the claws scraped, and a large amount of metal fragments were scattered under the efforts of the springtail. It only took a few seconds.

This mecha, which was originally in good shape, had a big hole in its torso.

The cockpit inside was exposed to the air, and it was a large-scale demolition scene.

Han Fei's face froze on the spot, and he quickly used the line of faith to stop the springtails that were cleaning the battlefield.

Then he controlled the stinging dragonfly to dive, descended in altitude and came to the front of the mecha.

He personally observed the damage to the mecha that was dug out a big hole by the springtail in front of him.

He saw that the whole mecha was intact, but a hole was melted by the lightning, and the mecha with the god engine was penetrated.

Now the entire trunk has been completely destroyed by the efforts of the springtails.

Han Fei looked at this mecha that could have been repaired and sold as a second-hand god mecha.

Now that it has been destroyed by the springtails, there is no need to think about selling it second-hand.

Some intact parts can be disassembled, plus the remaining scrap metal.

If it is sold in the Gods Exchange Continent, the overall value will drop by at least 10%.

If it were not for the lack of a physical body, Han Fei would have rushed over and kicked the springtail in the ass to vent his hatred.

Then he quickly scanned the situation on the battlefield, and the result made his mouth twitch.

In just a short while, the battlefield swept by the springtails was already a mess.

Everywhere there were mechanical exoskeletons torn to pieces by Zerglings, divine mechas with large holes in their torsos, and air gunships with their entire noses torn apart.

"Ah..., these prodigal things. It seems necessary to train a group of Zerglings to clean up the battlefield in the future."

Han Fei was helpless in the face of this situation. This was a flaw caused by the low IQ of the swarm as a whole.

Just as Han Fei was about to gather a large number of Zerglings together for a mechanical disassembly course.

He was teaching them how to disassemble these machines to retain their maximum value.

Suddenly, a groan came from the cockpit of the mecha in front of Han Fei.

Tavel was controlling the mecha, and in the previous lightning energy beam, he was hit by two lightning bolts one after another.

The first lightning bolt caused the mecha's divine energy generator to overload, and it was barely blocked.

Then the second lightning bolt directly penetrated the divine energy barrier, and brushed the cockpit from the side, penetrating his mecha engine.

After the engine was hit, the divine energy stored inside instantly exploded and caused a shock, knocking him unconscious on the spot.

When he woke up again, he just opened his eyes and saw that a big hole had been dug out of his cockpit.

A 20-centimeter-long strange insect was flapping its wings and hovering in the center of the hole.

Outside the hole in the cockpit, there was also a ferocious-looking monster lying.

As he woke up, these two creatures he had never seen before.

The multiple pairs of eyes on the head formed a visual system, and immediately looked at him.

Instinctively sensing a fatal threat, Tavier's hair stood on end, and his body instantly tensed.

A drop of cold sweat slowly slid down his forehead. Under the gaze of the predator, he could feel that death was close to him.

Although he had never seen these two monsters before, from their overall style.

Tavier could see that these monsters belonged to the same species as the hydralisk that attacked the city before, and the thunder dragon that had just defeated the entire army.

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