Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 211 The Will of the Three Star District

Good guy!

This comfort is really good!

Han Fei shouted "good guy" after hearing it.

If this is not called Ersai, what is Ersai?

At most, it is immortality and endless lifespan?

You know, even if the level of science and technology in the real world is not low, there is still no major breakthrough in the research on human longevity genes.

Whether it is ordinary people or demigods and gods whose bodies have been baptized by divine power in reality.

It is still difficult to break through the life limit of about 200 years.

It seems that there is an invisible wall in the dark, blocking the road to immortality from the rule level.

Only by achieving true gods can you break through the barriers, achieve immortality, and gain eternal life.

So far, the real world has never heard of a true god who has exhausted his lifespan and died naturally.

The so-called life barrier, in essence, divides humans into two completely different groups.

If you cross it, you will be immortal;

If you can't cross it, even if you ignite the divine fire in the world of gods, you can only live for two hundred years at most.

This is the cruel reality that all human beings have to face.

Even if the top leaders of civilization try hard to implement the concept of equality for all, it is undeniable that the status of those who achieve true gods is absolutely incomparably transcendent.

"Under the true god, everyone is an ant!"

No one dares to say this within the civilization, but it is a reality that most people tacitly accept.

Outside the civilization, the cold universe full of crises is even more adhering to the jungle law of the survival of the fittest.

If civilization wants to continue forever, it cannot do without the protection of the true god.

True equality has always been achieved by one's own efforts.

For the first time, Han Fei saw a living example of a true god appear in front of him, and he was more and more eager to ignite the divine fire as soon as possible.

One day, he will be able to condense the godhood and come to reality to achieve true gods.

Li Qinghai sensed his strong desire and smiled more and more.

As a young man, it is always good to have more vigor.

Li Qinghai has learned about Han Fei's past words and deeds, and even his way of dealing with people.

In his opinion, this little guy was quite aloof and withdrawn before he opened up the divine domain.

But after opening up the divine domain, he gradually became mature and slick, and good at calculating, just like he had opened his mind.

This is not a bad thing, but for a demigod who can overpower his peers and has great potential, the pattern is a bit small.

So he is going to teach this little guy a lesson, so that this potential kid will not go astray.

Thinking of this, Li Qinghai coughed twice, and then ordered:

"Aijielinna, go out and do other things first."

Aijielinna didn't understand that the god wanted to talk to Han Fei alone.

She let go of Li Qinghai's arm and replied with a smile, "Yes, Father God."

After saying that, she turned around and walked out of the office in her high heels.

When Han Fei passed by her, he glanced at the delicate face that was no longer cute and innocent, but returned to being cold, arrogant and aloof, and couldn't help but be amazed.

Oh, woman!

"Haha, what an interesting little guy."

Li Qinghai didn't care about the so-called true god's majesty at all, smiled and stretched out his hand, and put his arm around Han Fei's shoulders.

With Han Fei flattered and confused, he was pulled to the tall French window.

"You often stand here and look down."

"Guess what you are looking at?"

Li Qinghai asked, pointing out the window, with a rather emotional tone.

Han Fei looked in the direction of his finger and couldn't help but be shocked.

Since he traveled through time, this was the first time he stood on the top floor of this city, overlooking this crowded city that he couldn't see the end of at a glance.

The high-rise buildings scattered all over the ground are like poplar forests made of steel, standing upright and soaring into the sky.

Countless shuttles are like marching flying ants.

They are lined up in neat rows and shuttle back and forth in the steel jungle.

Li Qinghai saw that he was silent, but he didn't care. He continued to ask: "What do you see when you stand here now?"

"Is it the ants working hard?"

"Is it the people who work hard to make a living?"

"Is it the sentient beings who indulge in comfort?"

At this point, he paused and sighed:

"If you really look at it this way, then how different are the people in this real world and the families in the world of gods?"


Although Han Fei didn't fully understand what he meant, he also heard a kind of taboo from Li Qinghai's words.

He broke out in a cold sweat on his back and wished he could go deaf.

Is this what you should hear? Do you dare to hear it?

"Haha, don't be nervous!"

Li Qinghai patted his shoulder and said in a rather straightforward manner: "I don't mean anything else, I just want to open your eyes."

"Being old and calculating is not a bad thing."

"Selfishness is the innate nature of human beings. Human nature is evil."

"The world is bustling, all for profit; the world is bustling, all for profit."

"No one can be free of desire, let alone true selflessness, which completely distorts the concept of human nature."

"We old guys can't do it, so naturally we won't ask you younger generations to do it."

Li Qinghai was very frank and direct, and he didn't hide anything.

However, his next words were quite meaningful.

"As for..., Li Qinghai, and even all the true gods in the third star zone, will not demand that you make selfless contributions to civilization."

"Other true gods within the civilization, don't even think about forcing our juniors in the third star zone to do things against their will!"

"No matter which path you take in the future and how far you go, as long as you don't break the law or harm the interests of civilization, these old guys in the third star zone will be your strongest backing............"

Li Qinghai's tone was not passionate, but just a light statement.

But to Han Fei's ears, it was extremely touching.

He didn't know how to express his feelings, and blurted out without thinking: "Grandpa Li, I have decided... to stay in our third star zone."


Li Qinghai turned his head to look at him, and then laughed: "You are small, your vision is small!"

"You don't think that I said so much just to let you stay in the third star zone to study in college?"

"So, you little guy, you should be taught a good lesson!"

As he said, he bent his fingers and hit Han Fei's forehead with his knuckles.


Han Fei covered his head and cried out in pain, but he didn't dare to hide, so he could only endure this "brain collapse of love".

"But you're not completely wrong."

"I'm really playing the emotional card, wanting to have a good relationship with you, a little guy with great potential."

"The rules of the Samsung District were jointly drawn up by us old guys to support the younger generation and allow them to live and grow in a relatively harmonious environment. This is our oath."

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