Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 212 Star Harbor

Speaking of this, Li Qinghai's tone suddenly changed, and he was no longer as serious as before.

"You know the atmosphere in the Samsung District. If I want to take care of more people, I can't give you more resources. At most, I can give you some things from my personal collection."

"It's fair for you to stay in Samsung University to study."

"If you want to, I still hope that you can enter the Central Institute of Civilization through your own efforts."

"The entire civilization has limited educational resources, and the Central Institute of Civilization accounts for the majority. Our Third Star District has been used by the younger generation to benefit from it. How can it be cheap for other star districts?"

At this time, Li Qinghai no longer had the dignity of a true god, and he looked like he was giving bad advice to his friends.

"You have both strength and potential, but you are staying at Samsung University and competing with other students for resources..."

"This is equivalent to wasting our old guys' coffin money in vain, what's the difference between that and living off your parents?"

"So, leave the third star zone and go to the central school of civilization."

"There, you will go faster and farther on the road to godhood."

"Of course, in the process, we will try our best to provide you with shelter, at least within the civilization, we will guarantee you fair treatment."

"Your future is your achievement, and we don't expect you to repay us, as long as you care about our past and remember You are from our Third Star District, just don't forget your roots."

"When you are successful, if you are willing to help the younger generation, or give back some of the resources you have used to our Three Star District, that would be even better."

"Haha, I've said too much. This is just a wish. Don't mind it. It's up to you anyway."

"What kind of path you want to take is up to you. Just don't damage civilization."

"This is the concept of our Three Star District. Whoever dares to lead the trend, we old guys will kill him!"

Li Qinghai's face was full of smiles, but his words revealed an unshakable will.

Han Fei deeply agreed, but he couldn't help but be surprised.

No wonder the social atmosphere in the Third Star District is so harmonious and free, full of positive energy.

Dare to jump out and make trouble, I'm afraid you are really courting death.


Qinghai Galaxy is an important transportation hub in the third star region.

In the universe at the edge of the galaxy, there stands a magnificent star gate, which leads directly to the innermost part of the civilization territory and directly to the capital star region.

Although the cost of passing through the star gate is very expensive, there are still a large number of ships passing through it every day.

Without special permission, no matter how strong your background is, it is difficult to cut in line, and it is normal to queue for ten days and half a month.

Even so, this queue has to be queued.

You know, the distance between Qinghai Galaxy and the capital star region is too far.

Even if it is the top battleship in the civilization, it will take a long time and fuel to enter the warp speed state.

It's totally worth it!

Ever since human civilization got the star gate transmission technology with divine power as the source in the Gods Exchange Continent and created this thing in reality.

When traveling through the same star system for long-distance navigation, under certain conditions, it is basically through the star gate.

This star gate on the edge of the Qinghai Galaxy is directly under the jurisdiction of the Civilization Military Department. A medium-sized fleet is patrolling and checking at all times.

Moreover, the Qinghai True God will project his vast divine thoughts from time to time, scanning all the ships that want to pass.

Any demons and monsters will be completely exposed and have no chance to cause damage.

Li Qinghai may be the most powerful true god in the civilization.

His extraordinary perception, which seems to be mind reading but is actually close to prophecy, is really too buggy.

If not, the top leaders of the civilization would have specially invited him to stay in Qinghai Star all year round.

Almost all the planets near this star gate have been built into space star ports.

Except for the few places closest to the star gate that are designated for military use, the vast majority of the remaining are civilian star ports.

Compared with the solemnity and silence of military star ports, civilian star ports are bustling and prosperous.

Countless interstellar businessmen gather here, and naturally they will attract various industries to settle in.

Behind the prosperity of the catering industry, entertainment industry, hotel industry, and even interstellar mercenary guilds, it is inevitable that there are mixed fish and dragons.

In fact, it is the same type as the docks during the great voyage before Han Fei.

The official governance concept is quite tolerant.

As long as you break the law and pay enough rent and taxes, you can do whatever you want.

Every year, the government departments of the Third Star District make a lot of money with these civilian star ports.

It is no exaggeration to say that the local government development funds of the Three Star District are not less supplemented by taxes from civilian star ports.

This can also be regarded as the unique "administrative characteristics" of the Third Star District, which is very casual and free.

It's just that it has changed to the First Star District..., haha!

In the military star port closest to the star gate, a Type 5 starship has been docked for many days.

At this time, in the many cabins of the starship, except for more than a dozen service-type bionic people, there is only Han Fei, a living person.

In recent days, he has a deeper understanding of the so-called "casual freedom" of the Third Star District.

When riding the true god's car and docking at the military port waiting for the star gate to be transmitted.

Li Ren, the admissions officer of Samsung University and the teacher leading the exchange competition, actually openly took the participating students to the civilian star port for fun.

Oh…………, yes, according to Teacher Li, this is called experiencing life, understanding society, and leaving regrets on your first interstellar trip.

It is also a serious research project!

Through the investigation, understanding and analysis of social phenomena, we can understand the real situation of human civilization.

What made Han Fei speechless was that Li Ren actually applied for project funds from Samsung University.

Although it was not approved, he regretted it for a long time!

But this guy still decided to pay out of his own pocket to lead these students to a regretful star port tour.

But as a teacher, you took a group of high school students to an entertainment venue to eat, drink and have fun.

Is this what the direct descendants of the true god should do?

This place is still within the coverage of your great-great-great-grandfather, his old man!

Whenever Han Fei recalled the scene of meeting Li Qinghai, he still couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling.

That day, after the two met, they didn't talk for long, only more than ten minutes.

He was really trembling and treading on thin ice at that time.

Until the end of the conversation, Qinghai True God used space to move and sent him back to the school dormitory.

Han Fei dared not relax his mind and collapsed on the sofa.

In front of the True God, as a traverser, he dared not think about it at all.

After leaving the True God's office, his mood eased a little, and he really thought about the intention of Qinghai True God to talk to him.

In addition to telling him to move and settle in the civilized capital star, he also encouraged him to win glory for the Samsung District.

In fact, Li Qinghai had indeed spoken very frankly.

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