Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 385 Trap 1

Buddy had a good idea, but unfortunately, when the entire fleet entered the Star Shattering Belt, they stepped into the trap carefully prepared by Han Fei.

Outside the effective scanning range of the ship-borne radar, more swarms of insects suddenly spread out, quickly covering the entire airspace of the Star Shattering Belt.

The passage previously cleared by the Cleaver fleet will be occupied by a large number of pyroblast dragonflies in a short time.

They are like a void minefield constructed by flesh and blood, almost completely blocking the fleet's retreat route.

Before the Cleaver fleet completely changed its formation, the swarms of insects swarmed out of the Star Shattering Belt and rushed towards the fleet from all directions.

In the void, the Zerg fleet's previous advance route was only a straight line and a single direction, like an arrow shot in.

The Claver fleet needs to build a defense surface, which is not limited in scope.

But now the Zerg swarm is encircling, like a shrinking sphere, squeezing towards the Longwa fleet at the center of the sphere.

Faced with this situation, Buddy had to order the fleet to respond with a spherical defense array.

This will undoubtedly greatly weaken the unit's directional force strength and increase the defense pressure.

When launching a warship in a hurry, there is no need to consider the hit rate at all. There is no need to deliberately aim, just do your best to pour out the guns.

There are too many Zerg swarms covering the surrounding airspace.

No matter where they shoot, they can easily kill a large number of Zerg units, and countless Zerg swarms are annihilated by the power of the ship's guns.

However, facing more Zergs that were still entering the radar scanning range, such an attack was meaningless, and they could not even see a significant reduction in the Zerg.

A few minutes later, the Zerg broke through the not very dense long-range force network in a crazy rush, and rushed directly to the outer defense line of the Longwa fleet.

After entering the range, a large number of Thunder Dragons sprayed countless blue thunders.

Surrounded by electric energy rays, they instantly covered the densely packed combat mechas and void fighter interception forces.

These interception forces attached to the outer periphery of the fleet obviously did not expect that the Zerg still had such a powerful long-range attack method.

Caught off guard, they naturally suffered a loss.

Groups of gorgeous flowers suddenly bloomed in the void.

Each ball of light represented a mech or fighter plane destroyed.

The Void Fighter, which only had a tail engine and was relatively clumsy to move, suffered particularly serious damage.

The Fighter Mech, with the help of multiple sets of thrusters on its back, was able to dodge the lightning strikes at high speed with extremely flexible maneuverability.

Many mech pilots did not forget to launch attacks on the Zerg while dodging.

One after another, high beams of light bombarded the Zerg without stopping.

The Void Fighter launched heavy missiles, which also roared at this time, and groups of fireworks exploded in the void, spewing out hot and explosive energy.

High-density, high-energy rays and particle flows, as well as violent magic tides, formed a cross-zone more than three kilometers wide in the blink of an eye, and it was still spreading.

The void lacked heat conduction, and in this intense explosion, even the light appeared to be visibly deflected and distorted.

Although the bodies of Zerg units were extremely tough, they were still carbon-based creatures after all.

When exposed to such high-level radiation, even if the skin covered with scales showed no damage, the internal organs would be quickly roasted, or even burnt and carbonized.

The outer armor of enemy fighters and mechas had targeted radiation protection effects to prevent the driver from suffering fatal injuries.

Unfortunately, this wave of explosions not only had their heavy missiles, but also the Flame Explosion Dragonflies carried by the Thunder Dragon, which also completed their own missions in this area.

The shock wave generated by the self-explosion also easily made their outer armor reach its endurance limit, and then melted, disintegrated, and was peeled off layer by layer!

After the outer armor was broken, the internal frame facing the radiation flow would still be instantly melted through.

Even if the pilots in the cabin wore life-support suits, they could not provide much protection at all, and they turned directly into charred corpses.

When the lizardmen were driving mechas and fighters and had to retreat.

The swarm did not show any sign of stopping. They continued to advance fearlessly, trying to rush through the tidal belt filled with violent energy with their flesh and blood.

The Thunder Dragon flashed lightning without stopping, providing powerful cover for the Killer in front, greatly reducing the intensity of the intercepting force's power suppression.

The Killer cluster rushed into the intersection like a moth, and its flesh and blood bodies carried the enemy's artillery, running at full speed in the mass frenzy and high radiation.

Every inch of progress, a large number of Zerg units died here.

But there were more Killers behind, using the remains of their own kind in front as flesh and blood shields, and continued to move forward.

In just a few minutes, the Zerg swarm waded through countless flesh and blood channels in the intersection.

More and more assassins crashed into the enemy's interception force array. They waved their giant sickles and rushed towards the nearest mechas and fighters.

The assassins were more than twice as big as the Lizardmen's combat mechas, but their agility was comparable to that of mechas with the blessing of extraordinary genes.

Coupled with the Zerg's natural fighting ability, assassins showed an overwhelming combat advantage when fighting mechas at close range.

A assassin fought hard against the mechas while twisting and turning.

The violently vibrating divine blade easily cut through the connection between the head and neck of the mecha, cutting off the head of the mecha without any hindrance, like cutting tofu.

The IQ of ordinary Zerg is obviously not enough to judge the real fatal point of the mecha.

Most killers just follow the combat nature and past experience, and choose what they think is the most efficient killing method, that is, cutting off the enemy's head.

The cockpit of the Lizardman combat mecha is located in the chest, and the driver inside has completed the feat of brushing shoulders with death once.

After losing the main detection and communication equipment, the headless mecha is like a human being, suddenly losing the eighth visual and auditory function.

The lack of important equipment caused the pilot, who had no time to make adjustments, to suddenly fall into a state of deafness and blindness, and could only rely on intuition to continue to control the mecha to attack.

Faced with the strange enemy whose head was chopped off but still moved, these killers obviously lacked vigilance.

Many killers were caught off guard and suffered some minor losses. They were either chopped by the warriors or hit by a round of machine guns at close range.

Fortunately, as the main offensive unit of the current Zerg, the killers have strengthened their defense and survivability in several rounds of optimization by Han Fei.

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