Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 386 Trap 2

With their tough skin and flesh, they just didn't die instantly. Relying on the efficient operation of the adrenal glands, the injuries had almost no effect on the combat power of the killers.

They swung their sickles wildly, chopped the mechas in front of them into pieces, and even broke them apart.

If it weren't for the large number of void fighters, they could provide firepower support to their comrades who drove the mechas from a distance with their high-speed characteristics.

When the mecha troops were fighting with the killers, it was almost a one-sided slaughter.

As the interception troops of the lizardmen fell into a melee, the suppressive firepower of the entire outer defense line continued to decrease.

More and more killers broke through the crossfire and joined the battlefield.

In the flagship, the fleet commander, Di, stared at the three-dimensional star map projection, his face becoming more and more solemn.

The green light spots representing his interception troops in the projection were dimming and disappearing in large areas every second.

The marked real-time data is constantly jumping, showing a cliff-like downward trend.

The defense line built by the mecha and the battle machine is like a circle of marshmallows that are constantly being dissolved, shrinking inward rapidly.

The number of red light spots representing the swarm units is still increasing, becoming more and more dense and brighter.

The swarm looks like a surging scarlet wave.

Wang Di knew that the brightening of the light spots in the projection meant that the vital signs of these void creatures had a significant energy level increase during the battle.

This is a behavior of frantically extracting the essence of life in a short period of time to improve the body's functions and combat power. It is a completely fatal practice.

Even the fleet behind is continuously pouring out firepower.

But the scarlet tide was always covered by a large amount of firepower, and when there was a gap, it would be filled again by other Zerg units around in an instant.

"The interception forces retreated in order, using frigates and destroyers as nodes to rebuild the defense line."

Seeing that the battle situation was getting more and more favorable, Dede ordered the formation to be adjusted.

The fleet carried only more than 10,000 mechas and fighters. Facing the Zerg swarm that had skyrocketed to nearly 1 billion, it was at an absolute numerical disadvantage.

Even if the combat loss ratio was more than ten times at this time, he could not afford it at all.

Moreover, Dede knew in his heart that with the rapid casualties of fighters and mechas, the number of interception forces would drop sharply, and the enemy would sooner or later break into the defense line formed by frigates and destroyers.

Now shrinking the defense line and reducing the defense surface can also maintain the intensity of fire suppression as much as possible.

With the flexible frigates as cover, the interception troops can also avoid the frontal impact of the Zerg swarm, greatly reducing casualties.

Even the most dense frigates, with heavy hull armor and defensive force fields, can effectively block the lightning attack of the Thunder Dragon.

Even if the Zerg swarm breaks into the defense array, fighters and mechas can also play a high mobility and fight the enemy between warships.

With strong self-suppression and peace of mind, Di chose the tactics he thought was most suitable.

But not long after, the entire fleet paid a heavy price for his wrong decision.

The swarming killers were originally chasing the retreating mecha troops.

But after approaching the frigate and destroyer formation, they quickly changed their target.

In the consciousness network, a simple command from the brain worm made them instantly give up the small enemy unit they had been chasing.

Countless assassins quickly changed their movement paths, no longer paying attention to the fighters and mechas, and rushed directly to the nearest warship.

The dense assassins, despite the bombardment of the warship's secondary guns, surrounded the frigate, which was only more than two meters long.

They rushed to raise their huge sickles, and the divine patterns on the blades suddenly lit up, and then slashed fiercely at the outer armor of the warship.

The high-frequency oscillating divine sickle blade cut through the defense field in just a few breaths, and then fell on the hull.

The heavy outer armor was like a coconut shell split by a sickle. As long as the power was strong enough, no matter how thick the alloy armor was, it could withstand the cutting of the high-frequency oscillating divine blade.

After a minute, the outer shell of the warship was cut into hideous cracks.

The airflow rushing out from the inside had no effect on the huge assassins at all.

Instead, the breath of life in the air flow constantly stimulated their killing desire.

As the giant claws tore, the gap was dug into a big hole by the killer in the blink of an eye.

Then they were eager to squeeze into the hole and break into the warship.


A violent roar sounded in the warship.

Their rapidly opening and closing nostrils finally smelled the rich breath of life, which made the killer immediately excited.

The giant beast wielding a sickle began to run wildly in the ship, rushing all the way.

The structures inside the ship made dull groans that could not bear the heavy load. Everything that blocked them was like tofu in front of the high-frequency oscillating divine blade.

At the hatch at the end of the target of the killer, a large number of soldiers wearing life support devices and power armor were holding various weapons in fear, and frantically shooting at the terrifying beast that was crushing them.

However, these small-caliber light weapons could not cause any substantial damage to the killer's blood-colored scales.

The distance of dozens of meters was almost reached in an instant.

These soldiers on the ship did not even have time to think about turning around and running away.

The killer who had arrived in front of him had already swung his huge sickle forward fiercely...

Without any room to evade, the soldiers at the front exploded into a bloody mist amid a harsh buzzing sound.

The soldiers at the back who were a little further away also had their internal organs shattered by the spreading high-frequency shockwaves.

For creatures of similar size and with a body strength that meets the standard, the killing effect and range of the high-frequency shock blade are undoubtedly extremely powerful.

The killer, who scored a goal with one strike, buried his head in an excited roar, stretched out his long tongue with barbs, and rolled it on the ground.

In an instant, he rolled the broken corpses of the enemy and even the blood on the ground into his mouth.

The Zerg who had just woken up from hibernation always found it difficult to resist the desire to eat.

Especially for those who had never eaten anything other than fungal blankets since birth, facing this snack with a strong biological smell and bloody taste.

Even though the battle was not over yet, he couldn't help but taste it first.

Such a horrifying scene would be extremely terrifying to most intelligent creatures.

As intelligent creatures, the dragon vein lizardmen were obviously no exception.

The surviving soldiers who witnessed this scene were all pale at this moment, and they moved their trembling feet backwards in unison.

Even though the officer behind them had the power to execute them, he also stopped them from retreating.

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