Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 405 Encounter 2

Wilson thought that the alien fleet he encountered this time would retreat quickly.

But he never thought that he would really meet someone who didn't believe in evil.

Only a few minutes later, Ed's report came again through the consciousness network, and his mental fluctuations were quite violent, showing his urgency.

"Boss, the enemy fleet opened fire first after quickly approaching our recovery team!"

"According to the recovery team's report, they also detected violent fluctuations in the void folds in this area, and it is suspected that a large fleet will make a space jump."

Wilson was stunned when he heard this.

The navigation route of the pioneer fleet is to follow the best recovery route calculated by the ship-borne optical computer and continue to move forward.

Although the recovery team that was scattered along the way temporarily left the large fleet and went to different marked points to recover the fungal blanket.

But the distance is not too far, and it is still within the coverage of his consciousness network.

At this distance, the enemy fleet, after encountering the recovery team, can easily find the large fleet nearby by slightly expanding the scope of investigation.

"Could it be that they think they can defeat my fleet?"

"No way, am I so unlucky?"

The enemy's unusual operation made Wilson a little unconfident.

He immediately contacted the responsible insect of the recovery team through the consciousness network and asked for the details in person.

"Report to the boss, after launching an attack on you, I have ordered a counterattack, and now more than a thousand enemy ships have been destroyed............."

The responsible insect got the opportunity to report to the boss in person, and was eager to show his excitement, and his mental fluctuations were difficult to conceal.

Wilson, who had rich battlefield experience, interrupted his report and ordered:

"Okay, transfer all the battlefield data and video materials to me first."

Within the coverage of the consciousness network, Wilson can get the latest information at any time, which is almost equivalent to being on the front line.

In an instant, a large amount of information was quickly received by him through the consciousness network.

Groups of data and even real-life images quickly emerged in his mind.

"Huh? That's it?"

Wilson, who looked serious, was even more confused after reading the battle data.

The number of enemy warships was less than 2,000, and they were all Zerg frigates.

They dared to attack the Zerg fleet without knowing whether to live or die.

Although this recovery team has 500 Zerg warships, the density of each ship is close to that of a cruiser.

For warships, density often represents the level of combat effectiveness to a large extent.

Especially in the absence of technological gap, warships with higher density can carry more powerful weapons, thicker armor, and higher-power shield equipment.

"Who gave them the courage?"

Wilson has seen stubborn people, but he has never seen such a suicidal person.

Five hundred Zerg warships, with a salvo, almost wiped out the frigate fleet.

Well, not almost, but completely wiped out.

While Wilson was receiving the information transmission, the second salvo launched by the recovery team destroyed all the remaining frigates.

In the picture in his mind, a hundred-meter-long frigate was penetrated by multiple high-energy rays with dark red light at the same time, and turned into gorgeous fireworks after the explosion.

The fragile energy protection barrier seemed to be non-existent and had no effect at all.

"Damn, shit!"

"You idiot, don't you know that the red-eyed barnacles will consume the energy reserves of the fungal blanket when they attack?"

"Even if you want to launch a counterattack, you must calculate the required energy intensity, don't waste it!"

"Especially after the high-intensity ray tower attack, the red-eyed barnacle carrying the excessive energy will die, you must try to reduce the number of attacks as much as possible!"

Wilson's attention was instantly distracted, and he was blasting the command bug of the team in the consciousness network.

When he was the brigade commander before, the amount of ammunition was limited, and he had to apply for half a year if he wanted to fire a shot.

The responsible bug of this team didn't know how to save at all, it was really a waste.

In order to annihilate only two thousand type frigates, it caused such a huge loss in the battle.

This large-scale encounter, it's a loss!

Wilson resisted the urge to hang him up and beat him, and ordered unhappily:

"You, immediately, immediately, quickly get close to the void fold area and detect relevant data!"

The responsible bug wanted to take credit, but he didn't get any credit, and was scolded by his boss. He had no choice but to admit that he was unlucky.

"Will the boss not deduct my performance? Damn, it will affect my future!"

He felt sad, and hurriedly commanded his subordinates to drive the warships and drive at high speed along the violent void fluctuations.

There was no way, these latest Zerg warships had strong attacks and decent defenses, but the rest of the shipboard equipment was really simple.

In addition to a set of garbage radar systems, there was no ultra-long-range detection equipment at all.

Not long after, the responsible bug reported the latest situation to Wilson again:

"Boss, we have arrived at the void wrinkle area and are observing it at close range."

"In the most part of this area, the protective light shield has been formed, covering a very large area."

"Based on the local intensity and radiation range of the void fluctuations, the number of warships that are jumping should be not small, and the jump distance is relatively short."

Speaking of this, in order to save his performance, the team leader hurriedly added:

"Based on our previous battle situation, this enemy may not be coming for us."

"The previous escort fleet is probably the vanguard responsible for scouting. Before encountering us, its main fleet had completed the jump preparation."

"Or the main fleet was forced to choose this place for space jump in a hurry... "

After carefully checking the relevant exploration data, Wilson agreed with this:

"Well, isn't your brain pretty good?"

Although the space jump distance of the jump engine is much farther than the space shuttle of the curvature engine, the disadvantages are obvious.

The startup and cooling time are too long. Once the jump preparation is completed, it is a hassle to stop temporarily.

Sending the vanguard to eliminate dangerous factors at the target point of the jump in advance is a necessary measure before the jump.

It is for this reason that the escort fleet launched an attack without declaring war after discovering the Zerg recovery team.

They may not want to annihilate these 500 cruisers with strange shapes.

More likely, the enemy wants to engage in roaming entanglement or firepower deterrence to drive away the Zerg team and prevent them from entering the jump zone of the main fleet.

Unfortunately, the enemy commander misjudged the configuration and firepower of the Zerg warships.

In order to save costs, even normal communication equipment is saved. The pioneer ship that directly uses the consciousness network instead of communication equipment cannot hear the enemy's warning at all.

And the ray towers raised by the Zerg warships are willing to extract nutrients from the fungal blanket, and they can also lose a corresponding number of red-eyed barnacles at the cost of losing a corresponding number of red-eyed barnacles.

It bursts out with powerful firepower beyond the ordinary large ship-borne main guns.

High-energy rays with almost no theoretical energy level limit, whether in range or power, even Liu Dan, a knowledgeable direct descendant of the true god, was amazed.

What's even more outrageous is that these things, supported by the fungal blanket, also have an unparalleled high rate of fire.

Red-eyed barnacles are born with the instinct to absorb nutrients, transform, gather energy and emit high-energy rays.

Compared with the charging time of the battleship's main gun, the preparation time of the ray tower is almost negligible, and the huge power of the battleship's main gun is almost the same.

The unaware escort fleet was caught off guard, one wave was destroyed, and two waves were completely wiped out.

Perhaps, the commander didn't react until his death, how could he be gone.

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