Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 406 Ambush 1

Wilson ordered the entire fleet to turn and accelerate towards the void fold area.

He didn't have the chivalry spirit for a fair duel. After the opponent came over, everyone opened up their formation and faced Todoroki.

The most correct choice is to take advantage of the fact that the enemy fleet has not yet completed the space jump, and strike halfway across to easily win.

Most of the configurations of the new Zerg warships are very low-end, except for the engine and power system.

Performance is acceptable, sturdy and durable.

The ship-based conventional propulsion engine is one of the civilian products of the same price range on the market that can be considered to have excellent conventional navigation speed.

The distance of millions of kilometers did not take much time from the moment the fleet collectively turned and accelerated to when all members arrived at the target area.

As the fleet advanced, Wilson in the super star shuttle had already left the mimic battle cabin, quickly came to the command room, got into his own command cabin, and immersed himself in the viscous special nutrient solution.

Although his heroic-level body was not like the original brainworm body, it could absorb and transform nutrient solution quickly and efficiently.

However, the ultra-high body and organ strength allowed Wilson to directly use 뇾Dimi's special version, a super special nutrient solution with added ingredients.

This thing has broken away from the level of supplements and has reached the level of medicine. It is not only rich in nutrients needed by brain worms, but also has a higher conversion efficiency.

In addition to the strength of hero-level brain worms, ordinary brain worms may even explode and die on the spot due to the violent effects of this special nutrient solution.

If Wilson wants to precisely control the huge pioneer fleet, he will definitely need high-intensity mental strength.

The brainworm's consciousness network is based on mental power.

The reason is that there are not enough nutrients to replenish the loss. Even if you reach the hero level, you will not be able to face this level of consumption for long.

"Boss, we don't have to be so close to the enemy's main fleet's jump zone, right?"

"With the configuration of the insect swarm fleet, we can completely rely on our absolute firepower advantage and high-energy rays to carry out ultra-long-range attacks on the enemy..."

After assistant Ed made a simple analysis of the situation on site, he suggested in the 놇Consciousness Network.

"Haha, stupid Ed."

"According to your opinion, I should consume a large amount of bacteria carpet and red-eyed barnacles in exchange for destroying all enemy warships from a distance into worthless scraps?"

"If the opponent turns around and runs away, can the civilian engine of the pioneer ship catch up? If not, where will I get the prisoner..."

"What mistake did I make to promote a loser like you to the position of chief assistant?"

When Wilson heard his assistant's suggestion, he turned around and yelled, "There must be no extravagance and waste in his fleet."

Wilson, who was soaked in the special nutrient solution, immediately made a new move after quarreling his chief assistant.

I saw that the entire consciousness network was gradually boiling under his leadership.

Billions of tentacles of consciousness instantly took over the spiritual links of the single-eyed bugs, covering their control over the red-eyed barnacles on the carpet.

This is the insurmountable gap in strength between the brain worms and the single-eyed worms. It is by no means just a gap in bloodline and rank.

놇Under Wilson's control, the entire pioneer fleet began to slow down slowly.

As the distance continues to shrink, the protective light film area of ​​the enemy's jump point is already visible in the distance.

Synchronizing through the consciousness network, Wilson issued a simple command.

Almost at the same moment, the surface structures of a large number of battleships began to split and disintegrate in an orderly manner.

The ray towers, coupled with the inertia of the large pieces of bacteria carpet, quickly broke away from the decelerating Zerg ship and floated towards the protective light film ahead at high speed.

The tower body, which is composed of a large number of red-eyed barnacles, is covered by layers of thickened fungi, leaving only the irregular top of the tower exposed.

Looking from a distance, they look like purple-red bamboo shoots suspended in the void.

After they collided with the protective light film in the transition zone, the flexible bacteria carpet had a buffering effect, turning into layers of blocky bacteria blankets that quickly spread out and firmly adhered to the surface of the radiant light film.

A spherical light film comparable in size to a medium-sized planet, the half of the sphere facing the insect fleet was instantly covered with a purple-red carpet.

This kind of protective light film that protects the transition target point is essentially an internal and external two-way protective cover formed in a clever and effective way by stimulating a super strong protective field through violent spatial folds.

It can easily deflect the particle ray stream of the corresponding energy level, but the light film itself has no real entity and is just the effect boundary of the strong magnetic field.

Just like the outer edge of a black hole, the escape boundary of light.

The spherical light film seen by the eyes is just an illusion observed by the naked eye.

Therefore, after the germ blanket is attached, not only is it not damaged, but the surface of the light film continues to flow.

In a very short time, it followed the disturbance and spread to most of the surface area of ​​the entire spherical light film.

The originally dazzling colored ball seemed to be rapidly transforming into a giant bloody ball.

At this time, Wilson's consciousness moved slightly again, and the pioneer fleet, which had greatly reduced its speed, immediately shifted its entire course.

Until it is like an outer tangent, from a very close distance, it can pass through the spherical jump protection zone.

Most of the battleships in the fleet were now visible to the naked eye, losing weight several times due to the disintegration and falling off of the surface bacteria carpet.

However, the fallen surface fungal blankets were all goods recovered more than half a month ago. Even if they were all peeled off, it would not have any impact on the most basic functions of the warships.

The pioneering fleet had just passed the spherical light film and had not yet arranged its array.

One after another, the rough-shaped warships shuttled out from the space folds inside the light film almost at the same time.

With the assistance of Wilson's mental power and consciousness network, it quickly swept across this vast area like a super-powered radar.

He immediately sensed that the number of warships that shuttled in this time reached 100,000.

The ship configuration of the entire fleet was very reasonable, belonging to the standard divine power technology creation, and the various ship-borne equipment was much more sophisticated than that of the Zerg warships.

Wilson was overjoyed, and felt that the other party really did not play by the rules.

The scale of the enemy fleet was about the same as he had expected before.

But what he didn't expect was that all the warships in the enemy fleet would choose to perform space jumps at the same time.

He knew that the jump engine was a way of moving by interrupting the continuity of space, overlapping two far-flung spatial points, and building a wormhole-like channel between the two points to achieve instant shuttle movement.

During the jump process, the warship cannot guarantee the continuity of navigation, and there are many uncontrollable factors.

If the number of warships jumping at the same time is too large, not only will the preparation time for the jump be longer.

It is more likely to cause accidents such as warships stacking at the same coordinate after passing through the channel, and the probability of accidents is completely exponentially increased.

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