Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 540 Changes in the battlefield 3

Under the subtle mental induction of the brainworms, such sudden extreme revenge psychology and self-destructive tendencies are not isolated cases in Longwa's frontline combat troops.

Unfortunately, this situation was covered up in the huge base of hundreds of millions, but it did not attract enough attention from the commanding high-level.

Even many experienced and experienced captains noticed something was wrong.

But the endless high-intensity battles, the extremely tense nerves, the bloody and cruel close-range strangulation, and the negligible probability of survival made the preventive measures they took useless.

The soldiers were extremely short of time to breathe, so they naturally could not get timely psychological counseling.

On the other hand, the void swarms participating in the war had no such concerns at all.

In most local battlefields, they still had a numerical advantage, and their individual combat power was not inferior, or even better.

The absolute obedience to the command and the tacit understanding brought by the group's will show the horror of the Zerg sea tactics vividly.

Waves of surging Zerg tides, like waves hitting the shore, continue to wash away the enemy's combat cluster.

The ferocious and ferocious appearance, the momentum of successive attacks, and the ruthlessness of fearlessness are enough to scare any intelligent creature.

Even if they are seriously injured, with mutilated limbs, and are about to face the end of their lives, these Zerg individuals who participated in the battle did not retreat at all.

On the contrary, before death, they will continue to advance towards the enemy fleet.

The two armies have been fighting for a long time, and they know each other better.

The front-line commanders of Longwa have long used bloody lessons to summarize the experience of fighting against Zerg.

Once the Zerg sea approaches, it will definitely be exploded face to face.

Facing the swarm of insects that were desperately advancing from different positions, the long-range strikes of the warships' guns were like a cannon hitting a mosquito, and it was difficult to carry out effective firepower containment.

The large-scale firepower coverage consumes a lot of energy, and it is difficult to continue to intercept all positions without blind spots.

Only the ship-borne high-speed close-in defense guns can build a sufficiently dense cross-fire network.

But the effective range of the close-in defense guns is too short.

If the swarm really wants to advance to this distance, it can completely rely on its huge number and force a breakthrough under the artillery fire.

Just like in ground wars, large-scale infantry clusters, under the cover of long-range firepower, fearlessly holding explosives, launched a suicide charge against the enemy's artillery positions.

It's really unbelievable that the commanders are cold-blooded and ignore the lives of their soldiers.

Faced with this situation, in addition to continuing to send battle groups and using void fighters and battle mechas to intercept.

Longwa's frontline commanders could not find a more effective response tactic.

After all, once the Zerg breaks into the fleet array and then launches a large-scale self-explosion, the losses will only be greater.

With the steady advancement of the Zerg's mobile front, this seemingly endless war of attrition is increasingly approaching a one-sided torture of Longwa's troops.

The Zerg, a blunt knife that is constantly cutting meat, is becoming sharper and sharper.

"We can't keep wasting time like this!"

"The command center can't spare enough troops to help us in time."

"That's right, this is not holding on for help, it's obviously waiting to die!"

"Look at the reply from the command center. Apart from asking us to defend, there is not a clear answer to the problems we are facing. Damn it!"


The frontline soldiers who have been waiting for reinforcements for a long time are inevitably shaken.

The fear of fighting has gradually begun to spread within the fleet.

The military judges can still use thundering means to suppress the negative remarks of the lower-level soldiers and crew members.

But after many middle and high-level officers participated in it, the situation began to gradually get out of control.

Some generals, relying on their status, even directly suggested to evacuate as soon as possible in front of the commander before the war.

Although it is not a palace coup, it has shown similar signs to some extent.

Now, in the front battlefields everywhere, Longwa's cannon fodder troops are almost wiped out.

The war situation has completely turned to corruption, and the hope of winning is getting slimmer.

But guys with a little bit of brains can see some clues from it.

In addition, this war is mostly a joint war, and the participating races only follow the oracle and cooperate reluctantly.

Different races, different beliefs, different values, they don't even have the most basic trust.

Wanting a certain unit to completely sacrifice its own interests and even lives for the overall situation is really too much.

Not to mention that the front-line generals are not happy, the gods' spokespersons who are in the rear and stay in the coalition headquarters all day long will never agree.

If too many elite soldiers of the tribe are killed, even if the Zerg cleaning plan is successfully concluded, these representatives will not be able to explain to their own gods.

Losing friendly forces in battle and fighting against their own people is perfect.

As the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, Quinn is full of a sense of powerlessness in the face of this situation where it is difficult to work together.

Dealing with the representatives of many gods every day makes him mentally exhausted.

As the war situation becomes more and more unfavorable, he is even more worried about the deployment of the overall strategy.

He has been sleepless for many days and nights, racking his brains to think about countermeasures.

Even as a hero-level dependent, he is a little overwhelmed by the dual consumption of body and spirit.

Forced to do so, Quinn had to give all pre-war command headquarters greater autonomy at the strong request of the representatives of the gods.

Of course, it is necessary to send trusted generals to supervise the battle.

Unfortunately, before Quinn could arrange the supervision team properly, he suddenly received bad news.

War Zone E75 was completely defeated!

Except for the small number of reserve troops stationed at the edge of the E75 ocean current, guarding the pre-war command center, they were able to escape in time.

All the fleets that went deep into the ocean current and participated in the front-line operations were completely wiped out.

"This... How is it possible... This is impossible!"

Looking at the brief description of the battle report, Quinn couldn't believe his eyes.

Looking at the overall situation, although the Zerg in War Zone E75 was the first to counterattack, and the momentum was the fastest.

But he had already ordered the legion in War Zone E75 to shrink its forces as much as possible and delay time.

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