Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 541 Changes in the battlefield 4

Chapter 541 Changes in the battlefield 4

We just need to rely on the remaining reserve forces to stabilize the defense system in the area where the pre-war command is located and firmly contain the Zerg. There is no reason to lose so quickly.

Who would have thought that the E75 war zone would completely collapse before half a month.

"Even if it is billions of pigs, it will take half a month for the other side to kill them at will!"

From the angry roar, you can hear Quinn's mood at the moment.

After reading the battle report carefully, he almost spit out blood.


Although the commander of the E75 war zone followed his order and did not have any soldiers to block the Zerg reinforcements.

But he sent a large number of reserve troops to multiple fronts to support the retreating fleet.

That's fine.

But the real purpose of this commander is to retain more manpower.

Instead, they wanted to rescue more elites of their own race. Even in the process of supporting the retreating fleet, they did not hesitate to let the alien friendly forces take the blame!

Most of the several reserve troops that rushed to help were also from the commander's own race.

These guys had no intention of rescuing the other alien friendly forces trapped on the front line, even if they were right in front of them.

This extremely selfish and biased approach directly led to a split among the top leaders of the legion, and even caused a mutiny in the front-line troops!

Your race's life is life, and your race's life is life?

Under the explicit or implicit instructions of the top leaders of each race, almost all the front-line troops began to evacuate.

The dam that was barely built was instantly turned into a mess.

The brain worms would not miss this opportunity.

As a result, the entire fleet was chased by the swarm of insects and was completely submerged in the raging waves of the sea of ​​insects.

Quinn saw the chaos and tragedy of his troops' escape through the video recordings sent back.

A giant void worm with a body comparable to a battleship, but it turned and moved flexibly, jumping in the void almost without stopping. Even if it entered the turbulent area, it could easily avoid danger without slowing down much.

However, his fleet had to constantly fine-tune its course to avoid deviating from the safe channel.

Even if the battle fortress was at the forefront and forced to pass through the turbulent area, it would be forced to slow down.

With the advantage of speed, it was impossible to shake off the pursuing swarm of insects, and they were caught up one by one before they escaped far.

The fleet left behind was almost useless.

In front of the vast void giant worms, these warships that had been separated from the protection of divine magic had no resistance to the concentrated fire of the scarlet rays.

Instantly, they were blown into sieves, and brilliant fireworks were created in the explosion.

The already scattered fleet array was destroyed layer by layer in the ultra-long-range ray stream, just like an onion being peeled.

The one-sided massacre made Quinn's eyes ache.

"These cowardly fools, can they see that after the large-scale void giant insects chased them, they had no hope of escape?"

They escaped left and right, so they might as well turn around and fight desperately, at least they could splash blood on the pursuers' faces.

In addition to being angry, Quinn also refreshed his understanding of the swarm.

These weird insect beasts have low IQs and are extremely cunning.

At least the other party knows how to take advantage of the fluke mentality of the fleeing soldiers. When they chased the fleeing fleet, they were very careful about the scale, always leaving a glimmer of hope for the fleeing fleet.

Avoid letting them fall into despair completely, thus triggering a desperate counterattack.

This is definitely a deliberate move.

The high execution ability shown by the Zerg's pursuit troops, the countless void giants, made Quinn admire it from the bottom of his heart.

Just like a pack of wolves hunting prey, all individuals showed a high degree of coordination on the battlefield.

Quinn, who had no intention of watching it carefully, jumped directly to the end of the real scene.

Looking at the few remaining battle fortresses, which were gradually engulfed by the surging Zerg tide, the picture was violently distorted in the sudden burst of flames and strong light until it was completely black.

There was a fleeting decadence and fatigue in his eyes.

After dismissing the subordinates present, Quinn walked slowly into the quiet room with heavy steps, kneeling devoutly to pray to the gods he believed in.

"Great and wise Lord, I, the humble Quinn, beg you to cast a look of pity"

"Your incompetence has disgraced your glory............"

After a long time, the lifelike statue on the altar began to glow with golden light.


At this time, Wilson, the Zerg commander of War Zone E75, was also praying madly to the Zerg Overlord.

"Oh, benevolent Overlord."

"Under your command, War Zone E75 has completely wiped out foreign enemies, annihilated and captured nearly 2 billion warships of various types, and 14 battle fortresses of various types............"

With his powerful mental power, he could easily compile the battle data sent back by the consciousness network, and he kept asking for credit from the Overlord.

"Shut up!"

"Don't worry, your contributions will be remembered, keep working hard."

"Gather the forces of the E75 ocean current as soon as possible and rush to its war zone. You are now the first war zone commander with free hands!"

"When we achieve a complete victory, we will miss your reward."

The vast divine sound transmitted through the line of faith flashed quickly in his mind.

Wilson, who received Han Fei's promise, was immediately overjoyed.

As a senior brainworm, he knows that the master pursues efficiency and never likes to do things in a false way.

It is best not to do anything roundabout. If anyone dares to say that he works for the master and asks for rewards, the master may really give him all the rewards.

A long time ago, many smart new brainworms paid a painful lesson for this.

Han Fei dared to do this because his core followers, except for a few Zerg scum, are all born fanatics.

And the Zerg scum who can become brainworms have reached the level of fanatics.

They have also undergone a scientific thinking of the three views reshaped.

This makes Han Fei not care about the status of being a god.

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