Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 576 Shout

Deep space routes for commercial purposes are often set up in areas that are too empty.

Otherwise, once a ship breaks down due to a malfunction, or even encounters an unexpected danger, it will be difficult to obtain supplies, and there will be almost no room for self-rescue.

The main route in the remote star field is naturally no exception.

The route stretches for several light years, and each branch route connects the most prosperous main star system in the star field.

The main route running through deep space, in order to ensure the speed and navigation safety, although it is as far away from the meteorite belt of each star system as possible, it passes through many ice-structured comet groups.

This kind of small-scale orbiting active comet group is equivalent to a relay point for long-distance ships, which greatly reduces the storage pressure of fuel and materials for the ship.

After all, there are not so many high-level large transport ships in the remote star field.

The poor local natives can build and buy them.

Whenever a transport ship sails to a nearby comet group, regardless of whether it needs to obtain supplies, it will slightly reduce its speed, which does not pose a big safety hazard.

Many transport fleets of the Morson Consortium travel back and forth here all year round, and they are very familiar with the route.

There is no need to even ask Deacon Perrin, the huge fleet has already slowed down as usual according to the notice of the senior navigator.

However, when the speed dropped to the predetermined value, a harsh warning suddenly sounded throughout the flagship.

Perrin, wearing a loose nightgown, rushed to the exclusive cabin in a hurry.

In the full gallop, she perfectly demonstrated the super high agility of the leopard man and dark elf hybrid, leaping all the way so fast that she almost left a trail of afterimages.

"What's going on?" Just after returning to the command position of the bridge, she asked in a hurry without waiting for a breath.

The crew member in charge of monitoring equipment had no time to appreciate Perrin's silk nightgown that had slipped off for the most part, and the large area of ​​delicate and white skin that was exposed and looming in her proud body.

The beast-like sense of danger from the half-orcs made him feel that what was gushing out from Perrin's red lips was not only the strong aroma of wine, but also the overwhelming anger.

He hurriedly reported in a trembling voice: "Sir, a large area of ​​divine energy particles suddenly detected in front of us!"

"Is it man-made?"

Perrin asked himself a meaningless nonsense in a mixture of surprise and palpitations.

The large-scale release of divine energy particles is undoubtedly deliberately shielding the long-range scanning of conventional radars.

In interstellar encounters, this is almost a fixed ambush process.

Unless it is an elite fleet of a high-level civilization, equipped with multi-purpose high-speed detection equipment, and fully powered on all the time for wide-area long-distance scanning, it can be prevented in advance.

During this period, a large amount of energy consumption continued, which was an astronomical figure.

Although the Molson Consortium is rooted in the hegemonic civilization and has extremely strong capital, even the transport ships stationed in the remote star field are very expensive, and the flagship is equipped with complete and high-end equipment.

But if it is really used without restrictions, the terrifying energy consumption cost will definitely eat up all the trade profits of this trip, which is a complete loss!

Perrin and other permanent deacons are under great performance pressure, so they naturally try their best to compress their spending, and usually save as much as possible.

In view of the fact that in the remote star field, few indigenous races and star pirate groups dare to violate the interests of the Molson Consortium.

The transport fleets of the consortium usually only turn on conventional radars to avoid accidental collisions with small celestial bodies, which is sufficient to ensure navigation safety.

Who would have thought that they would be ambushed in this main channel and under the escort of the joint fleet?

Seeing that the situation was not right, without waiting for Perrin's order, the flagship communications officer had proactively issued a notice to the transport ships and the joint fleet, and the radar operator had already turned on full-rate detection.

The interference of divine energy particles was penetrated, long-range signal source detection, over-the-horizon optical scanning...

The huge projection screen, with the continuous refresh and integration of the data stream, gradually showed a real-time image.

Perrin, who originally had a little bit of luck, saw the detection results displayed, and was like a leopard with hair standing up.

A large group of warships was intercepting the channel ahead.

At that time, a comet passed by, dragging a dark blue tail, passing through the gap between the fleet formations.

The scattered debris and disturbed particle flow did not bring the slightest chaos to the fleet.

It was enough to show that this long-planned ambush was extremely perfect and accurate in the choice of location and ambush strategy.

Those rough-shaped warships, just the air mines deployed in advance in the vast airspace around them, had already blocked the channel in advance.

Now the transport fleet, which had slowed down significantly, was just like a fat sheep automatically sent into the tiger's mouth, and it drove into the pocket formation arranged by the opponent very smoothly.

"Quick... turn around!"

In panic, Perrin ordered hastily.

Her only remaining confidence was that the performance of her transport ships was superior to that of the opponent.

Putting aside the firepower, the conventional configurations in all aspects are inferior to the ordinary warships found here.

As long as she turned around and fled in time, relying on the thick armor and protective shield, she could withstand several waves of long-range firepower attacks. After she escaped from the enemy's firepower range, the enemy might not be able to catch up with her.

"By the way, let the escort fleet cover us and launch an attack!"

"At all costs, we must... defeat the enemy!"

Perrin suddenly woke up and remembered that she had always regarded the United Fleet as ants.

Now is the perfect time to make use of waste.

No matter whether they can win, as long as they can delay the enemy for a while and let the caravan escape, it can be considered a worthy death!

But before the words could be finished, the message from the wide-area public communication system had already resounded throughout the bridge.

"This is the Angsai Star Thief Group. The fleet on the opposite side will immediately shut down its engines and shut down all power and energy systems."

"We only care about the goods, not your lives."

"If you surrender obediently, you will all receive preferential treatment and can wait for the follow-up redemption arrangements of the Molson Consortium with peace of mind."

"But if you insist on enlightenment, haha..., you will be responsible for the consequences!"

Hearing the shouting from the other side, the noisy bridge suddenly fell silent.

The operators who were originally in a panic were at a loss.

놊The young crewman's eyes flickered, with a hint of happiness, and even a glimmer of unexplainable meaning.

It stands to reason that this kind of routine shouting is the normal process of persuading most star thief groups to surrender, and its credibility is basically zero.

But the other side used the banner of "Ansai Star Thieves Group", which is the same.

At least in this remote star field and among these indigenous orc groups, the credibility of the "Ansai Star Thief Group" is very high!

Compared to those extremely vicious star thief gangs, what the Angsai Star Thieves Group did is a breath of fresh air among the star thief gangs!

I have always only valued money and life.

As long as the ransom is enough, they will even refill the damaged ship with fuel before returning it with its people. Join this group of star thieves.

Orcs who think this way are rare in the business group.

It is rumored that the predecessor of the Angsai Star Thief Group was originally one of the resistance organizations in this remote star field. To these half-orcs, they were naturally "friendly".

Although times have changed and the resistance organization has long since disappeared, for them in the current situation, surrender may be the wrong choice.

The loss belongs to the consortium, but your life is yours!

Half-orcs who are capable of serving as an interstellar crew are stupid. After all, they are all technical talents. They can definitely do well in the Star Thieves group.

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