Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 577 Dead End

At this moment, a stronger divine energy interference particle covered the fleet area where Perrin was from the rear for the second time.

The warships following the transport fleet had begun to change their formation without her noticing, and blocked the transport fleet in a semi-encircled interception posture.

"Hehehe... Deacon Perrin, I'm sorry I can't execute your order. Compared to going to die, what do you think... Using the Moore Consortium's transport fleet as a token of surrender, taking the entire escort fleet to join the Ansai Star Pirates?"

In the communication channel, the words of Anderson, the commander of the escort fleet, sounded slowly, but at this time, this flattering voice that originally annoyed him, except for full of teasing and coldness, no longer had any flattering intentions.

Hearing Anderson's question and watching the escort fleet gradually change its formation, Perrin's face turned pale instantly.

There are wolves in front and tigers behind. We have a transport fleet equipped with only basic self-defense weapons.

Let alone resistance, if the escort fleet turns against us, the entire transport fleet will have very little chance to escape and will be annihilated here.

Suppressing the fear and anger in his heart, Perrin tried his best to control his emotions and make his voice sound as sincere as possible.

"Anderson, you shouldn't do this! If this transport fleet disappears for no reason, the Moore Consortium will liquidate it afterwards, and your entire family will be buried with me!"

"You haven't done anything yet. As long as you continue to perform your escort duties and help me break through successfully, I will treat your previous words as a joke. I will commend you and bring you to the Moore Consortium afterwards!"

"In the end, you choose to become a star pirate, hide everywhere like a mouse, and live in the sun, seize this opportunity to join the Moore Consortium, and instantly cross the double barriers of race and class... You should know how to choose!"

In addition to the name of Mooreson and the understanding of the local area, Perrin must have the corresponding ability to be able to sit in the deacon position in the Moore Consortium.

"Haha, it turns out that the arrogant Deacon Perrin can also be humble sometimes, which is really rare!" In addition to the teasing in Anderson's voice, there was also a touch of sarcasm.

"Deacon Perrin, do you think there is a possibility that I was originally a member of the Ansai Star Pirates? Haha..., I advise you to give up these unrealistic fantasies, and let the transport fleet shut down the engine and give up resistance now."

"As long as you can cooperate obediently, I can promise that I will definitely guarantee your personal safety."

"Otherwise, once the battle starts, the battleship's divine energy particle cannon has no eyes, and I don't know how many crew members in the transport fleet will die here, but the result will not change at all. This meaningless sacrifice, I think it is completely unnecessary, what do you say!"

"Let's do this, Deacon Perrin and the transport fleet will... Everyone in the losing fleet, the situation is now very clear. "

"Run, you will definitely not be able to escape. Everyone has heard about the reputation of the Ansai Star Pirates."

"I will give you another 10 minutes to discuss whether to choose to fight to the death. It is meaningless to be killed here."

"Or surrender obediently and save your life. Maybe there is a chance to be redeemed by the Moore Consortium!"

As the communication ended, the bridge where Perrin was located fell into a dead silence in an instant. All the half-beasts present turned their heads and looked at Perrin Mooreson, who was sitting in the main seat with an extremely pale face.

Just now, Anderson talked to her, and the communication was conducted through the public channel without encryption. Every ship in the entire transport fleet could hear it.

Originally, the crew members in the transport fleet had only two choices: either fight to the death and break through with all their strength, and leave a pension for their families after they die here.

Or they could submit a letter of surrender, defect on the spot and join the Star Pirates, and from now on they would be interstellar pirates, and their families would most likely be liquidated by the Moore Consortium afterwards.

But now, Anderson gave them a third choice. As long as the fleet commander ordered surrender, they could not only survive successfully, but also their families would most likely not face liquidation by the Moore Consortium regardless of whether the Moore Consortium was willing to redeem them afterwards.

At this time, if Perrin still chose to break through by force, it would be equivalent to pushing the crew members who wanted to save their lives and did not want their families to be liquidated to the opposite side of themselves.

The choice between life and death, plus the originally unreliable moral shackles, the choice scale would inevitably tilt.

More resentful crew members will also get an excuse to break free from the moral shackles at this time, stab themselves in the back, and join the Ansai Pirates.

Under internal and external troubles, her chances of breaking through with the merchant ship are almost zero.

Anderson's move can be said to have directly pinched Perrin's vitals.

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