Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 578 Firefight

The escort fleet that suddenly turned against the enemy obviously didn't want to waste time talking nonsense with the other side.

The fire control radars of each warship locked onto the preset targets.

The naval guns that had already adjusted their directions were rapidly charging at full power. The dark blue energy halo, from the etched array pattern on the gun mount, swirled along the barrel and gathered towards the muzzle.

As Anderson announced the ultimatum, without waiting for Perrin's reply, the warships had already started the bombardment.

The dense energy beams, like spears of light, bombarded the transport fleet without stopping.

The scene was extremely spectacular, but it was a pity... In a short period of time, it was probably difficult to achieve any actual results.

The transport ships of the Morson Consortium were the creations of the Overlord Civilization.

Even if the ships assigned to the remote star field were some cheap civilian products, their technological content was difficult for small and medium-sized civilizations to obtain and master.

Apart from other things, the cargo ship is equipped with a defensive divine shield, which is extremely difficult to shake without a corresponding high-level attack.

At this time, the intensive bombardment of the quantum light spear only caused a few ripples on the surface of the shield, and then quickly dissipated into nothingness.

Like throwing a bunch of sand grains into a golden lake, it melted away in the blink of an eye.

"Alas, the gap is too big."

Anderson had expected this, but when he really saw this scene, he still couldn't help but sigh helplessly.

This gap is not only reflected in scientific and technological strength, but also in economic strength.

Many civilizations in the Pianhuang Star Region want to obtain some divine technology from various advanced civilizations, but they still have certain channels.

The joint fleet built together also purchased some high-end warships and equipped them with stronger firepower and defense systems.

But if all of them are equipped with divine warships, the cost will undoubtedly be an unimaginable astronomical figure.

Besides, even if they can afford to buy them, they can’t afford to raise them, let alone live with them.

In the entire remote star field, even the highest class of each civilization, it is as difficult as ascending to heaven to get the God Seed to open up the God Domain.

God Seed is a strictly controlled resource of the overlord civilization!

In this star field, the flow of each God Seed is strictly controlled and recorded.

Even if you are a true god, the distribution of God Seeds of the overlord civilization is only for the descendants of the family to obtain the corresponding quota, and you can’t say too much.

Let alone these marginal small civilizations, even if a medium-sized civilization wants God Seed, if you don’t have some connections, no matter how rich you are, you may not be able to get it.

Even if you get it, you have to hide it well, otherwise once it is traced, there will be many people who end up with their families destroyed and their races exterminated.

Under such circumstances, the result is that many civilizations in the Pianhuang Star Region not only do not have half a true god, but also the seeds of becoming a god that have opened up the God Domain are also few and far between.

All of them are protected by their own civilizations with the high hopes of leading the race to rise, and they rarely show up.

Under such circumstances, many civilizations in the Pianhuang Star Region can hardly condense the God Crystal on their own.

The only source of a small amount of acquisition is to buy from foreign tycoons such as Mooreson Wealth at extremely high prices.

Raising a fleet of Gods?

That's not just burning money, it's clearly burning the flesh and blood and even the bones of various races.

It's burning all the time!

A small number of God battleships are naturally very expensive, but the number is definitely not large, and they are the foundation of civilizations that are rarely used.

As for the joint fleet that used to escort normally, it would be enough for a large civilization that took the technological route to build some standard warships and equip some conventional weapons.

The escort fleet under Anderson's command was really elite in the remote star field.

But compared with the divine ships, the combat power was still several levels lower.

It had no great deterrent power against the ordinary transport ships of the Mooreson Consortium, so they just tried their best.

However, this seemingly meaningless attack method made Perrin more panicked.

She obviously did not expect Anderson to be so decisive.

Not only did he not leave her any room for maneuver to delay a little, he even refused to give her a moment to think.

"Why panic? They can't break through our ship's defenses!"

"Order all ships to counterattack with escort weapons!"

"Allow all ships to turn slightly, choose their own direction, and disperse at full speed to break out!"

After all, Perrin is not a fool with no talent, otherwise she would not be able to climb up to the top of the consortium and get the lucrative job of a deacon.

After suppressing her panic, she adjusted her mentality a little and issued the most feasible instructions.

There is no way. Although the intensive attack of the escort fleet cannot cause actual damage to the transport ship in a short time, the violent energy disturbance is enough to affect the entire airspace.

Without a sufficiently stable space node, hastily launching a space jump is undoubtedly equivalent to suicide.

Even if the flagship where Perrin is located is more advanced and equipped with various advanced equipment, it can only bear the enemy's attack and break out desperately at this time.

"Anderson, wait for me!"

After issuing the order to break out of the whole body, Perrin did not forget to speak harshly to the other party in the public communication band.

The resentful tone contained a strong sense of humiliation and unwillingness.

If it were not for the huge fleet of ships that intercepted the star road, those rough and ferocious warships were approaching rapidly, she would not be so embarrassed at all.

The transport ships under the Moore Consortium, except for not having heavy firepower such as ultra-long-range main guns, their dense array of self-defense firepower is actually not much different from the warships of its escort fleet.

If it was just a two-on-one battle, Perrin was confident that she could easily get rid of this escort fleet.

Unfortunately, there are not so many ifs in reality.

The real situation now is that the fleet that calls itself the "Ansai Star Pirates" is rushing over.

Through optical scanning, the divine shields supported by those rough warships are already vaguely visible.

The ferocious cannons on the bow of the ship, surrounded by violent divine power fluctuations, make the display screen of the mass scanning radar show more and more dazzling red highlights.

The sharp alarm sounded throughout the bridge where Perrin was.

Fortunately, except for her flagship, other ordinary transport ships are not equipped with such high-end detection equipment.

Otherwise, once those stupid half-beast captains of each ship know that even if they break through temporarily, they will still face the pursuit of the entire divine fleet.

Then they will definitely surrender, or even defect to the enemy and stab her in the back!

Perrin has half of the blood of half-beasts flowing in her body, so she believes that she has enough knowledge of this race.

"Main engine full power output, don't worry about those rubbish!"

"The jump engine is kept at full charge, and space jump is performed immediately after leaving the jump interference zone!"

Perrin gave the order decisively, without any psychological burden of abandoning his subordinates.

As long as they escape, even if the entire transport fleet is damaged, the batch of rare resources carried on the flagship is not lost, and the loss is still within her tolerance range.

In her mission this time, the rare resources secretly transported in the flagship are the hard tasks issued by the top management of the consortium.

If there is a problem, it will not only destroy the entire transport fleet, but also lose a large amount of ordinary resources.

Not to mention her future is in jeopardy, just the feelings behind her, the old pervert of the Molson family who is in a high position is estimated to have a lot to pay for.

"Escape, not only must you escape, but you must also reach your destination as soon as possible!"

When facing a huge dilemma, Perrin did not have the courage to burn her boats and the ruthlessness to fight to the death.

She commanded her crew with a stern look, and quickly formulated the most feasible breakout route with the teleportation star gate as the ultimate goal.

The ultra-long-distance star gate is an important facility jointly built and maintained by many chaebols. It is stationed with many elite fleets all year round, and a complete defense system has been built.

The guarding force is not easy to capture in a short time even for the main battle corps of regular civilization.

Not to mention the star pirate organization in a remote star field.

As long as she can escape into the radiation zone of the star gate power, she will be safe!

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