Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 579 Firefight 2

Although Perrin's response was decisive enough and theoretically feasible, it was still far from her ideal when it came to specific implementation.

Even if the transport flagship could quickly complete a large-angle turn under the impetus of many auxiliary engines, the transport ship was still a transport ship after all.

The overall construction concept was not based on maneuverability as a priority.

The nearly full-load state made the huge and bulky ship structure bear a greater load when turning rapidly.

In addition, after turning the course, the full speed was accelerated without delay, causing the entire ship to be at a critical point where it could collapse at any time.

Even if the perfect onboard life support system could reduce the physical load of the crew to the greatest extent and ensure the safety of life on board, the ship structure that could not bear the heavy load also emitted a series of metal twisting creaking sounds.

Being in the ship at this time was like being in a submarine that was constantly sinking into the deep sea and being squeezed crazily by endless sea water.

The incomparable fear, powerlessness and suffocation are unimaginable for ordinary people.

The alarm sounding through the bridge is even more shrill and piercing.

"Turn off the automatic error correction program, adopt full manual operation, and continue to maintain the acceleration state!" Perrin, who has already decided to fight to the death, gave an order decisively.

The vertical pupils like a leopard shrank tightly, and the cold eyes swept away the initial panic, with a glimmer of cruelty and madness.

The crew members who were swept by his cold eyes all had their hair standing on end, and they dared not hesitate or delay for a moment.

They were afraid that if they moved a little slower, the female beast would pounce on them and bite off their necks.

Such a reckless and crazy operation had an immediate effect.

Just when most of the captains of the entire transport fleet had just received the order to disperse and break out, and had not yet reacted to issue specific orders.

The flagship at the core of the fleet array had completely completed a large-angle turn.

Driven by the main engine at full power, it forced its way through the obstacles ahead and avoided the multiple transport ships that were in a hurry.

Relying on the solid shield, it rushed into the fleet array in an extremely arrogant manner.

The escort fleet that was further away and rebelled had no time to react, and naturally could not effectively intercept it.

You could only watch this seemingly bulky super-large transport ship rushing into its own encirclement crazily.

Looking at the real-time image on the projection screen, Anderson's eyes flashed with shock.

Before you could completely come to your senses, a roar that resounded through the bridge was transmitted through a certain exclusive temporary communication frequency band.

"Anderson, what are you doing? You are a piece of shit!"

"Hurry up and stop all the other transport ships. If you let another one escape, I will twist off your head and use it as a wine bottle!"

"Leave the one that escaped to you. Don't worry about it."

The holographic projection, which was barely visible, appeared in front of the command seat.

The leader of the Ansai Pirates, the lion-headed half-orc Oheim with a head full of golden mane, roared viciously.

Anderson suddenly saw the bloody mouth in front of him, his face twitched, but he had to respond repeatedly until the projection disappeared, and then he slapped the armrest of the command seat.

However, he didn't know that after Oheim hung up the call, his fierce expression immediately subsided, a flattering expression appeared on his face, and he hunched his strong body and immediately dialed another secret communication.

"Boss, everything is going according to plan. The flagship has already broken through the encirclement."

"It's going smoothly. There will be no mistakes. You can rest assured that I will do the job."

"You know this matter yourself. Your loyalty is witnessed by the stars...."

The bowing and nodding look doesn't look like the spirit of a star bandit leader.

On the other side, Perrin, who had just commanded the flagship to break through the encirclement, didn't even have time to catch her breath.

"Damn it!" She looked extremely angry at the four ferocious warships chasing closely behind her on the projection screen.

Although she had never paid much attention to the Ansai Star Pirates, she had heard of them. They were just an ordinary star pirate gang.

Who would have thought that when they really met them this time, they found that the Ansai Star Pirates not only had a large number of divine ships, but also the performance of the warships seemed to be very good.

At this time, she had estimated the performance of the four warships that were chasing her just by looking at their speed and maneuverability.

Fortunately, the power of the divine main guns of these looting warships was still a little behind that of military-grade warships.

Any heavy divine weapons were heavily controlled by various civilizations. Large ships were still allowed to be built and sold by civilians, and there were also many that were privately converted into warships.

But if they were equipped with military-controlled super-standard weapons, it would definitely involve the forces behind them.

On the other hand, high-end defensive equipment, such as the divine shield array, did not have so many restrictions.

It was also because of this that the transport flagship could rely on the extremely strong divine shield to maintain itself under the pursuit of four warships.

Groups of hot plasma, wrapped in golden divine power, crossed the starry sky and continuously bombarded the divine shield, with light splashing everywhere as the electric light flashed.

In a short period of time, it is difficult to cause substantial effective damage.

Even if the attack continues, it is difficult to completely break the shield before the energy reserve is exhausted.

After all, although the energy consumption of maintaining the shield is greater, the energy crystal reserve of the transport flagship is undoubtedly much more abundant than that of these four warships, which is also Perrin's only hope.

What really made her anxious was the enemy's relentless pursuit, which kept the flagship in a state of warp harassment.

And further behind, there were more pirate warships chasing them.

Once their speed was slowed down and they fell into more firepower range, no matter how strong the divine shield was, they could not withstand the concentrated fire of the main guns of the warships.

In addition, the density and structural disadvantages of the transport ship made it difficult to maintain an excessively high-speed navigation for a long time even if its power equipment was sufficient.

As time went on, its energy consumption and hull load would increase step by step.

In contrast, the pirate group's smaller density, tighter structure, and more maneuverable warships were designed for this kind of high-speed cruising.

Especially after leaving the safe channel, the collision of small celestial bodies began to gradually appear.

Even with advanced detection equipment, Perrin's transport ship could not completely avoid these space junk in advance.

Not to mention that when passing through some meteorite-dense areas, the huge transport ship has no space to adjust and dodge.

Not only does it affect the speed, but the energy consumption also begins to rise rapidly. This is the main reason why ships will not leave the safe channel at will when sailing normally.

At this time, the transport flagship, which was in a panic, had already deviated from the range of the safe channel.

In addition to avoiding direct collisions with larger celestial bodies, Perrin had no time to dodge the collisions with other small celestial bodies.

The damage caused to the divine shield is not even less than the bombardment of the chasing enemy ships.

On the other hand, the four warships that were chasing closely followed the transport flagship, almost like they were moving forward with a huge shield, and they did not need to bear any collision risks at all, so they could naturally maintain a high speed without any scruples.

If it dragged on like this, the transport flagship where Perrin was might not be able to hold on until it approached the star gate guard area, and even before the divine shield was broken, the unbearable ship structure would collapse in advance.

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