Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 583: Salvation

Looking at Perrin kneeling humbly, Han Fei leaned against the back of his chair, shaking his wine glass, with an inexplicable smile in his contemptuous tone.

"Heh, interesting!"

"A transport ship of the Molson Consortium, a dark half-elf, is being hunted by a group of interstellar pirates?"

"Although I only passed by, I have learned about this star field. This place should have been under the control of the Molson Consortium a long time ago, right?"

Han Fei's question made Perrin's face stiffen slightly on her lowered head.

In a star field controlled by her family, she fell into this miserable state now. No matter what caused it, she could not escape the label of incompetence.

"Your Highness, this is just an accident. It's just that we encountered the collusion between the local resistance organization and the escort fleet..."

Without waiting for Perrin to continue, Han Fei, who put down his wine glass, interrupted her explanation without interest.

"Don't tell me this. I don't care about your little things. Since you are a member of the Molson Consortium, it is only natural for me to lend you a helping hand for the sake of our fellow consortium."

"However, after I help you get rid of the thieves behind you, you have to give me a star map of the nearby star field."

"During the forced jump just now, there was a problem with the navigation system on your ship. It will take some time to repair it. I don't want to waste time."

"There should be a large star gate of the Molson Consortium nearby. You can just go there and leave this star field."

Hearing that Han Fei was willing to help, Perrin's face relaxed, and the big stone in her heart fell to the ground instantly. She sent the star map in her body to the other party without hesitation.

She saw clearly that the gap in strength was there. If she continued to be suspicious and hesitant at this time, she would be cutting off her own way of life.

"Your Highness, the star gate is nearby. Please allow me to personally lead you to thank you for your help."

"Haha, a sensible choice."

Han Fei nodded with a joking smile and immediately cut off the communication.


Dark void.

The swept-back wings of the gorgeous star shuttle deflected at an angle, like a gliding horned eagle in a diving forward posture.

The starlight array engraved on the wing surface, the flowing magic halo continued to condense and burst, forming a nearly substantial beam of light.

At the front end of the wing, the magic beams quickly intertwined, forming two virtual giant magic array diagrams.


The array diagram blasted out four magic energy flames in succession, like a small comet, with a dark blue tail flame, cutting through the void.

At this time, the impact of the divine explosion that affected a large area of ​​airspace has not been completely reduced.

Both the transport flagship and the four warships that were chasing it were like being stuck in a quagmire, unable to break free from the cage of spatial hysteresis.

Facing the magic flames that were coming in an instant, there was almost no room to dodge.

In the bridge of the transport flagship, the half-orc crew, who knew nothing, fell into desperate panic again.

The four Ansai warships that were originally behind the transport flagship and were covered by its huge hull were even more caught off guard.

I saw that the four magic flames, after passing by the side of the transport flagship, suddenly changed direction at a large angle at the speed of light.

It was like hitting a mirror, generating a reflected beam of light, and accurately bombarded its own warship.

Facing the bombardment of magic flames, the energy shield of the warship melted in an instant like ice and snow.

Not to mention effective defense, it doesn't even have any hysteresis effect.

This dense magic energy that is almost solidified forms a double crush of quality and quantity within a local unit area.

The outer armor made of high-strength alloy was easily torn apart like paper paste, and then melted into gas.

The bursting magic flame and the spray of magic energy particles raged wildly in the surrounding airspace.

From a distance, it looked like a dancing and gorgeous aurora.

In the center of the aurora, the four warships didn't even have time to explode.

The constituent materials that had been crushed into particles were constantly thrown into the deep space of the universe with the aurora.

Only the small amount of divine energy crystals stored on the ship, due to the higher dimensional material composition, still maintained a super high stability state and shot out everywhere.

This kind of ultra-long-range high-level magic attack is so terrifying!

Not to mention the frightened crew, even Perrin, who hurried back to the bridge, was stunned when she saw the real-time picture displayed on the projection screen.

It's no wonder that she has little experience. It's really her relative poverty that limits her imagination.

It's not difficult to blow up a warship, or even to blast the entire warship into cosmic dust. It's very difficult to completely crush it into particles.

It stands to reason that God, as the highest dimensional energy known in the real universe, has a qualitative crush on any energy.

It's not difficult to cause a similar attack effect, but it will inevitably consume a large amount of God energy crystals.

Even Perrin's old lover, the senior executive of the Molson Consortium, can't equip his private starship with such high-end God energy weapons.

I can afford it, but I can't afford it!

To achieve such an effect with magic, the technology and the amount of magic consumed are unfathomable, which further confirms the noble status of this dark elf.

In order to destroy four garbage warships, the other party really used a sledgehammer to kill a chicken.

In addition to being horrified, Perrin couldn't help but feel a pain in her heart.

The energy consumed is absolutely astronomical.

Not to mention the four garbage warships, even if I add my transport flagship, I'm afraid it won't be enough to replace them with high-energy magic crystals.

This pen, definitely a descendant of the true god, and also a god-like seed of the family!

If it were an ordinary noble, would they be willing to do this with such wealth?

Perrin was envious and jealous, while further dispelling all her doubts.

She didn't dare to apply for communication again, for fear of annoying the other party and giving her a grain of salvation.

She had to crawl on the ground again and sent a video to the other party, just to express her humble gratitude.

As Perrin expected, the prince ignored her again.

Only the communication officer of the Star Shuttle sent a reply, ordering her to open the hangar of the transport ship for the prince's seat to enter and dock.

"Before passing through the teleportation star gate, you must not disclose the whereabouts of His Highness through external communications, including to your superiors."

"Otherwise, if your self-righteousness causes the people of the Molson Consortium to come and greet you, delaying His Highness's trip, the consequences... you absolutely cannot afford it!"

The cold threat of the communications officer, even mentioning the Molson Consortium with a disdainful attitude.

Perrin could naturally associate that although the other party only wanted to avoid some tedious social activities, if he really secretly reported the other party's whereabouts and caused the other party's displeasure.

Perhaps the His Highness would not even need to speak, just a word from the communications officer would be enough to dismiss him.

Perrin, who quickly promised that he would obey orders, no longer sought to cling to the other party after the other party hung up the communication, but only to pass through the star gate safely and send His Highness off respectfully.

Knowing that the other party just wanted to take advantage of the wind, try to hide their whereabouts as much as possible, and even did not send people on board, Perrin was slightly relieved.

After all, serving the emperor is like serving a tiger, and she did not have the courage to face and receive him in person.

Following the instructions of the opposite communication officer, Perrin made various arrangements personally.

In order to avoid any problems, she even temporarily revoked the communication rights of all crew members.

Without her permission, not to mention external communication, even internal communication equipment could not be used.

Under her urgent urging, the damage control and repair operations of the transport flagship were completed quickly.

After several hours of regular navigation, it finally entered the nearest stable node in space.

Perrin no longer cared about the energy consumption of the flagship, and immediately ordered the activation of the jump engine, launching a space jump towards the airspace near the teleportation star gate.

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