Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 584 Discovery

The so-called star field itself is a group of artificially designated ruling blocks.

In essence, it often covers several galaxy clusters.

For example, the local star field where Han Fei was born is occupied by the Longva Empire and the human civilization respectively.

Between the galaxy clusters, the almost completely empty cosmic cavity can be called a natural separation and buffer zone.

It can extremely inhibit the risk of large-scale conflicts between the two overlords due to border friction.

At this time, the alien star field where Han Fei was located contained a galaxy cluster named Ailante.

Therefore, the entire star field is also called the Ailante star field.

In the Ailant galaxy cluster, there are three overlords.

놇The size of the cosmic cavities between each galaxy group within a galaxy cluster is often very small.

Based on the scale of 꽭뀗 and the level of technological development of 뀪 and Overlord 뀗, this distance span is almost non-existent.

The territories of the three overlords are completely bordering each other.

This has led to the normalization of border conflicts between the three forces.

If it weren't for the three pillars to check and balance each other, plus threats from outside the territory, I'm afraid even the dog's brain would have been beaten out long ago.

놇In various border areas, long-term war preparations and frequent military conflicts have made the local situation extremely chaotic.

Interstellar wars between the overlords, even if it is a local border friction, will often spread to several galaxies surrounding the battlefield, or even spread to the entire galaxy group.

Over the years, these areas gradually turned into tacit artificial buffer zones.

Even if border conflicts are still frequent, each other will not send troops to occupy it for a long time. Otherwise, conflicts will escalate frequently and war will spread, which will naturally not be suitable for ordinary people to thrive.

However, for some special groups of people, this is a rare place outside the law.

There are profiteers, wanted criminals, bounty hunters, corporate thugs, and even the Star Thieves organization. It’s really a mixed bag and chaos.

There is no need to pay taxes and the rule of law does not exist……….

Any chaebol with a slightly stronger background will find ways to make huge profits in this chaotic area.

Controlled materials of the same value, sold within the country and sold in chaotic galaxies, will definitely have different price differences in different places.

This is especially true for energy, ordnance, ammunition and battleships.

As for........., will smuggling military control materials be regarded as a felony of treason and punished with death?

White gloves, do you understand?

Not to mention the True God family behind the chaebol, and even the True God ancestors are still healthy.

놋With such an ethnic group standing as a backing, especially with the situation of constant border conflicts, who dares to act recklessly?

Regardless of whether you are the Emperor of the Empire or the President of the Federation, you must be polite when meeting them.

If White Gloves is caught, he should be sentenced and killed.

What kind of idiot wants to continue to dig deeper and get to the bottom of it... I am afraid that as soon as I step out of the door of the Anti-Smuggling Bureau, there will be sudden and silent news in the world.

If this continues, who will dare to investigate? The national conditions are like this, and it is hard to get back!

놙The background must be strong enough, and no strategic-level controlled resources should be smuggled. Save some face for the officials, arrange white gloves, and the smuggling will be smuggling.

꿯녊Smuggling, a hugely profitable business, has always been prohibited.

Rather than letting them wander in the dark, it would be better to smuggle them into the chaotic galaxy and trade in the semi-light.

At least their smuggled items can be controlled, and the officials can try to get some effective intelligence.

Therefore, the smuggling trade in the chaotic galaxy is equivalent to the official semi-tacit approval.

Among them, the arms trade is the most important, and it is one of the important sources for various star pirate organizations and civilian armed forces to obtain mid-to-low-end arms.

There are many things that small and medium-sized inventions cannot produce at all due to their limited technological level.

Some type of inventions can be made, but the people above are watching, so they don’t dare to sell them without permission!

The hat of supporting the star pirates and raising the self-respect of the bandits has been slapped on their shoulders. Can they handle it?

The senior leaders of the Overlord Ming did not dare to touch their own true gods, but it was easy to destroy a few ignorant subordinate Mings.

This cold and cruel universe has never been a place of reason. The law of the jungle is the eternal truth.


A gorgeous star shuttle continues to make long-distance space jumps, and its destination is a chaotic galaxy somewhere.

In the bridge, Han Fei felt a headache as he looked at the sharp drop in energy reserves, although he could feel that his dependents were developing well in the world of the gods and were not in danger.

But it is impossible for me to extract divine energy in batches like this without having any impact on the development of the world of the dependent gods.

A few days ago, he easily passed behind the ultra-long-range stargate with the help of the Molson Consortium's transportation flagship.

From the remote star field, it was teleported to a transit distribution center.

This busy hub galaxy is located on the outskirts of the Lance Empire and is also responsible for the logistical task of transporting supplies to the border garrison.

It is a military-controlled area. For imperial security reasons, all non-military ships are restricted from passing through the ultra-long-range star gate.

Even the chaebol's transport ship does not have the right to use the military control stargate in the system to jump to the hinterland of the empire.

If civilian ships want to quickly enter the hinterland of the empire, they have to turn to nearby systems and use small and medium-sized stargates.

After arriving at the hub system, the transport flagship commanded by Perrin quickly left the system like other civilian ships.

Unintentionally, it lowered its speed and even deviated slightly from the waterway, gradually getting farther and farther away from the civilian fleets.

Although Han Fei was docked in the transport flagship and had never sent a bionic crew to board the ship, he knew almost everything going on inside the ship.

The onboard optical computer equipped by the Star Shuttle easily hacked into the internal network of this transport ship that had not been maintained after the war, and took over the highest permission of the central control system almost without leaving a trace.

Not only can it monitor various operating behaviors, but it can also copy all the ship's star maps and navigation logs.

After a careful examination, Han Fei suddenly found that the navigation records of this ship were a bit strange.

This transport flagship loaded with rare resources has been traveling frequently between the remote star field and the hub star system all year round.

In the past many years, after arriving at the hub star system, this ship would quickly transfer and teleport back to the heart of the empire.

But in recent years, it has changed its route from time to time and headed to a fixed coordinate through continuous space jumps.

After comparing the star map, the coordinate position should be in a chaotic star system on the border of the Lance Empire.

Han Fei had learned a lot about the origin and general situation of the Chaos Galaxy from various channels.

At first, he thought that the Molson Consortium was smuggling resources from the remote star field and transporting them to the Chaos Galaxy for sale.

After careful consideration, Han Fei felt that something was wrong.

With the background of the Molson family, it was not a big deal for the family consortium to smuggle some resources to the Chaos Galaxy through official channels.

Moreover, according to the inventory list, although these resources are rare and expensive, they are not really important controlled items.

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