Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 589 Exploration 2

In addition to Claire, Moore also recruited a number of other senior miners, all of whom were kept in the dark.

They didn't even meet each other, and didn't know that the others were all temporary employees of Moore.

They didn't even know that the so-called follow-up exploration fleet didn't exist at all.

They drove mining ships equipped with ship-borne optical computers, and they were constantly transmitting various detection data in real time.

In many airspaces far away from the Molson Consortium mining area, similar exploration operations were carried out step by step and efficiently in the depths of the planetary belt.

In just two days, there was satisfactory progress.

Han Fei took the star shuttle, and the density was not large.

No matter how chaotic the airspace conditions in the deep planetary belt were, the probability of finding a stable node with a safe range was actually not low.

After Moore reported, Han Fei selected a space node with the poorest resources in the surrounding area but a high density of stars.

The star shuttle initiated a short-distance jump, which was accurate and fast, and completed the jump almost without any movement.

In silence, it sneaked into this inconspicuous star system and hid perfectly under the cover of the planetary belt.

The reason why Han Fei was so determined, in addition to the reason of always pursuing a low-key path, there was also a practical necessity.

Earlier, he expected the lurking place to be the coordinate position where Perrin's transport flagship would rush to.

According to the comparison of the star map, the coordinate position is in the core area of ​​the chaotic star zone, but the density of galaxies in the nearby area is not high.

There is only one relatively special star system within a few light years around, named "Teven".

The Tevin Galaxy has two stars, and they are in a mutually companion and entangled relationship.

In the vast sea of ​​stars, similar dual systems are rare.

Even if it is a dual system, it often shows unique differences, and it still has a high research value for the highly technologically advanced hegemonic civilization.

Even the eternal true god will have a deep understanding and experience of the unique astronomical landscape, so that he can better transform his own god star and gain more powerful power.

There is no end to the upward climb of science and theology.

The Tevin Galaxy, along with the galaxy group it is located in, is exactly in the disputed area between the two hegemonic civilizations.

For countless years, countless conflicts have broken out between the border guards of the two countries.

But the Tevin Galaxy has never suffered a devastating blow.

It was nothing more than that the fleets of both sides deliberately avoided it, and even did not send troops to station there, so as not to trigger the attack of those crazy scientists.

Real scientific masters are often crazy and paranoid.

Before they completely squeezed out the research value of the Tevin Galaxy, anyone who dared to destroy its original state would be a mortal enemy.

Even in the era of gods, in the hegemonic civilization, the status of scientific masters was still extremely respected. After all, science was the ladder for most lives to move up.

With their mediation, the two countries actually set up a scientific research station in the Tevin Galaxy at the same time, and did not interfere with each other.

Until a few years ago, this precious tacit understanding and mutual trust was completely broken by the border war that was getting more and more intense and escalating.

Although the true god personally came forward to eliminate the war disaster in time, so that the Tevin Galaxy was preserved.

But the galaxy group where it is located is not so lucky.

In the battlefield area, the number of planets that were shattered was difficult to count, and even affected the gravitational balance of the entire galaxy group.

Violent rays and particle flows were rampant here.

The Teven Galaxy was inevitably affected, and the binary star system was also unstable.

In order to protect the scientific researchers, the True God Molson ordered all the scientific research station staff to evacuate.

His Majesty the True God also made a special promise to the scientific community of the two countries that he would send the descendants of the family to stay in the Teven Galaxy and stabilize the binary star system as much as possible.

After reaching a new gravitational balance and no longer having risks, the galaxy will be reopened for scientific researchers from the two countries to enter.

Yes, reopen!

Before that, the Teven Galaxy will be completely blocked and temporarily managed by the Molson family.

The galaxy cluster where it is located, and even the disputed areas between the two countries, have been designated as strategic buffer zones to reduce the risk of another border conflict.

After the troops of the two countries withdrew one after another, a power vacuum was created, which naturally gave rise to a new chaotic star zone.

As it stands now, except for Teven and its neighboring star systems, which are under the control of the Molson family, order can still be maintained.

The remaining dozens of star systems included are in a state of anarchy and chaos.

The local residents who survived the war had already migrated if they could, and those who could not migrate could only die on their own.

According to Han Fei's initial expectation, he could sneak into the chaotic star zone and even reach the vicinity of the Teven star system as directly as possible.

The concealment of the star shuttle should not be difficult.

But the actual situation is quite different.

As soon as the Star Shuttle folded near the Chaos Star Zone, before it even had time to sneak in, the intelligent optical brain detected the wide-area scanning signal.

Fortunately, the Star Shuttle was equipped with top-level anti-detection equipment, otherwise Han Fei might have been exposed to the other party on the spot.

Han Fei was shocked and decisively activated the spacecraft model camouflage.

Fortunately, the other party did not continue to lock, which means that this is just the other party's normal scanning.

Han Fei was grateful for avoiding the scan, but he felt a headache.

This Star Shuttle, which has a very high concealment, has not even entered the designated area of ​​the Chaos Star Zone, and it was almost captured by the radar.

How powerful and high-performance radar does this have to be?

I'm afraid that if it is the main corps stationed by the Overlord Civilization, the alert level will be increased.

The Mooreson family openly left this area alone, but in fact, they secretly spent a lot of money to closely monitor such a vast area.

He absolutely doesn't believe that there is nothing here!

Han Fei reflected again and again, suppressed his recent overly reckless mentality, and did not intend to give up the idea of ​​​​exploration, but simply turned around and hid in the neighboring galaxy temporarily.

Although he was unwilling to take risks and sneak into the chaotic star zone, Moore was a good waste.

After all, he still had the status of an interstellar merchant and an honorary citizen of the empire, so it was not conspicuous to enter the chaotic star zone.

Moore, a laborer that Han Fei grabbed at random, after collecting and analyzing information from many sources, confirmed that the Mooreson Consortium had made many unusual moves in the star system and even the entire galaxy cluster.

It seemed that there was nothing to cover up and they were mining resources wantonly, but in fact, they were loose on the outside and tight on the inside, and the types and quantities of resources obtained were kept extremely secret.

The deacons stationed in various galaxies were deliberately concealing the real numbers of some resource acquisitions.

Moore also entertained the deacons stationed in the star system as a foreign merchant, trying to find out indirectly.

Who would have thought that the other party was not only watertight during the chat, but also aroused the deacon's vigilance.

If Moore had not been good at observing the other party's words and expressions, and quickly noticed the other party's subtle psychological changes, the matter would have been completely messed up.

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