Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 590: Taidar Crystal

"Report to the boss, there is a major discovery!"

Just when Moore was in anxiety, he received a message from Claire.

Moore glanced at the message he received and didn't care at all.

As a senior interstellar businessman and a member of the Aron family known for their cunning and stinginess, he is essentially a scumbag boss who is crazy about profit.

For the bottom workers, he has always been trying his best to squeeze them, and there is no mercy and generosity at all.

In Moore's eyes, this group of senior miners recruited from Momba with high salaries are nothing more than temporary workers who are used and discarded.

With his noble status as a third-class honorary citizen, he had condescended to treat these bottom-level untouchables so much before, but it was just a way to trick them into working hard.

Now, after finding a suitable space stability node, the star shuttle was able to quietly jump to the depths of the asteroid belt.

This group of temporary employees has no surplus value.

If it weren't for avoiding being too abrupt and attracting unnecessary attention, Moore would have fired them long ago.

You have to know that their generous salaries and exploration losses have to be paid out of Moore's pocket.

Seeing that the balance of the Imperial Bank's deposits is constantly decreasing, Moore's heart is bleeding all the time.

His Highness Han Fei has promised that he will let him go after this matter is done.

The most urgent thing is to do the job assigned by His Highness.

Claire doesn't know Moore's true thoughts, and thinks he is a conscientious boss who is hard to find.

His character is straightforward and a little reckless.

Otherwise, he would not have resigned from the mining company without caring about his livelihood.

As a low-level person who has been in the slums since childhood, it is inevitable that he has some loyalty.

Now that his boss is so loyal, he is naturally eager to show it.

Seeing that there was no reply to the message he sent, he just thought that his boss was too busy and didn't care.

Claire simply called directly.

Moore didn't intend to answer the call, but Claire was stubborn and had no tact, so she kept calling him.

"Claire, you are so............."

Moore just answered the call, and before he could scold her, he was interrupted by the excited voice of the other party.

"Boss, boss, I found a rich vein of Tedal crystals!"

Claire asked for credit proudly, looking forward to the boss's praise.

"Tedal crystals?"

Moore's eyes suddenly lit up, but soon dimmed, and his expression changed from surprise to regret and depression.

The things are good, but the timing is wrong.

Even if you hire labor and set up a mining team, there is not enough time to mine.

As a senior businessman, it is really heartbreaking to encounter treasures but not get them!

On the other side of the call, Claire, who was unaware of the situation, continued to chatter:

"Yes, it's the Tidal crystal, or the enriched mineral vein!"

"When we were exploring deep in the asteroid belt, we accidentally discovered scattered minerals exposed on the surface of the asteroid. We tried to randomly send a few micro-probes, and the thickness of the mineral veins we drilled was more than tens of kilometers, but we haven't reached the bottom yet!"

"This asteroid is surrounded by extremely dense micro-celestial bodies. According to past experience, it must contain a lot of mineral deposits."

In a hurry to report the good news to the boss, Claire didn't have time to do a more detailed exploration on a larger scale, but the confidence from the senior miner was enough to make a firm judgment.

"Haha, those bastards of the Molson Consortium are still buying Tidal crystals at high prices everywhere!"

"I didn't expect such a large enriched mineral vein to be hidden under their noses, and it was not discovered."

Claire's sneer was somewhat venting resentment.

Moore was going to say a few perfunctory words, but suddenly he was inspired and extracted some key words from it.

"Mollson Consortium? High price acquisition?"

He just didn't respond before, so he didn't think of the connection.

Taidaer crystal is a pure crystal with strong quality and complex and stable crystal phase.

Naturally formed raw crystal ore does not contain any energy and it is difficult to absorb external energy.

In the scanning feedback of exploration equipment, it often presents the same values ​​as ordinary quartz.

But the value of the two is not comparable at all.

The characteristics of Taidaer crystal are destined to be an excellent energy storage crystal.

Through specific technology, various energy can be infused into the cut standard unit raw crystal.

The high-concentration energy crystal obtained has super high stability and almost no energy overflow, which can be used for ultra-long-term storage.

What's more valuable is that this amount of crystals is strong and can be repeatedly charged and recycled.

Although the universe is vast and all kinds of resources are almost endless, the characteristic of Tedal crystals that they are not easy to be discovered is destined to make their mining volume much lower than other minerals.

In addition, the demand for mass reserves of major civilizations also consumes a large amount of mining output.

The number of original crystals put into commercial transactions has always been limited, and the price is naturally not low.

Of course, the Molson Consortium is so big and powerful that the reserve scale of Tedal crystals must be not small.

The reason for the high price is undoubtedly that their past massive reserves are still difficult to meet the demand.

In connection with the current situation of Momba Star, the star wrapped by the Dyson megastructure and madly absorbing mass, it is not difficult to understand the purchasing behavior of the Molson Consortium.

According to the information obtained from various channels, in this galaxy group actually controlled by the Molson Consortium, all the major star systems have built Dyson megastructures.

The captured energy must be stored and transported.

Relying on storage equipment alone for long-distance round-trip transportation is too inefficient and the cost is high.

It is undoubtedly more cost-effective and convenient to produce high-concentration crystals.

Most of the common storage media in this area have been snapped up by the Mooreson Consortium in recent years.

The Tedal crystals that can be reused and have strong storage properties are undoubtedly the more the better for them.

As long as the Tedal crystals bought in person, the Mooreson Consortium will take as many as they can.

"Good, very good!"

"Claire, you continue to explore the veins in depth, and I will form a mining team as soon as possible!"

"When the time comes, you will definitely be rewarded for your merits!"

After painting a big pie for Claire, Moore hung up the communication in a hurry.

Then, he sent a message to Han Fei through the bionic half-orc beside him, reporting the news and his own thoughts.

"You must recruit miners as soon as possible and start large-scale mining."

"Strive to trade with the Tedar crystals and establish connections with the deacons of the Mooreson Consortium and even higher levels."

"Be more cautious. Even if you can't find out more useful information, don't show your hand and cause suspicion on the other side."

"As long as we reach a large-scale purchase agreement with them and do something with the goods, we can secretly grasp the direction of the source of the large amount of money collected by the other side."

"In addition, let the temporary personnel you recruit come forward and find a way to contact the staff of the storage base..."

After listening to Moore's subsequent plan, Han Fei quickly issued a new instruction.

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