Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 595 Reason

"No wonder the Moore Consortium has invested so many resources in the Chaos Star Zone and established large-scale and strict monitoring!"

"It turned out to be for the Source Fire!" Han Fei's face was calm, but his brain was working frantically, constantly summarizing the intelligence he knew.

As the cosmic treasure and the foundation of civilization, there are generally only two ways to obtain the Source Fire in the usual way.

Either it is a pie in the sky, and you encounter that one in a trillion probability, and suddenly pick it up from a star, a planet, a meteorite or even a piece of void, and then be quickly transported back to the center of civilization for protection.

Or you have to kill a civilization with a source fire with real swords and guns, exterminate the other race, step on the other corpse, and take this cosmic treasure for yourself.

No matter which way, as long as the source fire appears, because it is within a certain distance, it cannot conceal its characteristics from those who possess divine power.

The final result will only be one, that is, after being taken by a certain civilization, it will be carefully protected in the place with the strongest defense of the civilization.

It is found that the source fire that appears within Han Fei's perception range is definitely not a normal situation.

First, a remote area like the Chaos Star Zone is obviously not the core center of the hegemonic civilization.

Second, although Moore's team has very strict protection here, for the source fire, this defense force is not even one ten-millionth of its normal defense.

Which hegemonic civilization has a source fire that is not guarded by a multi-level group fleet and a multi-level powerful true god 24 hours a day.

Take human civilization for example. The source of fire is stored on the central planet of civilization. In addition to the three true gods guarding it openly, there are at least two-digit true gods waiting for the central planet of civilization in secret.

Not to mention the several permanent legions guarding the mother planet of civilization and the layers of defense circles of civilization on the central planet.

In addition, Han Fei has seen and heard about the secretive behavior of the Moore Consortium along the way. It didn't take much time for Han Fei to summarize the information and thoughts in his mind and sort out the ins and outs.

"Haha, the bad nature of capital! The Moore Consortium puts the interests of the family above the civilization!" Han Fei's face flashed with a hint of teasing.

There is no need to sort out too much in detail. Just from the known intelligence and the established facts in front of him, Han Fei can easily guess the whole story.

In any dominant civilization, the source fire can only produce so many divine seeds. Even the True God family can only obtain a very limited quota of divine seeds.

"It is estimated that the Mooreson family accidentally got this source fire seed when they acted."

"Then for the benefit of their own family, they did not choose to report to the civilization, but chose to hide the source fire seed for the family's benefit."

"This can explain why the Moore Consortium is willing to spend so much effort to develop a chaotic star zone."

"By covering up the surface, the Moore Consortium can temporarily avoid the source fire seed from being discovered by other people in its own civilization, and can also collect energy on a large scale. To nourish the source fire."

"As long as the source fire is discovered by civilization and the time is delayed long enough, when the Molson family grows to a certain level, they may be able to produce the god seed with this source fire, so that the family can achieve the achievement of a country within a country."

"More extreme, if the Molson family hides well, when they are gradually growing stronger, they can even erode the power of civilization in turn, and slowly control the entire civilization."

Thinking of this, Han Fei's mouth slowly rose with a sneer.

"Greed is the driving force for progress, and it is also the original sin!"

"However, I have to say that the Molson family is so greedy, it's great, otherwise, how can I have the opportunity to contact the source fire again."

Han Fei clenched his fists, and the fiery fire in his eyes burned fiercely.

Compared to trying that illusory luck, or attacking the mother planet and administrative center of a certain hegemonic civilization.

Stealing the source fire in front of you, the benefits that can be obtained and the risks that have to be paid have already opened up a gap of more than a million times.

No matter what, this source fire that appeared in front of Han Fei, he must get it.

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