Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 596 Reason 2

It is obviously not easy to steal the source fire from the layers of protection.

As a shrewd person, Han Fei certainly would not rush on his own. He immediately released a small non-powered shuttle to pass the news back to the top of the civilization.

But the universe is so big, and his current location is far away from the universe where human civilization is located. Even if it is the top non-powered shuttle of civilization, it will take at least 20 to 30 days to send this news back without the use of the star gate.

Therefore, in addition to waiting patiently, in the following time, Han Fei controlled his own star shuttle and carefully surveyed the monitoring area set up by the Molson family in this star field.

After finding out the exact range of monitoring, Han Fei began to investigate within the monitoring range in order to accurately control the whereabouts of the supply fleet that transports energy.

No matter how the Moore Consortium hides, as long as the source fire produces the divine fire, it will consume a huge amount of energy, so the destination of the energy bars loaded in these transport ships must be the location of the source fire.

As long as the transported energy is tracked as the entry point, the source fire can be accurately located.

In the blink of an eye, the calm and deep universe does not cause any waves. Han Fei squatted for ten days around the monitored star area.

Ten days of secret exploration is enough for Han Fei to figure out the navigation routes and transportation rules of most transport fleets.

With this information, Han Fei can start to gradually explore the inside of the monitored area.

But in fact, Han Fei is as steady as an old man and did not go any further.

The reason why he still dared not act rashly is entirely because in addition to the conventional defense force here, Han Fei is sure that there is also a true god of the Mooreson family, who is also stationed here for a long time.

Han Fei simply doesn't believe that the treasure of the universe is not guarded by a true god.

Of course, in addition to investigating the surrounding situation of this star field, Han Fei did not do nothing.

In the past ten years, Moore, the tool Han Fei captured at the time, has become a stable supplier of the Moore Consortium because of his long-term supply to the Moore Consortium and the good reputation he has accumulated.

Therefore, Han Fei also got a lot of public information about the Mooreson family from the tool he picked up at the time.

The Mooreson family, this behemoth entrenched in the empire, has a deep foundation that amazed Han Fei.

There are three family true gods in this family alone, and each of them has played a vital role in the development of the family.

One of the true gods chose to settle on the civilized mother planet. With his outstanding political skills, he successfully worked hard in the imperial political arena and accumulated great influence.

Another true god joined the army, held an important position in the army, and held great power.

The elite army group controlled by him is one of the trump cards of the imperial army, with outstanding military exploits and a far-reaching reputation.

Relying on the strong momentum he established in the army, the position of the Molson family has become more and more stable within the empire.

The last true god served as the patriarch, sitting in the family's sealed administrative planet for a long time, responsible for handling family affairs, and taking into account the responsibility of teaching the younger generation.

Just like a stabilizing needle for the Molson family, he steadily controlled the inheritance and development of the family, cultivated one excellent family after another, and kept the family's new blood always vigorous.

These three true gods complement each other and together form the foundation of the Molson family. It is their existence that makes the Molson family dare not easily provoke in the empire.

On the surface, although the whereabouts of these three true gods are secret, ordinary people can't find them at all.

But Han Fei doesn't need to check their specific whereabouts at all. He only needs to analyze the positions of these three people and the clues in the imperial news to easily get the information he wants.

These three true gods of the Molson family can quietly run to this remote star field without attracting the attention of other true gods in the empire. The only one who can be responsible for the internal affairs of the family is the true god.

After all, a true god who has been in the political center of the empire for a long time is always watched by many people. If he disappears suddenly, it will inevitably attract the investigation of other political forces.

As for the one who served in the military, it was even more impossible for him to leave at will. The military law of the hegemonic civilization-level empire was there, and even the true god did not dare to leave his post at will.

Therefore, only the true god who had been handling family affairs for a long time could quietly leave the clan without causing any waves and run to this remote area to guard the source fire.

Looking at the Empire Interstellar News, the true god Morson, who was in charge of the family territory, would appear from time to time, which could also prove Han Fei's judgment from the side.

The other two true gods Morson, who were in politics and the military, did not have any abnormalities in the news.

Only the true god who stayed in the family territory would appear in the news every one or two days, and the reasons were really varied.

For example, attending a commendation event for a genius of a certain family, announcing the future development plan of the family territory, and issuing new territory policies, etc.

Ordinary people would only think that this true god has always been diligent and has never left the family territory.

But Han Fei can easily see from the known results that this behavior of regularly brushing his presence is just a standard way of covering up his true whereabouts.

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