Godslayer's Legend

Chapter 102 - Fall Of The Valkyrie

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The Valkyrie had realised that Arthur was the cause for her strength decreasing, he was also the reason her wounds were not healing.

Whenever Arthur's negative energy filled sword touched her body, she felt pain like never before.

She glanced at lute and saw the energy of life flowing from him into Arthur, this made her figure out why Arthur seemed to not be taking any damage from her divinity infused attacks.

'That human is healing him!'

Arthur then decided to try something he normally wouldn't.

"Thanks in advance, Lute."


Before Lute could understand the reason for Arthur's thanks, his eyes widened in surprise.

"Your highness?!"

Arthur used a weapon generating artifact to create a sword, he held it on his left hand and infused divinity into it.

Anyone watching could tell that Arthur's unknown negative energy was at odds with the Valkyrie's divinity, as such Arthur's actions of using divinity himself were nothing short of insane.


Arthur gritted his teeth and endured the pain he felt, as the Valkyrie was stunned due to seeing a devil use divinity, Arthur threw the sword filled with silver colored divinity at her.

"Huh? Ah!"


There was a small explosion as the Valkyrie hurriedly picked up Ursan and created a barrier while dashing backwards.

At one point, she realized something.

'My strength is returning?'

The strength she felt leaving her body was returning, her full power as an inferior stage legendary was returning to her.

Arthur also noticed something wrong too, he didn't care about his damaged arm as Lute was already healing it.

'Perhaps? There's a range of effect?

If so, what if I got closer?'

And that he did. Without waiting for his left arm to heal completely, he dashed towards the Valkyrie with Celestia raised high.

The Valkyrie who was looking at her body in confusion, felt her strength drain again alongside a presence closing in on her and looked up to see Arthur almost in front of her.

'It has range!'

With that thought, she hurriedly raised her sword to block the attack.

Arthur then made a winning move.

While his blade and the silver sword were locked together, he used Sword of Victory!

The semi-transparent sword unleashed a silver aura.

The Valkyrie reacted immediately, as she felt a powerful, destructive force coming from Arthur's sword.


Her sword radiated blue light and unleashed a violently spinning aura.

"Storm Aura!"

As expected, the Valkyrie was capable of using an aura attack in tandem with her divinity as well. 

The blue and silver auras entwined.

Then, the two auras blew up, resulting in a giant explosion. 


The giant explosion swept through both Arthur and the Valkyrie.

Before the explosion had consumed him, Arthur had used his wings to cover his body and was far less harmed than the Valkyrie who did not do the same.

She had tried to put up a shield with divinity but it was too slow.

Arthur's wings were already being healed by Lute who was cursing internally at Arthur's near suicidal actions.

Neither side could see anything due to the giant dust cloud.

Even so, Arthur pierced through the dust cloud and accurately aimed for one of the Valkyrie's vitals. 

He was able to do this because he sensed her divinity, she was unable to respond because of the damage she took from the aura explosion.

'It doesn't feel like just her divinity, it feels like the source of her divinity. Perhaps, it's her energy core.'


His semi-transparent blade pierced through the Valkyrie's stomach.


She coughed up a huge amount of blood.

Arthur smiled and released a burst of his negative energy.


She screamed out in pain. Her body felt like it was on fire. It was like flames were burring every part of her body from the inside.

A kick to the chest shattered her cracked armour and broke her ribs. She coughed out a mouthful of dark red blood.

Arthur calmly walked towards her, he didn't hit her energy core on purpose because he wanted to see the effect of the negative energy on her.

'One doesn't need to be a genius to realize that it's more than just detrimental to her, she seems like she would rather die than suffer the pain.

The conclusion;

That negative energy is something unique to me as the progenitor of a race meant to end the gods, it seems even half-gods are not exempted.'

Lute walked up to Arthur and stopped him to check his body for any unseen wounds. 

Arthur had exhausted his energy so his body had stopped breaking down as there was no energy to cause it to do so.

Tasha also came over with various healing potions just in case.

"Geez, you guys worry too much."

"Worry too much?!! Your highness, pardon me but your actions were the very definition of insanity!!!

Why would you do that?!?"

Arthur broke into laughter seeing the normally calm Lute, enraged while still trying to be polite.

Lute's facial expression darkened even more upon seeing Arthur's laughter.

"I'm fine thanks to you, it would probably take over a day or two to recover my energy, so we're gonna be resting."

Arthur then walked over to the fallen Ursan who had somehow survived and picked him up.

"This guy is gonna-."


His words were not completed, he looked up at the sky.

Lute and the other transcendents also did, even the half-dead Valkyrie who was on the floor cranked her head up slightly.

The aura that covered the area was that heavy.

Lute had summoned his soul weapon, he was ready for a battle, and his two authorities were fully active.

||Hmm...It's already over?||

With those words, the source of the aura descended. Lute and his team of transcendents surrounded Arthur to protect him.

They looked at the one who descended.

A brown haired devil dressed in a white knights uniform, however there was blood splattered over it, different colours of blood, from gold to red and even black.

Three pairs of bat like wings spread out from his back. Seeing those wings Lute had a thought.

'At least, low tier deity.'

The stronger a devil was, the more pairs of wings they had.

Devils usually had one pair of wings until they reached the demigod realm and gained another pair.

Upon reaching the deity realm, they gained a third pair, as such Lute's assumption was completely normal seeing the devil with three pairs of wings in front of him.

In his hand was the head of a man, Arthur could sense the residual divinity from it and instantly figured it was the owner of the head, the Valkyrie's murmur confirmed it.


It was Jarox, the father of the Valkyrie and the one who colluded with the spies to kill Arthur.

||Hmm...I thought I killed all those birds, to think one was still left.||

The man who referred to the Valkyries as birds, muttered to himself as he noticed the half-dead Valkyrie on the floor.

Arthur sighed and tapped Lute on the shoulder.

"Put down your weapons, all of you combined would not last five minutes against him."

He then walked out of their encirclement and spoke to the man, his words surprised the Lute and his team.

"Lewis, you're late."

||My apologies Lord, I was dealing with the rats who were hovering around here.||

The brown haired devil, Lewis, held up Jarox's head and continued.

||This is the leader of the rats, he wasn't anything much but his companions were quite troublesome so it took me a while.||

He then threw the head on the floor and knelt before Arthur.

||Good to see you again, My Lord.||

Lute was nonplussed, he knew Arthur had some sort of secret force he was building, however this was out of his expectations.

'To think a deity would be part of this.'

"Hmm...I was gonna tell you to get him either way so it's good you already did."

||my lo-||

"Ah, normal voice please, I'm very fatigued right now, I feel like I might pass out if I hear you speak like that anymore."


Lewis stopped talking in his true voice and began speaking normally. 

The true voice of a deity realm existence was enough to collapse the minds of most mortal existences.

Due to the difference of power between them, their souls may be damaged or destroyed the moment they hear the deity realm existence's true words.

The only reason Arthur had not collapsed was simply because he had stepped on the path of law comprehension and was protecting himself with the law of time's essence.

"Cool. So like I said I'm really fatigued, so I'm gonna rest for about three days then we can go check Girex out."

"Okay my lord, but I have a suggestion."


"Why don't you come to rest on Girex, it would be easier and more comfortable than going back to the spacecraft."

"Hmm...Okay cool."

Arthur replied before turning to Lute and continuing.

"You guys can get to know each other in the process, you'd be doing a lot of work for me together so it's  better if you're familiar with yourselves."

Lute and his team nodded at Arthur's words. Seeing this, Arthur walked back to the Valkyrie who had tears pouring out of her eyes as she laid on the floor, half-dead.

"If you want to blame anyone, blame your dead father for his foolish actions."

♧ ♧ ♧

Hey y'all, it's your friendly neighborhood author, _michael here.

So i just wanted you all to know that the Auxiliary chapter [Realms/Ranks/Levels/Energies/Laws/Dimensions(SPOILER ALERT!)] has been updated once more, this time with the 'True Voice' definition so i hope y'all check it out.

Thanks for your understanding and I look forward to you continuing on our Godslayer's Legend.

This has been _michael.

Over and Out!

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