Godslayer's Legend

Chapter 103 - Authority Of The Progenitor

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"If you want to blame anyone, blame your dead father for his foolish actions."

With those words, he unsummoned Celestia and using his bare hands, punched a hole in the Valkyrie's chest.


She coughed up a mouthful of blood and screamed in agony but Arthur just wordlessly searched her body for something.


He then grabbed it and pulled it out of her body. Naturally, she died instantly.

After all, what he grabbed was her energy core, or her pseudo divine spark that she possessed as a half-god.

It was actually her heart, but with a blue crystal in the centre.

Arthur plucked out the blue crystal and held it up.

His actions brought surprise to the face of all those watching, they didn't expect Arthur to actually pull out her heart.

Arthur was staring at the blue crystal closely and then something happened.

The crystal shattered into pieces and these pieces flew towards Arthur's body and were absorbed.

After a few seconds, Arthur sensed his maximum divinity level increase slightly, his body became stronger and his divinity opposing negative energy also had its maximum level increase.

"I see, so that's how it works."

He muttered this to himself before turning around and telling Lewis to lead the way.

◇ ◇ ◇

'A race born to kill the gods huh? I heard about the 'devil slayer' race and discovered that the more devils they killed, the stronger they became.

It seems it applies to me too.

If that's the case then my race is a 'god slayer' race then.'

Two days later, Arthur was relaxing in the villa that Lewis built on Girex. It was quite large and Arthur honestly felt it was a waste to have such a fine house in a planet he planned to have destroyed.

He had been thinking about the events of that night during the previous two days and tried to sort out the new information he gained.

'Alexia said progenitors just know what race they're from, it seems she was right.

A lot of information just entered my head all at once, even so it's not complete.

There were blank spots, but I managed to piece together a few things.

One is that I am definitely the progenitor of a god slaying race.'

Although Arthur had seen the law of causality's actions when he declared himself a progenitor that day he met Alexia, deep inside his heart, he still had doubts about it.

There was a part of him that wished the prophecy was false and that he was not meant to be an enemy of the gods.

The thought of the possibility of day going against his father scared him.

However, remembering the words he unconsciously spoke out loud and the information that poured into his head afterwards, he couldn't doubt it anymore.

'Authority of the Progenitor.

It grants me the ability to weaken all gods and half-gods within a certain range of me.

It also prevents their wounds from healing.

There's more but I don't know, the information was not complete for some reason.

In that case this is currently a Pseudo Authority.'

A Pseudo authority was something that few beings had, although only demigods and above could possess authorities, they could delegate these authorities to others to use, at a level weaker than the original.

A Pseudo Authority was similar in the sense that it was weaker, but it was not delegated to the wielder by another being.

Simply put, for someone that possessed a Pseudo authority before becoming transcendent, they would be guaranteed an actual unique authority upon becoming demigods.

In other words, it doesn't matter if ones Pseudo authority allowed them to control souls, as far as they comprehended a law and gained a basic rank authority, they would also gain a unique authority that specialized in dealing with souls.

The beings that usually had this were descendants of higher level existences on the demigod level and above.

'The authority also allows me to absorb a god or half-god's divine spark to increase my strength, or is that a trait all members of the god slayer race have?

It would be good if it's the latter, that way it'd be easier for us to become stronger together.

This new race cant stay hidden forever, sooner or later, someone will find out, and the gods wont stay put when that happens.'

Of course, the gods of a faraway universe have already found out and were definitely not staying put but Arthur would only discover this at a later time.

'There's also the reason why this only happened now, but only one seems to be the most plausible.'

Arthur had fought half-gods before.

He had fought the half-god assassins who were sent by other pantheons to kill him, they were very weak as such Diablo didn't pay attention to them, he didn't even notice them because they were just that weak.

After all, even though he could do it, scanning every single master realm in the planet of Aeturn that had over 10 billion inhabitants was simply a waste of time.

Even so, they were strong enough to take out the average superior stage master, luckily Arthur was far from the average superior stage master at the time.

However, this all happened before his failed magic blooming, in other words, Arthur had not fought a half-god in nearly 4 years.

His energy flow only resumed 2 years ago, and that was when the negative energy in his body began acting up.

'I hadn't met any being with divinity who was also hostile to me, that's probably why it just appeared now, the Valkyrie was the first hostile divinity wielder I've met since my energy flow resumed. Besides, if I wasn't able to weaken her to the level of grandmaster, I would have lost.'

This was true, the Valkyrie was an inferior stage Legendary, unlike Zach and Owen who were half steps, she was a bonafide legendary realm existence.

Although Arthur could hold his own against an inferior stage Legendary, defeating one was another thing entirely.

'If I boosted my strength about six times, maybe I could.

I'm gonna ask that Boffin dude to make me such an Artifact, I'd tell mum too.'

He laid on the bed lazily while eating some grapes from a bowl and staring outside.

If Hades had seen him at this moment, his first words would be;

'Like Mother, like son.'

As he was looking out the windows, he noticed something strange.

'It's raining, no, it's not normal rain, this is?!'

Crystal rain.

A phenomenon unique to the planets of the crystal realm, this was the reason the realm had the name.

The raindrops that occasionally fell, were all crystallized with and had various colours.

'It's like multi-coloured snowflakes but smaller and denser.'

The crystallized raindrops usually shattered upon contact with the ground but there were a few that remained crystallized forever.

These few were in high demand as they were perfect for making jewellery.

Due to the magic energy contained within them, these jewellery could them be converted to artifacts at any time.

As he was recalling the information on the Crystals, Lewis knocked twice before entering the room.

"My lord."

"Ah, Lewis, is it time already?"


"Okay, give me the protective gear."

Lewis nodded and pulled out a few boxes from his subspace. Within them were a set of protective coveralls meant to protect the wearer from absurdly high temperatures, alongside a pair of boots with a similar effect.

'This is a Hazmat suit right? It's stuffy, but considering that I don't have the necessary strength to survive in the area we're going, I have to put up with it.'

Putting on the hazmat suit, he left the room with Lewis, on his way to the teleportation gate set up, he finally remembered something and turned to ask Lewis.

"What about that southern emperor, Ursan was it?"

"He has been in the torture chamber for the past two days."

"Hmmm....end him already."

"Yes my lord."

With that reply, Lewis snapped his finger.

In an underground room of the villa, a half dead Ursan was strapped to the wall. There were chains on his limbs that bound him, attached to the four corners of the wall.

Suddenly, the chains began retracting towards the wall, naturally, this meant that Ursan whose limbs were bound to them, was pulled in four opposing directions at the same time.

The end result; Ursan was split into five pieces and slowly bled to death.

◇ ◇ ◇

After entering the teleportation gate, the duo teleported over to where Lute and the others were.

It was at the top of a gigantic wall, around an enormous hole in the ground. The insides of the hole were plated with metal on all sides.

Looking at this, Lute wondered how many millions of platinum coins went into buying the materials for this.

And the worst part was that Arthur had hinted multiple times that Girex was going to be destroyed sooner or later.

At first he wondered how but after seeing Lewis, that question was answered.

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