Godslayer's Legend

Chapter 125 - Adventures Of Aurora And Inglis, Two Battles

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[Authority of Death; Dust to Dust]

The two celestials who stabbed Inglis in the stomach with their swords, felt a momentary weakness.

The next moment, they could not feel anything anymore.

Their bodies visibly aged as all their energy and life force was drained out of them.

The celestial energy within them was expelled into the surrounding as Inglis was unable to absorb it.

As for their bodies, they had already turned to space dust.

She then pulled out the swords sticking out of her and used part of the absorbed energy to heal the wounds on her stomach.

As for the rest of the energy, she launched it in the form of an attack which she used to counter the supernova level attacks that the two high tier celestial deities had fired towards her.


The explosion engulfed both her and the last remaining mid-tier celestial, the one with the authority of life.

When the explosion finally died down, the celestial looked around her and realised she was unscathed.

She then faced the being in front of her, her confusion evident on her face as she did not understand why her enemy would protect her.

Inglis just smiled and said.

"You seem like a good specimen for my next experiment, it's a waste to let you die so easily don't you think?"

Inglis' eyes flashed and the celestial felt as if her soul was being sucked out of her body.

With a wave of her hand, Inglis opened up an extra dimensional space and shoved the celestial's unconscious body inside it.


Inglis spat out blood as she felt a pang of pain coming from her side. It was then she remembered that she was still holding the neck of a celestial and he still wasn't dead.

"Mid-tier deities are built to survive kilo novae after all, this much can't kill him."


As she spoke, his body instantly began decaying.

His skin withered and his flesh began rotting instantly.

He attempted to activate his authorities to resist the decay but Inglis wouldn't let him.

"Have a taste of your own medicine."

She pulled out the blade of pure celestial energy that had been burning her for a while, ignoring the slight pain she felt from touching it and flung it away.

She then created something similar with the authority of darkness's corrosive energy and stabbed him in the stomach like he did her.

"I should really get myself checked after this, three swords to the stomach in just one day can't be good."

Inglis remarked as she let go of the rotting bones of the deceased celestial.

Covering her hand in the energy of death, she grabbed the soul that tried to escape from the decayed body.


She pressed down on it with her fist and tore through the layers of celestial energy around it.

"1, 2, 3...the third is still weak, so you were just an inferior stage who recently advanced."

Grabbing the true soul hidden behind the protective layers of celestial energy, she held it up and spoke.

[Soul Break]

The essence of the law of death wrapped round her hand and the soul in her hand began showing visible cracks.



A loud cracking sound rang out and the ball of light that was the soul of the deceased Celestial, shattered to pieces and faded away.

She then turned towards the two celestial high tier deities who had been staring at her in silence for a while.

|She easily tore through the layers on his soul with her bare hands.|

|She's definitely superior stage.|

|There's that abnormal resistance to celestial energy too.|

|No doubt about it, it's her.|

|Inglis Leviathan, the Devil of Envy.|

Inglis stretched out her hand and her staff reappeared in her palm. She then looked towards the two and spoke.

"Well some people certainly did their homework.

Thanks for the reminder though, I hadn't used it in so long, I had forgotten I was the devil of envy."

The two celestial's faces contorted with rage, forcing himself calm, one of them asked.

|The fact that you are here means that the devil king knows of our activities here already, isn't that right?|

"Does he? I don't know neither do I care. 

I'm only here because he asked Rory and I to deal with the flies that were buzzing around in this galaxy."


The second celestial lost himself in rage and dashed towards Inglis.

Inglis on the other hand, just grinned and said.

"Bring it on."

◇ ◇ ◇


Explosions rang out at regular intervals, generating mushroom clouds in the sky that could be seen for miles away.


The high tier deity celestial who was fighting against Aurora, grunted in pain as he dodged backwards to escape the last explosion.

**Drip drop

He held his arm that had been cut off from the elbow while trying to use his celestial energy to regenerate it.

However, Aurora would not give him the chance to.

The ground under his feet felt hot and he immediately used wind magic to propel himself backwards.

The next moment, there was an eruption of flames from the spot he was just standing on.

He felt energy building up in the atmosphere and looked up to see spears made out of hot magma all pointed towards him.

[Authority of Fate: Fate guards.]

The moment he spoke, the magma spears all fired towards him at supersonic speeds.

Right before they could hit, the ground cracked open and a giant golden golem construct, holding a large shield, rose up from the ground and blocked the spears that were about to hit him from above.

For the spears that came from his left and right sides, two more golden golems with shields rose up from the ground and protected him from the attacks.

|Assault Mode|

With his words, the three golems materialized great swords in their hands and charged towards the source of the magma spears, the woman with literal flaming red hair, who was seated on the back of a giant lava dragon.

"You wanna handle it?"

The woman, Aurora, spoke to the dragon and it nodded before opening its mouth.

[Authority of Dragons: Dragon Breath]

Absurd amounts of energy condensed in the open mouth of the dragon until it became a beam of light searing through the sky.

The three golden fate guards were engulfed by the beam of light and disintegrated completely. 

The beam them went on to fly out of the planet's atmosphere, into space and travelled for a few light years, before finally destroying an unknown star system elsewhere.

"Good boy."

Aurora patted the dragon's head and jumped down from its back, in her hands were two swords of flames.

The moment her feet touched the ground, she dashed toward the celestial who had just barely healed his arm, with enough force to crater the ground underneath her feet.

[Judge of Fate]

The celestial spoke and a giant golden golem construct carrying a large hammer, materialized in front of him.

It brought down the hammer of judgment on Aurora, with enough force to easily dwarf a star.

"Ahh, you don't care for your base anymore?"

Aurora remarked as she dropped the two swords in her hands and held up her now empty hands.

She poured energy into her eyes to enhance her eyesight and looked around hurriedly for any still intact flaming celestial bodies.

Noticing a star that was still intact, she locked on to it with her energy and stretched out a hand towards it.

The other hand was stretched out towards the hammer that threatened to crush her flat and consign the planet they were on to oblivion.

The moment the giant hammer landed on her palm, she spoke.

[Damage Redirection]

The giant hammer disappeared immediately while the star she had locked on to, exploded at the same time.

Redirecting the damage, left her vulnerable temporarily, a chance that the celestial she was battling, did not miss.

His sword loaded with the essence of the law of fate, thrusted towards her head with massively hypersonic speed.

While looking at the shocked Aurora, the celestial noticed something wrong.

'The dragon is gone?!'

The lava dragon that remained hovering in the air after Aurora jumped off, was not there anymore!

He felt cold sweat on his back and immediately turned his sword around.


This last minute decision saved his life as the dragon had transformed to a humanoid form and was about to lop off his head with its claws.

However, in doing so, he had to turn around and thus, did not see the grin Aurora was wearing.

[Tongues of Fire]

Multiple whip like blades of flames tore through his body repeatedly, with a clap of her hands, Aurora generated an 8 ringed ether based spell circle around his feet.

Flaming chains burst out from it and wrapped around his limbs, restraining him.

The chains drained his energy from his body and sent it into the spell circle on the floor. This energy was then used to strengthen the circle and increase the amount of chains.

Hung up in the air and unable to move, he could only watch as Aurora's palm coated in flames came down on his head and set it ablaze.


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