Godslayer's Legend

Chapter 126 - Adventures Of Aurora And Inglis, Misinformation

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[Tongues of Fire]

Multiple whip like blades of flames tore through his body repeatedly, with a clap of her hands, Aurora generated an 8 ringed ether based spell circle around his feet.

Flaming chains burst out from it and wrapped around his limbs, restraining him.

The chains drained his energy from his body and sent it into the spell circle on the floor. This energy was then used to strengthen the circle and increase the amount of chains.

Hung up in the air and unable to move, he could only watch as Aurora's palm coated in flames came down on his head and set it ablaze.


He screamed out loud and struggled to break free, almost succeeding until an enraged lava dragon decided to pierce his heart with its claws.


The dragon spoke that one word before its eyes glowed and iridescent light.

"Don't worry I got it."

The soul of the celestial that tried to escape his body, was already caught by Aurora's flaming hands.

[Soul Burn]


[Sound of the Silence]

His death throes were silenced by Aurora, who was tired of hearing him scream.

|My lady, why did you waste time toying with him before killing him?|

Aurora raised an eyebrow in surprise at the dragon's question.

"Did I?"

|You cut of his arms and legs.

You then sat back and waited for him to regenerate before cutting them off again.

You did this five times.|

Aurora was so shocked that she unknowingly added more power to her hands, accelerating the speed at which the soul of the celestial in her palms burnt.

Fortunately or unfortunately, he was silenced as such no one was able to hear his screams.

"Tsk...Glis' bad habits are beginning to rub off on me."

She deactivated the chains that bound the dead celestial's body and turned to the clone of her that had returned as she was talking with the dragon.

Touching its head, she absorbed the clone into her body and downloaded all the information it acquired into her mind.

Her expression contorted as she spoke out a name with gritted teeth.

"Diablo you dare!"

Understanding that Diablo gave her and Inglis less than necessary information on the number of high tier deity celestials to expect, she took off to the skies at light speed, flying out of the planet's atmosphere and into space.


Sensing the auras of Inglis and the other two celestial high tier deities in the distance, she turned to a streak of light and moved towards them hastily.

◇ ◇ ◇

Meanwhile Inglis was having the time of her life toying with the two celestial deities.

The two celestials were also superior stage high tier deities like her but the difference in power was clear.

Inglis had been in the superior stage for a far longer time than the two, she had higher law comprehensions and she possessed far superior skills in both energy manipulation and martial arts.

One of the celestials gritted his teeth as he stared at Inglis who was all smiles while grabbing is nearly amputated arm.

Pouring celestial energy into the arm, it healed almost instantly. He then decided to use a technique he created, one he had used to kill countless devils in the past.

[Authority of Light]

[Whip of Judgment]

A long golden whip of light extended from his hand and he began swinging it rapidly.

Its movements were unpredictable and its speed and power was enough to send the average devil to their deaths in seconds.

However, Inglis, was not the average devil.

She dodged the whips with agile movements that shocked both of the celestials.

Unfortunately, even she could not dodge forever, the whip eventually ended up hitting her in a few places.

Finally, it wrapped around her arm.

The golden whip glowed with a brighter light and Inglis began feeling a searing pain in her arm.

Looking at it, she saw smoke coming out of it, her skin was burning.

'Even if I'm very resistant to it, I'm not completely immune huh?'

The celestial energy that the whip was made off was something that was very detrimental to devils, even with Inglis ridiculous resistance, she was still harmed by it.

However, the celestial's next actions shocked her to the core.

[Authority of Light : Dawn Breaker]

A sphere of dazzling light enveloped her arm and began spreading to cover the rest of her body.

Particles of light appeared within the sphere and started draining her energy and disintegrating her arm.

Seeing this, Inglis did not hesitate in forming her other hand into a knife hand and generating an aura blade on it.

Using this, she promptly cut off her arm from the shoulder and teleported a large distance away from the area.


The sphere of light exploded alongside Inglis' amputated arm. The celestial was ecstatic at first but upon realizing that she had escaped, he clicked his tongue audibly.

He looked over to Inglis' current location however what he saw sent chills up his spine.

Normally, even if they could regenerate it, when a person loses a body part, they are usually unhappy or enraged about it.

That was a normal reaction.

That was how he expected Inglis to feel.

However, the grin on Inglis' face shattered all those expectations.

His companion who was about to take advantage of Inglis' injured state to attack her was also stunned.

"What was that?"

"I want it."

"Can I have it?"

"I'm taking it."

Hearing her say 'I'm taking it', made the celestial hurriedly canceled his whip of judgement, however it was already too late.

[Authority of Envy]

An ominous aura spread out from Inglis' body, darkness poured out of the stump of her arm and formed a new hand instantly.

The new hand was gripping a whip of darkness, one that was very similar to the celestial's whip lf judgment.

Seeing this, the celestial felt aggrieved in his heart.

He spent years creating his whip of judgement technique with the power of the law of light.

Yet Inglis just copied it so easily.

Anyone would be enraged at such a result, however the time to be enraged was not available.

The whip of darkness snaked towards him and wrapped around his entire body almost immediately.

Gripping the whip, Inglis spoke with an ecstatic voice.

"Should I use [Corrosion]? Or should i use [Withering]?"


The celestial's skin began corroding, next it began withering as if his life was being drained out of him rapidly.

His companion naturally would not let that happen.

[Authority of Light: Shard of Judgement]

A gigantic shard of light with four lines going through it appeared and sliced the whip of darkness that Inglis had created.

The moment the whip was cut, the effects of withering and corrosion that Inglis had applied to it stopped.

"Awwn, that's too bad."

Even so, she was not unhappy about it, her words and facial expression contradicted each other.

The look she had on her face was that of a Child who wanted to experiment on a new toy they just got.

The second Celestial dashed towards her with swords of light in each hand.

[Authority of Swords: Origin Slash]

His hands moved at imperceptible speeds as various light slashes flew towards Inglis.

However, they never hit.

Inglis had long disappeared from her original position. Seeing this, the celestial remembered a spell that Inglis casted earlier that let her teleport directly to the location after the combined spell that was launched against Aurora.

'She marked him with the whip!'

He hurriedly turned around towards his injured companion but the voice he heard next told him that he was already too late.

[Dust to Dust.]


Inglis was behind the injured Celestial with her arm stretched out to his back.

He had taken damage from being corroded by darkness and withered by death earlier.

Coming from an existence with higher law comprehension than him resulted in him taking more damage than usual.

This was why he did not notice that Inglis had casted another spell using the whip as a medium.

She had marked him with a spatial spell that allowed her to teleport to her marked location instantly.

Appearing behind him, she did not hesitate to activate a law technique that caused death almost instantly.

As she suddenly appeared behind him, he had little time to conjure up defences.

Furthermore, Inglis aimed for his heart and unlike the other two where she spread the aura of death all over their bodies and turned their bodies to dust, she only concentrated on his heart.

A concentrated single point attack to the heart, one that turned its target to dust.

The poor celestial, could not resist and died immediately.

[Soul Preservation]

She kept his soul in an enclosed space and laughed a bit before suddenly feeling her body's weight increase.

[Authority of Gravity]

The other celestial had his hand stretched out towards her, he made a downward motion and Inglis found herself crashing down on a nearby planet.

However, she did not scream out in pain or get enraged, instead she asked a completely normal question.

"There's no gravity in space so how did that work?

I should have really comprehended the law of gravity too."

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