Godslayer's Legend

Chapter 135 - Re: Cap

Now, let us backtrack to when Arthur, Layla and Nicole first arrived at the cafeteria and caused a commotion with their new realms of existence and go over some certain things once again.

Layla and Nicole never bothered to hide their realms of existence in the first place, as for Arthur, sometimes he did, sometimes he did not.

He decided adjust the settings for Creusery's concealment ring to show him being in the inferior stage of the grandmaster realm.

Besides his mother who helped him advance the night before he exposed and battled Owen, and Layla who saw him the next morning, no one knew he was actually an intermediate stage grandmaster and not an inferior stage.

His true reason for doing this was quite simple; He was getting tired of hiding his energy usage even though he was obviously doing a sloppy job at it.

So far, he had only shown that he could use artifacts and manipulate the energy in them if any, but not that he could use or manipulate his own energy.

In other words, some would think that he could easily be taken down if they used an artifact canceller or something that has a similar effect.

On a side note, he also did not want to appear weak standing beside Layla and Nicole who had become genuine grandmasters.

This was in no way his real reason for revealing that he was a grandmaster....definitely.

As for his stagnant energy flow that he occasionally let some people sense, he did that to let them believe he was still unable to use his energy.

Seeing him as a grandmaster now, they would be inclined to believe that he was slowly regaining his ability to use his energy.

'Hopefully, that would lessen the commotion when I fully reveal it.'

As for the concealment ring that Arthur used, it allowed him to select how much of his real realm of existence that he wants others to sense and conceals the rest.

Thus, anyone who sees it thinks he is in the inferior stage, even a high tier deity.

Even Cattleya was unable to see through it at all, as for whether someone on Diablo's level would be fooled by the ring, that is still unknown for now.

When Arthur once asked Creusery where he got such a convenient concealment ring from, Creusery told him that he got it from a ruin in Varona about 5000 years ago when he was still in the mid-tier deity realm and was more focused on exploring than advancing his strength.

'Young' Creusery never really liked advancing his strength; he only did so because there were certain realms or galaxies he could not enter without having a certain level of strength first.

As such, his progress was quite slow compared to Cattleya's.

Creusery said he found the ring after battling with the ruin's guardians, golems with the power of at least the inferior stage of the mid-tier deity realm.

He eventually was injured mid fight and that's when something strange happened, the guardians suddenly stopped attacking him and opened up the run for him while bowing.

Unfortunately he could not go far as Aurora had called him back for something important so he only picked up the ring he found on the floor in the first room if the ruin and left.

He marked the location so he could come back and check it out later but when he did return, that area was empty, he even scoured all nearby planets but was unable to find the ruin again.

To add to the mystery, when the ring was worn by Inglis and Aurora, they complained about feeling uncomfortable wearing it and were unable to use its abilities.

However, in the hands of Cattleya, Diablo and now Arthur, it worked perfectly well.

This led them all to come to a single conclusion, only members of the Devilian royal family by blood could use the ring.

As for Arthur who had been investigating Varona ever since Alexia told him about it, he came to another conclusion.

'The ruin uncle Creusery found, was definitely Lucifer's ruin, it's probably where Alexia wanted me to go to.'

Another piece of evidence that made him come to the conclusion was the fact that the guards stopped attacking Creusery and bowed the moment he got injured and spilled blood.

'They were most likely ordered to attack anyone who came in, but uncle Creusery got injured and spilled some blood. If there was some sort of spell or formation set in place, then I believe they identified him as a descendant of Lucifer from it and opened up the ruin for him.'

The icing on the cake was when he was told that those who could use the ring.




And Arthur himself.

The one thing that connected all four of them, was their bloodline, they were all descendants of Devil King Lucifer.

However, he still felt that there was more to it. The first time Hades ever saw the ring on Arthur, his expression was that of shock.

As if he recognized what type of ring it was or whose ring it was.

'Dad's lived for hundreds of millennia, he might have seen it on Lucifer once or twice.'

Then, the last problem;

Why couldn't Creusery find the ruin again when he went back?

After thinking about it, he realized it had to do with the entrance.

Varona was a great realm with multiple entrances, it was very large as it contained galaxies within it.

However, when Alexia told him about it, she specified he should go during his realm expedition in his fourth year.

Alexia was well aware of his identity and she knew that he could enter Varona whenever he wanted, yet she specified that time.

During the realm expedition, if he was to enter the Varona realm, he would have to use the Academy's entrance.

That means that the entrance was key to finding the ruin.

'Less than two years left now huh. If the first floor had such an artifact, I wonder what the other floors would have.'

He then cleared such thoughts from his mind and placed his hands on Layla and Nicole's shoulders before speaking.

"It seems we've all gotten more famous."

"Whose idea was it to not conceal our strengths?"

Layla rolled her eyes at Arthur as she spoke, nevertheless she did not push his hand off.

"Well, if people know we are grandmasters, less of them will challenge us."

"There are some… um… crazy people who would though?"

And like Nicole said, a crazy misogynist Marquis' son challenged her not long after.

The duel was in Nicole's favor and she did not embarrass herself in anyway.

As for Arthur, he was looking at something different from the start.

'There's something strange about Nicole. I'm sensing two different energy wavelengths from her.'

Arthur was very sensitive to energy, as such he could tell these kinds of things easily.

He was very familiar with Nicole's energy wavelength, he had also noticed this extra wavelength around her before but it was too faint for him to pick up anything from it.

He concluded it belonged to someone who she might have met earlier or someone who casted some sort of spell on her or something she was wearing.

However now, he could tell it was different.

'It's as if the owner of that energy is right next to her...'

He then decided to try something out, something he became able to do ever since his small success in the law of time.

Pulling out a pair of shades, he put them on and chuckled lightly at the strange look Layla gave him before ignoring him altogether.

He then used the power of the law of time on his eyes, or to be more specific, his left eye.

The shades were there to prevent others from noticing the color change his vertical rectangular (▯), shaped pupils underwent whenever he did this.

The moment he did that, he finally saw it, the owner of the energy wavelength.

It was a small blue woman whose body seemed to be made of water seated atop Nicole's head.

'Spirit, at least High-rank.'

He instantly came to that conclusion.

However, not long after the time he finally noticed it, Nicole used her water depth spell.

After defeating Kian with it, the lump of water that was about to crush Kian to death with its pressure did not seem like something Nicole could deal with fast enough.

'Cannot let her accidentally kill him now, can I?'

He used the power of the law of time subtly and activated a temporal stop on the lump of water.

This naturally did not go un-noticed by the spirit atop Nicole's head, she turned and met eyes with Arthur who just smiled and gestured to Kian.

After she had absorbed all the water and the duel had ended completely, Arthur walked over to grab Layla who was firing a barrage of Questions at Nicole off the latter.



_michaeli here

There is a slight error on the privilege chapter tier names.

For that, I apologize.

It would be rectified next month

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